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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I am not the op, but I am trully surprised by the answers in this poll so far. However, I am very pleased to see that a lot of people realize that they both suck.
  2. Wow, sounds like you are being responsible. Go figure.
  3. Or the shoe store, window treatments or whatever it takes to keep momma happy. I think that most guys on here have enough sense to not have lots of consumer debt or at the very least to pay their bills before buying guns.
  4. Independent. Those two choices suck!
  5. Gonna miss you. Good luck on your move and search for employment.
  6. Links2k

    ISSC M22

    I got lucky. I only tried CCI mini-mags and .22 Tactical. My P22 has had zero issues with CCI.
  7. You are correct. I am in the process of obtaining a rail so that I can mount an Aimpoint on it. It is a very cool gun. I had reservations about buying the HK because people said how crappy the Umarex Colt M4 is and I did not want to get stuck with a crap .22 in my safe. ***Note to Umarex Colt M4 owners. I am not dumping on your rifle. I hope that your rifle is trouble free and that you love it. I am just repeating observations from rimfire forums.***
  8. If the uncle is illegal he should be departed.
  9. I grabbed the SD version after reading a few good things about it. I put an entire box of CCI Tactical (375) rounds thru her today with zero issues. Comparing the HK to the GSG5 I found the HK to be just as accurate as the GSG5 if not better, but where the HK leaves the GSG5 in the dust is that the HK is made of steel (has some weight to it), has steel HK sights, retractable stock, navy grip and only uses two push pins to take apart. I am going to need more mags. I only have three and it takes away from the fun having to reload the mags.
  10. Haven't you learned that almost no one cares about making sense when it comes to Obama, Palin or even Ron Paul. You gotta go after them every chance that you get. I'm certain that if you could look into it lots of members here have drunken uncle stories to tell. It would be nice to just hold the one term Presidents feet to the fire for being a terrible leader and failed President while at the same time we try to ensure that we elect a real leader to get our country out of this mess.
  11. Yeah, it's always worth watching.
  12. No one wants to destroy this country. The crooks in Washington only want to make money.
  13. Wow! I would like to see that work of art on the big screen. It's amazing the kind of b.s. that can be sold to liberals and conservatives. I guess after you get too old to believe in the boogeyman you start to create your own.
  14. Those fockers need to be beaten, raped,pissed on and then set on fire. My buddies brother is the judge and he has been pretty good about nuking scum over the years.
  15. I don't care to have long drawn out debates about something that I don't believe. I support the NRA and other causes because I believe that they are necessary. Someone may eventually come for our guns, but it won't be this President.It's very convenient that this comes up now leading up to the elections. Next thing you know gun and ammo prices will be shooting thru the roof again. This is not a defense of Obama, but a criticism of how stuff like this and gay rights become hot button issues prior to elections. If we don't get a handle on the economy and start creating more jobs soon no one will be able to buy a gun.
  16. It's just more scare tactics and the noise will get louder the closer we get to the elections. The lobbyist and career politicians will never allow it. Someone has been screaming that they are coming for our guns since the founding of this country.
  17. If what you say is true he had better get busy, because his behind is gone in 16 months.
  18. This! I knew that people would jump on this like flys on shyt. Our lame President has done nothing to show that he intends to attack our gun rights. But we can't let a good scare tactic go to waste can we?
  19. I only go to places like Gus's or Five Guys as soon as they open or after the lunch rush. Nobody sells anything that I want to eat that I will stand in a long line for it.
  20. The M&P 15-22 looks better and performs flawlessly. If you know someone that owns one ask them to let you run a few mags thru it.


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