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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. Like my wife likes to say, that was a bought learning. I’m really amazed at the stupidity. It’s mind blowing.
  2. I don’t limit my support of issues/people to their stance on the 2A.
  3. Good people over there. They’re my go to shop. I quit Guns and Ammo years ago. I’m certain I was about to be robbed outside of their shop until I took counter measures.
  4. As long as criminals can get guns, I WANT GUNS! Therefore, I will ALWAYS be pro gun ownership. I don’t think I’ve ever made any statements to the contrary.
  5. I don’t think there will be a major civil uprising, especially over this issue. This is just another case of people being exposed for who they are. As usual, I’m enjoying it. Change can be painful sometimes. As a pundit put it yesterday “Tennessee is giving a more abject lesson in Critical Race Theory than any AP History course possibly could .”
  6. Those young men won in the end. Now they have a national spotlight and the Tennessee house looks like a bunch of racist. When are people going to realize these millennials are built different ?Humongous win! Also no one in the house disputed their claims that they weren’t allowed to speak in chamber and routinely had the microphone turned off on them. Keep watching, this isn’t the win you think it is. Some of the large corporations in Tennessee will have the house on its knees before the year is over. The action yesterday was not well thought out at all. Especially since the GOP already had a supermajority. Censure would have been the thinking man’s move, but they had to use the stick.
  7. If I recall correctly, it was a nickel for the small bottles and a dime for the large bottles.
  8. Fox will make its’ primetime host available to testify in the trial starting on April 17th. The judge will compel Rupert Murdoch and son to testify in person. Murdoch had stated that testifying in person would create an undue burden. The judge stated there would be no undue burden, because it is public knowledge Murdoch was already planning to travel extensively due to his recent engagement and planned wedding, therefore Murdoch could be compelled take an afternoon to testify in person. Insiders concerned Rupert may blow up on the stand. He has already said it (allowing Dominion defamation) was all about the money. Expert states it doesn’t matter about Fox News going to trial, because Fox News has suppressed this information, and many Fox viewers have not heard about the allegations. The expert don’t expect the trial to impact Fox News viewership or bottom line.
  9. So you post this instead of participating or ignoring? I guess the people sharing their reasonable responses are also trolling? I’ll assume your vote is MOST DEFINITELY!
  10. I guess I could have sourced any right wing trash bag for those talking points. It’s all day every day. No solutions, just grievances. I’m done. We just see things differently. Enjoy your day!
  11. I watch Fox News so I’ll know which catch phrases will be regurgitated on TGO. . You hit three. Hilarious!
  12. They’ll old, and they’ve said they don’t care. Kid Rock has followed the pattern of getting old and bitter. Not surprised.
  13. This isn’t about a “story”. This is real life, and it’s happening whether people want to believe it or not. A grand jury in Delaware has listened to evidence for months and a judge recently determined this issue should go to trial. Fox News may not lose this case, but if what I’ve seen of the text messages of Fox’s main on air personalities concerning their viewers, guest, ratings and revenue, the curtain will be pulled back on the wizard. What they feared most (loss of revenue and viewers to Newsmax) may still occur.
  14. I wasn’t referring to the orange cult god. This thread is about Fox News personalities intentionally lying to their viewers while defaming Dominion Voting Systems and will now be going to trial. I really wish I could talk about the twice impeached, two election losing, now indicted Also, I think the DA in that other little thing is anti-criminal.
  15. Maybe to some degree, but the benefit of doubt is given when a grand jury determines defamation or a crime may have been committed.
  16. True, but the issue currently going to trial is about a network and its stars knowing and willingly lying while defaming a company.
  17. Ain’t American freedom great? Seems like self inflicted punishment, but enjoy.
  18. Wise man! Fox just got caught. If dirt becomes available on other networks intentionally misleading their viewers and causing harm in the public interest, hopefully they’ll also be held accountable.
  19. Yep! We’d miss out on a lot of good music and movies if we had to consider an artist political or social leanings before we indulged.
  20. More like politicians spending too much time on social issues instead of actually performing their duties. It seems that politicians prefer to promote outrage as opposed to tending to the needs of their constituents.


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