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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. It served its purpose to create internet outrage over nothing. Obama is lame, but at least he had enough sense to go and pay his respects to our brothers.
  2. Make sure that you have no markings on the box that will identify the contents as being a weapon. Their rates to ship by truck are very reasonable.
  3. UPS will ship it directly to a Texas ffl.
  4. My 24 year old has moved and my twins will be 16 soon so I have not had to spank (whip ass) in a long time. I remember administering a butt whipping years ago and the child goes PBS on me and starts talking about reporting me. I told him no problem,but I hope that you enjoy living in a foster home where you will really be loved. Never heard that crap again. I agree with a earlier poster that you need to communicate with the kids also and not just thrash them.
  5. I agree. I'm the bad guy because I don't let my kids run my house and disrespect me. My daughter tells me that ......... mom let's her curse as long as she does not curse her? What? Billy doen't do chores. Why do we have to do chores? So on and so on. It all starts with the parents.
  6. You make a good point. I have one exception. My local dealer always says no when I attempt to obtain a lower price on a weapon, so I've taken to the internet to get my fix.
  7. I hate when these things happen. I can proudly say that would never happen if I were around with my children. My brats are polite to a fault sometimes. What I don't like is when people compliment me on my kids behavior as if it's abnormal. Looks like parenting is becoming a lost art.
  8. The Walther is my first .22 pistol and it is a hoot to shoot. I shot CCI mini mags and CCI .22 tactical rounds thru it with zero issues. I have five magazines for it, but you can blow thru them so fast that I think that I may need five more just to save reload time. Looks like it will be a keeper for long term plinking. I see why you Sig guys are so "Elitist"....just kidding. The E2 performed flawlessly. I shot cheap reloads, Federal, Remington Golden Sabre, DPX and Hornady Critical Defense thru it and it liked it all. I can't say anything that has not already been said. This pistol is a winner. If my Glock19 could express emotions it would be looking a little nervous right now.
  9. That was nice. Drummers have always been way cool.
  10. +1 I have shot and owned the Les Baer TRS and Springfield TRP. There is a noticible difference between the two. They are both very good fighting pistols, but you can tell that a little something extra went in the TRS. They are worth the money to me also, but I carry the Glocks. I willl be putting a few hundred rounds thru my new Sig P229-E2 this week to see if it can bump the G19 as my daily carry.
  11. They are doing some good work at Milt Sparks. The holster for the G26 arrived today and the VMII for the Sig should be here monday or tuesday.
  12. How about it's just your run of the mill street gangs? This does not have to be a conspiracy guys.
  13. Good one. I would have loved to see the look on their faces.
  14. My family calls it the termite syndrome. Good for nothings that destroy everything in sight.
  15. Links2k

    i need a 1911

    It's amazing how well they fit in those dark corners.
  16. Links2k

    i need a 1911

    The only gun purchases my wife knows about are the ones that she gifts to me. As long as I don't gripe about the shoes and purses she doesn't gripe about my guns.
  17. Sounds like a good man and role model. Very sorry for your loss. R.I.P
  18. I am glad that you were not injured. I have been married for over twenty years and I can imagine what you are getting from your wife right now. I am certain that she is grateful that you are safe.
  19. Gotcha. They are experts at preying on the weak minded.
  20. MPD crusier was my first thought when I saw the picture. How have you been doing Chuck?


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