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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I agree with you completely, but I always wanted to know what a "black leader" is? Jackson and Sharpton are nothing but opportunist that take advantage of poor blacks and hispanic communities just like some on the right convince poor people to vote against their best interest. None of them are any good. If a person is a criminal, nuke his/her behind regardless of color. If a disproportionate amount of the criminals happen to be black nuke their butts. Crime is crime and it has no color.
  2. You lose the element of surprise with open carry and you don't get to see the shock on the perps face before you blast him/her.
  3. No excuses. They needed to be jailed for what they did.
  4. You have to be ready to buy. I have seen them gone in 4 minutes on 1911forum.
  5. I don't think that those actions had anything to do with justifying their past. They were simply being stupid jerk wads and they happened to be black. Were the men who happened to be white guys in Texas attempting to justify their past when they dragged a black man to his death behind their pickup truck? We live in a society where unfortunately race still plays a huge factor with the ignorant, scared and uninformed. I don't believe that Van jones wants to destroy this country any more than Glenn Beck does. I am willing to bet that does idiots that performed this crime could not tell you who Van Jones is. I agree that they may be a lost generation, but they have no intentions of destroying this great country of ours. They are simply living their hopeless lives doing what ignorant hopeless people do. When and if they are apprehended and it can be proven that this was a hate crime the suspects should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
  6. Wow, I remember when breaking a window or a bottle on the street is what us bad guys did. I am not making excuses, but kids are powder kegs these days. With the exception of school activites/chores many kids have no productive outlets so they do stupid crap like this. I use discipline at home and spending crap loads of money on outside activities to keep my kids occupied. Everyone is not able to do that. Even then it simply comes down to the kids decision making skills. This stuff is not new. If we had 24hr new back in our youth similar stories would have been reported on the nighly news in our time. Let's not pretend that some of us older guys never fought, got drunk, experimented with illegal substances, had premarital sex and were at times general *******s. Teens of every generation do dumb sh*t regardless of color! All we adults can do is guide them in the proper way and hope that they don't make stupid life altering decisions.
  7. That's usually the story. A guy will order the holster and sell the gun during the six to eight months that it takes to get the holster.
  8. I know that handmade/expensive holsters don't excite everyone, but I was able to pick up a as new MS VMII for my new sig for only $95 on ebay and a as new MS VMII for the Glock26 on arfcom for $125 shipped. My excitement comes because I did not have to wait for months to get one and secondly because I did not pay retail or the robbers fees ($200+) for one. I own a VMII for the 1911 and they are excellent holsters. If you have a opportunity to pick up one at a discount I highly recommend them.
  9. I agree, but these opinions are not very popular.
  10. We will survive. Those guys in Washington won't do anything to that will hurt THEMSELVES long term.
  11. I think that we have sent people to Washington with good intentions in the past, but when they get in the spotlight and start receiving all of those perks/bribes it all becomes about them and not the country. Just my two cents.
  12. Sorry for your loss. My daughter and I were talking earlier about how some people treat their dogs like animals and then there are people like us that know them as family.
  13. I find it hard to believe that these people would even vote. If you don't care enough to support yourself I don't think that you would care enough to vote.
  14. I guess that I'm one of those crazy people. I would rather have people armed on campus than unprotected.
  15. +1 It's mandatory to own a Tennessee gun around these parts. Welcome to Tennessee!
  16. 20 minutes is a lifetime during a active shooter event
  17. +1 I was glad to see this post. I have to do alot of carpooling for the rugrats so I wear Crocs while I am driving around, but I have a pair of running shoes that I keep in the vehicle because you just never know when you will need them.
  18. Rush told you that you cant' say what it feels like. The heat index is another government conspiracy.
  19. Mods please lock this thread now or let us all enjoy the goodness that will be the best debate since people started calling Obama a muslim.
  20. That's kick azz Capbyrd. I'm also a big Magpul whore.


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