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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I've paid my own way since I was 14 years old, but if you will comp me this cousre I will try to attend. Nothing wrong with becoming a better person.
  2. I agree. There is a lot yet to be learned. I include TGO in that process. I believe that there are tons of knowledge to be obtained in this forum. That's your perception of me. I think that you take exception with me because you think that no one should occupy that tower but you. Come to think of it being omnipotent wouldn't be a bad thing.
  3. I think that its far fetched. If there are riots they will be on a very small scale. Believe it or not hard working educated black people are as sick of the behavior of the clowns that keep up all of this crap as people of other races are. I have been chatting with a lot of people this week to gauge their anger about what happened. From what I hear most people dont think that this was a racial matter. Most people that I have spoken with are pissed because they believe that there was not an immediate arrest and that the cops handled Zimmerman with kid gloves. This was my initial opinion until getting more info on SYG. I think that belief was formed because of the immediate information that was given by the media. Most blacks feel that had they been involved in the matter as the shooter they would still be in jail. From what I gather that's the justice that the protesters are seeking. I wish that energy would be used to ensure that they are living their lives right and raising their kids to be productive citizens. If you are at school, work or raising a family you don't have time to protest.
  4. I know that you are just kidding, but that's worthy of Tom Clancy. Good use of the imagination. Now all you have to do is round up a group of TGO Rainbow Six warriors to stop them in their tracks.
  5. They have no following or credibility. They are on the same level as the self appointed "black leaders". This is their "look at me" moment. If they are lucky they will pick up a few new dues paying members and then go home and pat themselves on the back. I will say it again. When blacks start protesting the daily murders and general black on black crime that occurs everyday then these marches will be taken seriously. Until then it means nothing.
  6. Also, the discussion as of late has not been about Zimmerman/Martin. The discussion has been about riots and "putting up or shutting up".
  7. You wish that it were that simple. If you are participating in these threads because you feel that you have to win the discussion then you have already lost. I have moved on from this Zimmerman/Martin fiasco. I made my statement because some people in this country think that a race war/riot is a solution to years of poor legal system, bad government, racial strife and poor personal decisions. Stupid people burning their own neighborhoods and possibly leading to the loss of a innocent life and millions in property damage is nothing to look forward to. Sharpton, Jackson, Limbaugh and others like them have nothing to lose because they will be nowhere in sight when the crap hits the fan. So, if it will make you feel better I will concede that you and your like minded cohorts have already won every dicussion in every thread from this point on. You are a winner!
  8. That's your opinion. Fair enough. I believe that some truth still awaits you. Some of your post prove that you are not as open minded as you think that you are.
  9. The -1 does not bother me. This is not high school. Matters not that I get a -1 or +1 the mortgage payment will still be due at the beginning of the month.
  10. I love it! That should happen more often. I guess screaming warning shots was for the benefit of the video and anyone feeling bad for the pirates.
  11. I love the memories and cherish the experience, but there is no way that I would ever consider doing it again. Wait until you get a few more years of junk food in your gut and gain a few more pounds. It won't seem like such a good idea.
  12. Too funny! We know that Jackson and Sharpton have selfish motives whenever they get involved in social issues, but after reading a lot of these post I have come to realize that they are not alone in their racial hatred. I know, I know. You are not a racist. You are just tired of all of the politically correct crap, the affirmative action, the social program and the overall general existence of the non-white humanoid. Good news for you. You are still in America and it's ok to feel that way, but eagerly anticipating a race war/riot. I'm at a loss for words. I hope that a few years from now people are not talking about what a good sight this was for guns and debate before a bunch of like minded individuals high jacked it to serve their own selfish and hateful purposes.
  13. I tend to make the best holes with the Les Baer 1911, but the G30 and G21 are not far behind. The pistol that makes me think that I am better than what I am is the G19. It's perfect for my limited skills.
  14. I like that color. I hope that you enjoy it.
  15. That's a very nice pistol. I'm happy for you.
  16. I will second on the DPX. I used it and the pow'r ball with no issues. I simply had a preference for Critical Defense since that what I use in all of my carry guns.
  17. We must be twins. I share a similar opinion on everything that you said. The only thing that you left out is that there are few good alternatives to Obama or Romney. This country can do so much better.
  18. You'll have to check the FBI stats on that one, but I have a idea who did it.
  19. Yep, par for the course.


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