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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I really like Ron Paul. I wish that he did not have so much baggage from his past. He has some very good ideas.
  2. Wow! I don't know what to say.
  3. Why can't more people see this? It's the people vs the corrupt government (republicans and democrats).
  4. Wow, thats a broad brush that you are using there. Sort of like the ignorant thinking that ALL whites are racist. My point is that there are no white, black, hispanic or asian leaders unless you are saying that every preacher of any color becomes a representative of that race when they get on tv giving their opinion.
  5. Who are the black and hispanic leaders? Matter of fact, who are the white and Asian leaders? None of them seem to have been doing a very good job the last twenty years. We need a refund because we are not getting a good return on our investment.
  6. +1 I believe that the Hispanic and black leaders are the same nonexistent people. Another thing. Why don't the Asian leaders ever get blamed for anyhing? They must be really sneaky and corrupt. They never get caught or blamed for anything.
  7. Now remember that I'm a ignorant witch with no manners or respect for the office of the President of the United States. I always behave in this manner. Enjoy your stay.
  8. Is there another sitting U.S. President available to take credit for authorizing the mission?
  9. Range USA offers classes. Check their schedule. Rangeusa.com
  10. Links2k


    It was a funny skit. I have to remember which religions are hands off. Discard everything except Christianity and the jury is still out on Mormonism. Are we still trying to decide how we feel about Gods wife the heavenly mother and the magic drawers? Let me know so that I can stay in line.
  11. Top Brass is fine when they turn on the exhaust and the young guy that works there remembers that he is talking to adults paying to use his range. It was rarely crowded when I used to visit. It felt like having a private range for my own use. Give them a try. I prefer Range USA because they know that people worK hard for their money and they treat you like they respect you for spending your money and time with them.
  12. +1 If you apply logic to these issues you can't point your finger at people that you don't like and blame them for every social ill in the country.
  13. Why would blacks vote for Romney when his religion degrades blacks and only allowed blacks to serve in a position of leadership beginning in the 70s. If I'm not mistaken most people who desire to receive welfare were already on it before the lame king took office. BHO and the Dems take advantage of minorities and the poor just like the GOP takes advantage of poor and uneducated whites. They could switch constituents and the game would be the same. Some of you had better stop thinking that you matter to any of them.
  14. I have two shotguns that few people like (Mossberg 930 SPX and Remington 887 Tactical). Always buy what you like and can shoot effectively. Your life may depend on it.
  15. He was brilliant. Straight talk with no chaser. He called it like he saw it.
  16. I was wondering if anyone was going to mention this. Everyone thinks that the Postal Service is an government entity and starts piling on. As long as the P.O. has to prefund those accounts it will be screwed. The future does not look good, because there is no way in hell that the government is giving that money back out of the general fund.
  17. Critical Defense in every gun I carry
  18. Links2k


    Same setup for me. I also carry the G30 iwb with a Milt Sparks VMII. No issues. I rotate the G30 and the 19 since they are the same size.
  19. Wilson or Les Baer. Hell, all of them including in the KIMBER are gr8 guns.
  20. Cain is a :poop:box mf'er. I am glad that his self righteous behind got caught. He had nothing to offer. Americans, we must demand more from our leaders.


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