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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. Are you implying that there needs to be more regulation to insure that our food supply is safe or that the the problem is with workers?
  2. Amen! As far as Ron Paul, I think that he would make an excellent president. His problem is that he is not going around attempting to scare people and using hot button issues to play to clueless voters. After Paul no one else appeals to me.
  3. Sorry for your loss. It's beautiful and special that you had that kind of relationship with your mother in law.
  4. You skin that type low life mf'er. I am happy that the child survived. They usually don't.
  5. That's the bottom line regardless how perfect we think that we have been as parents.
  6. That was a Memphis classic. I have not eaten there, but lots of people like to eat at Blues City Cafe on Beale Street.
  7. He won't. I heard him say once that no one would like him if he ran things, because he would do the things that need to be done and none of it would be popular with anyone. My kind of guy.
  8. Beale Street will be fun. The cops keep everyone in line and the people will be super friendly.
  9. Germantown Commissary, BBQ Shop and Cozy Corner for me, but none of them make ribs as good as my wifes aunt Bonnie. I wish that I could offer you a plate of her cooking. A&R for sandwiches. Corky is too generic for me, but millions of others love them. Enjoy your brief visit. Try the Cornish hen at Cozy Corner.
  10. I know the area. That's true in some cases. It's like someone mentioned earlier, it's because the govt decided that it would be a good idea to tear down the projects and place section 8 families in established neighborhoods. You can tell who is buying their home by the way the property looks.
  11. My mother retired to Clearwater, Florida. That area seems to be good to go.
  12. +1 I agree with you on the school situation. Memphis has a few exceptional schools, but the administration is taking the system down hill fast. My wife and I have always chosen private schools for our kids (currently MUS and Briarcrest), because we did not want our kids involved in the red tape/politics that is killing the school system. Fayette County, Eads or Arlington is in my future also. My move is not based on the perceived danger of living in Memphis, but the opportunity to get back to a slower pace and my roots. As a boy I lived near US70 and Germantown Rd (I hate the Wolfchase Mall because it destroyed every memory that I had of that area). Things were quiet and slow and as I mature I desire to return to that type environment.
  13. +1 No descent person goes to Frayser, North or South Memphis for anything but work. They eat their own in those areas. Other than that Memphis is as safe as ANY other city.
  14. That P22 is more accurate than I was lead to believe, and no issues to report to date.
  15. It gets old confronting people about crapping on my city. You can't convince a ignorant people that he or she is ignorant. Obama is doing his part to hurt the country, but so are old stale attitudes.
  16. The preachers daughters were always the freaks when I was in school.
  17. +1 Tell the truth and shame the devil.
  18. +1 That's what I was thinking. I have raised two girls and I believe that the guy lost it because he probably bust his ass raising her and then she did this. You guys have to remember that you can raise them right, but you can't make their decisions for them.
  19. MSNBC needs to stop that experiment right now.


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