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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. Why didn't Zimmerman just mind his business? Martin did not have to answer any questions from Zimmerman.
  2. Hey Eric. If I'm fighting empty handed and my opponent introduces a firearm into the fight I plan to attempt to take it. Just saying. I forgot to add that I survived the track meet with all of those hoodies all over the place.
  3. They are claiming that something on the tape sounds like Zimmerman is saying f'n coons. I never heard that, but I'm certain that the authorities won't leave any stones unturned. Too many emotions on both sides of this mess.
  4. On my way to the MUS track meet. There are going to be lots of young people wondering around in hoodies. Wish me luck.
  5. I agree, but it is going to be one hell of a uphill fight. The kids won't get any better until the mommas and daddy's (?).
  6. It was just a question. You guys are very knowledgable and I figured someone would explain it to me.
  7. The whole taking back America thing that they had going on. I don't recall the majority of the citizenry making that request. And the innuendo that it would be done in a armed manner if need be. It came off as domestic terrorism to me.
  8. Couldn't the bounty on Zimmerman be looked at the same way that you look at the fee that a bail company pays to idiots like Dog he bounty hunter?
  9. I'm with you on that. Lock up all of the panthers and the 30 or tea party members that are left out here.
  10. I don't foresee anything bad happening. This is typical behavior by blacks and whites in America who just can't get it together because of past and present social conditions. This will pass and we will be on to the next crisis.
  11. It is foul. It is also stupid teen chatter that a good parent would not approve of. Does that justify Zimmerman stalking him. I think not. I don't think that Zimmerman is a racist, but I do think that he is a fool with a gun. I don't believe that good parents would approve of that either.
  12. The element that will never change are the young gangster types that obviously scare the hell out of everyone and give all people of color a bad name.
  13. I'm just a armchair qb. My opinions means nothing to no one but me. Even the people who are wrong will have forced this situation to be examined openly instead of swept under the rug like it appears the SPD attempted to do.
  14. I am confused. Some assume that the dead kid was up to something (guilty) while giving the benefit of doubt to the shooter just because he is still alive? I guess no one ever lied to stay out of jail.
  15. I agree. Saying that I don't think that you should rob that bank is also a suggestion, but when I tell the jury that I made that suggestion to you...wait and see how things turn out.
  16. I agree, but the whore must be willing to get pimped. They have no following. They show up when people gather because the people believe that they have no voice and then Jackson and Sharpton take credit for organizing.
  17. Jackson and Sharpton are not spokesmen for blacks. They were given that title by the media. There is no such thing s a black leader unless you count all of the U.S. Presidents. Millions of hard working black people go ignored everyday while living productive lives. They are overshadowed by a element that will never change, but they carry the burden of that stereotype for a lifetime.
  18. Why does it have to be a black or white thing? Take away the colors of the people involved and just look at what we have been told. Until the case is heard in court I will keep believing that this situation could have been avoided if "the captain" had called the cops, followed the dispatchers advice and kept a reasonable distance while still observing Martin until the cops arrived. In my Golmer Pyle voice...citizens arrest, citizens arrest! You see people like this all of he time. Give them the perception of having just a little authority and they will go over board every time.
  19. That's the dirty little secret that you are not supposed to talk about.
  20. And you know this from being a black person during segregation?
  21. Sort of sounds like the two partys always competing for the white house, but people keep buying it.


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