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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. That's what I was thinking. The Monkees and HR Puff nstuff were good kid shows.
  2. Links2k

    Act of Valor

    Whats interesting about that? Just confused and curious.
  3. Links2k

    Act of Valor

    Awsome movie. Only one guy walked out while the names of the dead were being shown. I was more disgusted by the people sharing my row who left their popcorn and soda containers in the seats after the movie. I will rate it slightly behind BHD and just in front of Heat.
  4. I'll join this band wagon. The guys at Classic Arms always treat you with great service.
  5. You aint seen the last of Ernest T. Bass. One of my all time favorite t.v. characters. Looks like there is going to be a deadly confrontation involving this guy in the near future.
  6. Just one song for me. I would loop "Break Stuff" by Limp Bizkit. Game over!
  7. Don't leave out Newt, Ron Paul and Rush. They are just as bad as Jesse and Sharpton. The good news is that Jesse has been relegated to the back pages soon to be followed by Sharpton and the other racist of all colors. Peoples wallets are starting to hurt too much to continue falling prey to this type of thinking. A few more years of being broke will make more people ignore the hot botton issues and concentrate on what is really important.
  8. You have seen the light. It is unfortunate that this tactic still works so well in the 21th century.
  9. I agree with you on the tax refunds. I have to write a additional check every year to cover taxes and then I have relatives that don't do crap and they reap a windfall at the beginning of every year. This irritates the crap out of me.
  10. Dolomite I am not questioning your statement, but your statement blows my mind because of the hard work that I know it takes to raise successful children. Given the amount of work that it takes to properly nurture children I can't imagine someone having a baby just to get a couple of hundred bucks per month. Your statement did open my eyes a bit and answer some simple questions for me. Have a child, get the check, dump the baby on the society and when you want a pay raise just go have another baby. Devastating!
  11. Well said. My family and I are trully blessed, but I have been down and out before and I know that it can happen again. I don't know the poster and it is not an indictment, but it seems to be the nature of the beast these days to kick someone when they are facing hard times. Everyone facing difficulties is not a system cheating bum. Bad things happen to good people no matter how hard they work.
  12. Well said. It's easier to judge.
  13. Grrrrr8 people at Range USA. They always treat you right.
  14. I own several MS VMIIs. I can't say enough about the comfort and quality. I don' t have any Crossbreed holsters, but I know that a lot of people here swear by them and have lots of good things about them. I imagine that it will come down to preference since money is not a factor. Good luck and enjoy.
  15. I like that. They keep finding ways to get into my safe.
  16. Democrats and republicans are both destroying our country. Once Obama loses in november we will start making excuses for the new president in january. I agree with you that there are a lot of hard working people in this country and they are getting gorilla f*cked by both parties.
  17. You got that right. None of them will look out for the best interest of this country.
  18. It does not matter. In one year we will have another president and everything will be just great like it was three years ago. Looking forward to the return to utopia.
  19. It doesn't matter that she is a Repubican. She sucks because she is a politician. I would not like the photo if she were wagging her finger at you. It's disrespectful to do that to anyone.
  20. My three zombies would be 1. Ann Coulter 2.John Calipari's agent (I hate Kentucky Basketball) 3.The producer of the movie District 9.
  21. There was nothing wrong with the letter or her request, but I don't think that anyone on this forum would want anyone wagging a finger in there face for any reason. Even someone who "talks with their hands". Obama deserves all of the criticism that he receives. He has been a typical lying politician, but the finger wags should have gotten Brewer a beat down by the secret service.
  22. It's funny how most people who support wars never want to put any skin in the game, but seem to be the loudest when it comes to beating the drums of war. They will be quick to tell you that they know someone who served and that they thanked them several times.


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