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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. My wife is in Miami on business. I hope that she is no where near this clown.
  2. Very good points, but he left out the part where corporations should be grateful that people spend their hard earned money on their products. After all if there is no market those products are worthless. The door swings both ways.
  3. I read that there were a couple of janitors that saw the coach performing oral sex on a boy and they only reported it to their supervisor and not the cops because they were afraid that they might lose their jobs.
  4. He makes the the guys at G & A seem like candy arses. This is worst than a Rick Perry debate. There is no way that I would want a forum full of potential customers viewing by business in this manner unless the business is a nonprofit hobby.
  5. I've had a X-300 bedside for a few years and a Streamlight on my 930SPX. Both are very good, but if I were to purchase another weapons light it would be the X-300.
  6. I'd force myself to buy it from him for $350.
  7. I prefer the Glock trigger over the M&P trigger. I have yet to try the XD. I am trying to stay away from new pistols at the moment.
  8. Obama was not elected because he was black. Obama was elected because Bush/Cheney was a monumental clusterf*ck and the GOP was offering McCain/Palin. Hell me and any crackhead could have been elected after Bush. As for Ford, she has nothing to offer. The people that will vote for her have zero hope or expectations.
  9. If I am not mistaken a guy named Ford almost won a local election based on his name and he was not related to the dynasty.
  10. I agree with you. Mr Harris is a outstanding candidate, but you guys underestimate the ignorance of the voters. Ford is selling help/handouts and the majority of people in that district are looking for a handout. I would be shocked if "The Face" does not win.
  11. 13. No, I won't be passing thru Nashville in the near future.
  12. I'm not. If you like the forum as much as I do you will get used to it or ignore it. Hard to change stupid.
  13. In the words of Jesse Jackson "Keep hope alive"!
  14. Hi, a female friend of the family has a bare bones 2006 Ford F150 STX with just over 14k miles on it. It also has am/fm cd, cloth interior and auto transmission. The truck does not have power windows or doors. She purchased it new and has only used it to transport items from Home Depot, craft shows and Best buy so that she would not have to place large/dirty items into her car. If at all possible could someone give me a KBB value for this truck. I may want to buy it for my son. Thanks in advance, Links2k
  15. Links2k

    S&W M&P

    The M&P is a good looking pistol made great after you do the Apex parts.
  16. I am a former owner of the Glock36. It was a very good little gun, but I like the Glock30 better. The 36 was very accurate and easily concealed, but I did not like the recoil. I have owned a G30 and loved it, but as stated by a previous poster the G30SF is the hands down winner. I don't notice the recoil at all when shooting the 30SF. Try the G36. It's a Glock, so you know that it will function. Rent one, shoot it and decide if it's the way to go. Good luck
  17. I am glad that he said it. Maybe we will get the hell out of there now.
  18. You can get the TRS (my favorite) for around $1800 new and as little as $1300 used on Arfcom. They took the TR logo off and they are calling it something else now.
  19. That part of the world will always be bad regardless of our actions.
  20. That's the same version that I heard.


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