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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. Obama is not a good leader, but I think that it would be counter productive for a thieving polititian to destroy the country. He has years of speaking and lobbying fees to look forward to. He can't make that money if he destroys the country.
  2. In our society sueing is the natural progression of things.
  3. Sharpton and Jackson have no power. They find out where there will be cameras. They show up and take credit for organizing. They get their power/money from the media not the people. That's why MSNBC gave Sharpton a job and you never hear from Jackson until someone makes up a crisis. They have no support.
  4. I had the same thing happen to me. Neither side wanted me because I was a gun owner with a prior law enforcement/corrections background. I guess that it did not matter that it was twenty years ago. I really wanted to be on that jury to hear the facts because the suspect seemed like a real bad boy. Seems like the judge dismissed everyone who stated that they owned guns.
  5. None of it passes the smell test and we are all chosing sides based on our own emotions and experiences.
  6. That was the family attorneys reason for notifying the media. According to the family had the cops notified them in a timely manner and given the appearance that they were going to investigate Zimmerman they would not have called the news and we would all be doing our normal Obama bashing.
  7. The cops had his phone. The parents were calling the phone. I am almost certain that any service provider would have cooperated with law enforcement in a murder investigation to unlock the phone and notify family members.
  8. According to the "doctored" 911 tapes Zimmerman placed himself in the kids space. Had Zimmerman stayed in the Fifemobile this may not had happened.
  9. That's the best reason to make sounds decisions when carrying. I wake up in cold sweats thinking about getting real "justice" in our system. I have always been prepared to take a azz whipping before killing someone. I'm in my mid fortys now, but as I age there will be a time when I won't take that beating before I shoot. After Zimmerman initiated the confrontation. He should have taken his butt kicking from that 120lb boy and gone back on "patrol".
  10. People are pissed because the boy was in the morgue for three days without his parents being notified and the appearance that Zimmerman and local law enforcement are friends. C'mon we are Tennesseeans and you all know how friendly our community is with law enforcement. Most people that carry are law enforcement, shoot with law enforcement or know someone who is and you build a relationship over time. So, in a small place like that town Zimmerman could have told his buddies anything that he wanted. I have no problem with being wrong about this. I am simply being a armchair qb just like everyone else stating their opinion.
  11. I will sit tight this time around. My primary shooting will be with my .22 based weapons until things cool down.
  12. That's right, but the manufacturers don't want you to believe that. Neither do places like CTD. I still have a scab on my butt from what I allowed them to do to me in '08.
  13. I agree. Just like people don't like to look back at Bush don't look back to 1998 or 2008 to attempt to get people on the crazy train. Obama is a terrible president, but he hasn't done anything to show that he is after my weapons stash. After I renewed my NRA membership in january I have received more calls from them attempting to freak me out and make more donations to stop gun seizures. I spent a small mint on guns and ammo in '08. I won't be sucked into doing again this year. I'll wait and buy from others who buy/pay too much this time around.
  14. The tall skinny kid could have been a ass just like most other teens. I simply want to know if he was violating any laws before Zimmerman pursued him. Who was actually yelling for help (depending on who you listen to it could have been either of them) and who would not fight some weido chasing you around the neighborhood? This kid was on a five day suspension, but it was for being tardy according to his english teacher. It was not for being a trouble maker. Is this the kid or some random picture being passed out by Zimmerman supporters? I agree with what 6.8 keeps saying. This will get worse before it gets better.
  15. If Dr. King were alive today he would have to amend his statement to say "Judge man by the content of his character, not by the color of his skin, speech or dress". As far as Jackson and Sharpton, they should shut up unless they are going to hold a rally everytime a black kid kills another black kid.
  16. Well said sir. Blaming the hoodie is the same as saying that you raped a woman because she was dressed sexy. The racist on here need to understand that it's ok to not like minorities, but don't hide behind the shield of not liking them because of the way that they may speak or dress. If you are of that ilk you wouldn't like them if they all wore Brooks Bros. suits and spoke perfect english.
  17. You have some nice little friends. Sweet!
  18. I've said what I have to say. I will wait on the nations savior to be elected in november.
  19. But it's so much more fun to pretend that Washington only became a cesspool in the last four years.
  20. If the kid was not doing anything at the time that Zimmerman decided that he did not want him in his AO it does not matter what he may or may not have done in his past. At the time he was walking back to a residence and eating candy. Maybe he threw his candy wrapper on the ground and that set Zimmerman off. Based upon the 911 calls that the shooter made in the past it was only a matter of time before this happened. He was hunting.
  21. News 3 is reporting that a Joiner,AR man pulled a gun on April Thompson while she was attempting to report on the suspicious death of a elderly man. I just saw the video. He pulls the gun from his truck and walks toward the reporter and cameraman in a threatening manner. The sheriff has the video and the suspect is on the run.


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