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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. Well, at least we agree on that.
  2. It's not about disrespecting anything American. Everyone does not sit around clinging to the past and being nostalgic while ignoring the present and future. This thread started because Obama put his feet on a piece of wood. The same people whining about that would turn a blind eye to a suffering human being. Maybe if we dismantle the desk and put a splinter of it in the backs of our seniors and veterans they would get the deference and respect that they deserve. Those are real issues! Until then, f*ck that desk!
  3. While sipping whiskey and smoking a cuban cigar
  4. I can't tell you anything good that Obama has done for this country. I think that he has really been indifferent toward the needs of this country, but I think that it is crazy to think that the guy is out to destroy this country. He is not Dr. EEEEEEEEE vil! He is just a politician trying not to piss off the wrong people so that he can secure his financial future.
  5. Neither Obama, the liberals or the republicans are reliable. It's all a power grab and the American people are the pawns. Obama sucks, Bush sucked and the options that we have for the future suck. Don't be fooled into thinking that our current situation is an Obama only issue. In this big shell game that is America the people had better wake up and realize that they don't matter in the big picture. You are being controlled with religion and patriotism, neither of which are bad things, but they are methods of control. There is no way that I would let some azz hat on t.v. or the radio tell me that it's either Obamas or the republican congress' fault for the current condition of the country. THEY ARE ALL TO BLAME, but only to a lesser degree than the ignorant American people who have elected these jack wads over the last twenty years. So, yes it is stupid for Obama to blame Bush for everything, but it is also stupid to blame Obama for everything. THEY ARE THE SAME! How about that for a saturday night rant?:D:)
  6. I think that was the purpose of the original post, but it got lost in translation. Obama knows that his time is drawing near, so if you have been offended so far he is going to make your head explode with the Air Force One trips, dinners and other excursions that he is going to take in the next 15 months. The clock is about to strike midnight and he is going to create some memories.
  7. You guys are so funny. Some of you have some deep seeded issues. It's like people with no athletic ability hating Micheal Jordan. If Obama were perfect which we all know that he is not, some of you would have issues with his perfection. I think that it's the fact that the Muslim Kenyan has achieved a level of education and success that many of us will never obtain and it just rips the guts out of you. I think that is very amusing. Obama is clueless and weak, but that picture is not offensive. Find a way to relax for 15 months then Rick Perry will find a way to disappoint us. Remember, there is always another self-serving politician waiting in the wings. Sincerely, Chief Desk Hater
  8. That festival always satisfied the hippy in me. I used to live in mid-town 20 years ago. I enjoyed the area. I lived in a rental in front of the fair grounds and used to make a killing in parking fees during the fair until my Iranian landlord decided that he wanted a piece of the pie. Should be a fun weekend.
  9. And every other administation
  10. Just another case of someone trying to make some news. There are real adult issues that need to be addressed.
  11. That's what I was thinking. He's been watching too much tv.
  12. Wouldn't it be great if we could get people to behave like your 1911?
  13. I agree. Same response, but I never answer the door unless it's a family member that I know is coming over or a serviceman that has an appointment. If you are at my doorstep bleeding I will be armed, watching you and calling the cops. You will not enter my home.
  14. I have the stubby and the AFG. I like both alot. However the afg seems to make aiming easier for me because the thumb is pointing forward like when I'm gripping a semi-auto pistol. I hope that makes sense.
  15. That would not have worked long term for the politicians.
  16. I was in my front yard preparing to cut my grass. I put on my headphones to listen to a little talk radio and heard the on air personality say that a plane had crashed into the WTC. I went back inside turned on the tele in time to see the second plane hit the second tower. My twins were six at the time I remember thinking that they were going to grow up in a different world that I did.
  17. My concern is how many Hispanic men got dogged out over last few days while MPD was looking for a cop shooter.
  18. I thought that I recalled Khadaffi being brought into the fold a few years back and all was forgiven. If that is correct, he got screwed royally by his "friends".
  19. I am sorry to hear that people lost their lives, but I did not like the comment that "things like that don't happen here". I think that mentallity sets people up for failure. You have to believe that crazy crap can happen anywhere. God bless the victims and their families.
  20. I agree with you about the control. The people that do these things wrap it up in the flag to make it easier for people to swallow. You can't be against their plans or you will be called unpatriotic.
  21. I'm not surprised. Gold, oil or other minerals. There had to be something in it for the allies. You didn't think that these countries just wanted to help did you? Everywhere in the world where the allies are playing supercop there is something to be gained by international corporations or a desire to stop someone from gaining something. Being humanitarians has nothing to do with it. Having troops stationed all over the globe has very little to do with actual national security. It's about protecting special interest. If it were about the people Joplin, Mo and New Orleans would not still be devastated and ignorant congressmen would not have attempted to play games with the relief efforts during the recent hurricane. ***That's my soapbox. My opinion means nothing to anyone but me.***


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