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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I saw that on the news earllier today. It was just a matter of time before he flipped out on someone.
  2. You sure can. Read the manual. My wife would freak everytime that she would drive my sons suv and the doors unlocked when she put it in park.
  3. Good point. I know that here in Memphis none of our crime is commited by bad people. They were all good boys according to momma, but this shooting does not sound like that's the case. I hope that I am wrong. This will be tragic for everyone.
  4. I heard that same tape this morning. Sounds ugly for the shooter.
  5. I agree, but we would have been able to meet him the the appropriate amount of force necessary to still be breathing today.
  6. So, we must assume the shooter committed no crime while also assuming that the teen did do something out of order simply because he is dead. Neighbors claim to have heard the boy screaming for help. On one 911 call while the neighbor is talking you can hear the boy screaming for help in the background before you hear the shot. As for race. It is not important the kids or the shooters color. I am certain that losing a child rips the heart right out of a parents chest regardless their color. My only issue with this mess is that the shooter never said that the kid was doing anything wrong. The shooter never mentioned that the kid approached him or anyones private property. I would hope that any young man would disengage as much as possible if he is being approached by a weirdo. I would also want that young man to defend himself if he were cornered by that same weirdo. Unfortunately it sounds like a parent would lose a son because some d*ck with a gun decides that he wants to be judge, jury and executioner. Hopefully when we get the facts the shooter turns out to be a neighborhood hero that prevented a home invasion or mass killing.
  7. Lucky and blessed. It's tough being a black teen eating skittles, wearing a hoodie and minding your business.
  8. I don't know about the shooters guilt or innocence, but that audio sure makes it sound like he was looking for trouble.
  9. Thank you. The jack wad was told not to follow the kid. All the dispatcher wanted was a description and direction. The shooter starts going on about how the kids kind always gets away with stuff. He never said that the kid did anything. Listen to the audio. The guy is
  10. I was pulling for the Titans. Now, I don't care.
  11. Links2k

    Got my new shotty

    I am glad to hear that you like it. I purchased one several months ago and put a Vortex Sparc on it. Sadly, I have yet to shoot it. Enjoy!
  12. You are right about Chance and the LMT. He made acquaintance with one of my buyers the other day and obtained some info on LMT and he was excited as a kid on christmas day. Regardless the gentleman is entitled to his opinion. Even if Classic is not his type of shop I would advise him to at least get to know a good group of guys that run the place.
  13. Wow, I like both shops. I was at Classic Arms this morning and there is nothing about Chance and the crew that says Fudd. They run a good shop with a large variety of firearms and accessories. Not only that, someone will help you as soon as you walk into the store. I have only made one purchase at Arms-Fair. They were fair and friendly and when I purchase my first suppressor it will be from them. As for G&A. I have purchased a bunch of weapons there and they almost always have what you want. In the past I would have crapped on them, but they have actually been friendly when I went to make my last last few purchases
  14. Nice job. I may look into that Kahr for pocket carry. I did not know that it was that thin.
  15. I had never heard that one. Very funny.
  16. That's the only way that I know how to pump gas. Back against the car and head on a swivel.
  17. Way to be aware of your surroundings. Read my old thread about "Bat senses kicked in today". I don't know if they were the same guys that robbed a customer a few days later, but it sure seemed like the same MO. Stay safe
  18. You are going to ruin this post by stating facts here. Some people believe that the lame king was elected only by that segment of the population.


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