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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I no longer have my LCP, but I used Critical Defense with no issues before selling the gun.
  2. I accept your apology. Just kidding. I agree, because I believe that we are reaonable people.
  3. I agree with you, but my conclusions lean in favor of Martin and yours favor Zimmerman. So either way a innocent man is being falsely condemned.
  4. It's not all about about the insult, but I find it interesting that it takes a insult before some will settle down long enough to hear what you have to say. When it comes to guns we are all like minded individuals, but on almost any other hot button subject matter a person with opposing views that haven't been picked up on Fox News over morning coffee is bashed for no good reason. It's as if some are attempting to force their opinions on others and if that person fails to assimilate then we'll berate you until you do or you quit coming around. I provoked on this thread because I grew tired of reading another member get bashed because he saw things different than the group with all of the "facts". No man on here needs me to stand up for him, but it gets old watching the the pack attack individuals for having differing opinions. Discussions are productive when everyone involved agree that it is ok for others to have differing opinions. If everyone is going to agree on everything then the discussion in nothing more than a "circle jerk". I can only learn if I am open to other peoples views based on their experiences and knowledge. Others can't learn if they continually shut down opposing views. I am hoping to learn from things that I read on this thread. I am hoping to learn from this tragic situation involving Zimmerman and Martin. There are no winners here. It's ok that members disagree. I see it as a opportunity for everyone to learn... not just be right. The lessons from this shoot may prove valuable for one of us in the future.
  5. That's what everyone here is doing. Both sides believes their tainted sources. I am certain that the justice department or SPD hasn't faxed anyone here any memos or asked for opinions. So, we are all coming to conclusions based upon the facts or lack thereof presented to us by our chosen source of information.
  6. You just lie in wait for me like a sniper don't ya? I hope that you all know that after a while I have to make light of these situations because we all have a tendency to get too caught up in these matters. I am not offended when I am called politically correct or a liberal. I would rather be thought of in those terms than be lumped with a group of evil hearted pyeudo-christian assholes who contradict the teaching of Christ everytime that they weight in on issues that could trully use compassion, thought and understanding. In other words I have no clue as to what happened. No one on TGO does and I decided to rattle some cages because we are all starting be believe that we are experts in the subject matter.
  7. Sound reasoning, but that's not what the circle jerk club is looking for. People are angry at Obama and blacks in general are they aren't going to take this crap sitting down anymore.
  8. You all are messed up in the head, but it keeps a smile on my face. Laughter is good for the soul.
  9. Legitimate blacks recognize Sharpton and Jackson for what they are. The media and stupid people allow them to continue to think that they are relevant.
  10. Maybe the officers let him change clothes after the makeup artist were finished with him.
  11. If I did that you wouldn't get all worked. What fun would that be?
  12. Wow! Camera in a sallyport. Dang, all of those gadgets. All of this new technology is going to be the death of us. If paramedics cleaned him up that good they need an Oscar for best makeup in a horror film 2012.
  13. Both sides are reaching their own conclusions. It can't be that only the guys who agree with you have the facts. As I stated earlier it's all speculation on here. Nobody knows what happened except for God and Zimmerman.
  14. I understood him to be saying that he would not be starting a problem where there was not one. SPD must feel like crap knowing that Zimmerman felt that he could do their job better than them. Probably why they never hired him. Job security.
  15. If I'm visiting friends or family and some creep starts asking questions my response will be none of your business. I would prefer that you call the cops. If you can't handle my response let the chips fall where they may.
  16. You are not alone in your opinion. He bit off more than he could chew then he had to take drastic measures to save his butt.
  17. Everyone here was speculating based upon the information that was obtained from different sources. Some are going to be right and some will be wrong. Means nothing.
  18. We all know as gun owners that only the survivor gets to tell his story. Karma always makes things right. If Martin violated Zimmerman he got what he deserved. If it is the other way around Zimmerman has his coming.
  19. I have a great answer for you,but it is one that may get me banned or cause me to lose some other things that I enjoy so I will not answer that question. I will say that we are all stating our opinions and until the shooter has his day in court my opinions are just as valid as anyone elses.
  20. I have the same crystal ball that everyone else here is using.
  21. You corner me for some b.s. while trying to play security guard, you get your head slammed. How far did the boy have to run? At some point you have to stop running and confront your attacker. I'm a older guy with bad knees. I can't run very far. At some point we have to throw down. So, is it safe to say that in the future no one here or your kids should stroll thru a neighborhood that you/they don't live in and when they/you refuse to explain what you are doing there it is ok for the local to escalate the situation?


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