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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. No sir. I was one of the suckers that saw it in theaters.
  2. District 9 is the worst movie ever. I felt like I was being punked when I went to see it.
  3. I almost wanted to curse because I agree with you so much. We need to get our house in order first.
  4. I would love a NHC one day, but my funds always seem to go toward any Les Baer that crosses my path when I have the funds.
  5. I owned one (red) for about two years. It was solid and reliable. I used it very little, but it was a very good conversation piece at the range. I would recommend one if you plan to use it on a regular basis. It's too expensive to just be sitting in the safe. I traded mine for a Aimpoint and mount that I use on my M&P 15-22.
  6. For me it's having a happy family,almost no debt, few enemies and the potential to retire in a few years.
  7. I think that I remember you mentioning that accident.
  8. On my G19, G26 and G30SF I have installed a 3.5lb connector, titanium safety plunger, extended slide stop, tungsten guide rod with factory spring weight and titanium strikers for the 19 and 30SF. What have you done to improve a already "Perfect" pistol?
  9. Links2k

    Tap, tap, tap

    Rising like a Phoenix. Welcome back!
  10. I think that you have it figured out.
  11. Welcome to the club. The only issue that I have with mine is that I only have three mags. Enjoy!
  12. He is just a small part of the problem.
  13. Most of the crime in Memphis is black on black drug/gang fueled crime. As I have stated before if this is not your lifestyle the odds of you being a victim in Memphis are very low. Criminals will take advantage of opportunities when you let your guard down, but the odds are that their crimes will be committed against one of their own. I know, someones car has been broken into or someone you know got robbed. I still maintain that if that happened they were victims of a criminals opportunity at that moment. If the law would nuke these bastards when they start their lives of crime in elementary school we would not have so many repeat offenders.
  14. Don't trust either side. They are always up to something fishy. Just because one group makes your butthole hurt a little less does not make them good guys.
  15. Yep. That's another favorite of mine. HK MP5 22. Easy shooting and reliable.
  16. They are special. I like mine alot. Enjoy!
  17. I can't recommend the 15-22 highly enough. Great gun! I want my weapons to function properly, but I also want them to look good. The M&P is the complete package. This comes from a guy who thinks that Glocks are things of beauty, so take my recommendation with a grain of salt.
  18. I hate to hear that about your buddies SPX. I have heard a lot of negative about them, but I have had no issues with mine. I recently attended a class and the instructor was so sure that my 930SPX was a piece of junk that he offered to let me use a 870 even before the class started. I declined and I had a very good outing with my own shotgun.
  19. You are right. The refs will flag you if you look at Brady or Manning too long.


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