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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. Hopefully I will have the discipline not to purchase anything around the time of the elections. I got beat up by the retailers during that time. I am so bitter that I still won't buy anything from CTD.
  2. In response to an earlier poster. I have had the opposite experience with the g36 and g30. I found that the recoil was more harsh on the 36. I think that the g30 shoots as smooth as the g19.
  3. I would go with the Troy sights over the Sparc. I have both and the Troy sights as you stated are rock solid. For me the Sparc has been disappointing because I also use Aimpoint and Eotech. I know that the Sparc should not be compared to the premium sights, but I can't stand that spongy on/off button. The Sparc tends to be a solid little red dot, but I don't like having to hold my mouth just right to turn a sight on. I used mine until the original battery died them I took it off of my rifle and put it in a drawer. I have not known any other owners to have any complaints with them.
  4. I saw a Saiga12 priced for $750 today. Couldn't you get these for like $450 a couple of months ago? Have they stopped importing the Saigas or something? Secondly, who owns a Saiga and how reliable are they. Thanks for your time, Links2k
  5. Won't be much to worry about except a car break in at U of M. Before my daughter graduated a couple of years ago the only major event over there was the Bradford robbery/murder and as almost always in Memphis the suspects knew their victim. If your daughter does not hang around with trash she should be fine.
  6. I'm with you on that. I have never had any issues, but I don't want to be unarmed if I do.
  7. Good point. I think that in almost any city in Tennessee some of the bad guys will not be walking back out of the door. I imagine some of our local geniuses may try a flash mob soon, but the sight of seeing one of their buddies brains on the floor will discourage them from doing it again.
  8. Much better and more intelligent than "monkey see, monkey do".
  9. I don't think that she was attempting to be smart. I think that it was an attempt to show that she is in touch with the common folk.
  10. Refreshing! We still need to open a lot of eyes.
  11. Sounds like a guy that has been married as long as I have.
  12. What he said. She is not sexy when you see the close up.
  13. That's the . Imagine what that would do to a flash mob.
  14. I am certain that the anti-gun people are disappointed with them whatever they are.
  15. " non-interventionist " Imagine how many tax dollars this policy would save
  16. For some reason that freaks me out.
  17. That's how I worked it with my wife. It's our money!
  18. Always! You can bet that she has one. Also, don't complain about the designer purses and other crap that she purchases ten at a time because they were on sale. Lastly, my wife could care less about guns so now I let her see me purchasing guns and gun related items on the internet and she instantly loses interest. conversation: wife- what's that? me- gun stuff wife- oh....walks away
  19. +1 Ron Paul is the man for the job, but he won't be given a chance. His fault is that is not telling boogeyman stories and he has a plan.
  20. That was very good advice. I added it to my favorites.
  21. That was great. I feel that way almost everyday. Sadly, most people don't want to hear that. All some people want to talk about are gays, birth certificates and socialist. The power is in the hands of the people, yet we freely give it away to our so called "representatives".
  22. Talking about religion and gays always gets the conservative vote out. You don't need to have a real platform when you are just playing on peoples emotions.


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