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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I sold my full sized M&P 9mm over a year ago to another member. Recently I decided that I wanted another for punching paper so I began my search. I located a 2 month old fs 9mm with Apex Hard Sear, Apex Ram, Apex Striker Block, Comp-Tac holster and two Comp-Tac mag holders. While negotiating with the seller he told me that he had a 2month old M&P22 with holster and a extra magazine that he was also looking to sell. I am happy to say that I was able to obtain everything for $ It felt like a good deal. What do you think?
  2. That was much funnier than expected. Very well done.
  3. I am not a archer, but I plan to take lessons along with my daughter this summer at Avery Outdoors. I don't have contact info for them. They were referred by a co-worker. Good luck.
  4. Good observation. Your b.s. detector is first rate.
  5. You did the right thing. I'm sure that your dad appreciates what you did.
  6. Here is something that will really piss you off. The Obamas actually Crap on toilet paper provided by the tax payers. The nerve!
  7. Links2k


    I could watch this show everyday like a soap opera. It's that good.
  8. That was a strong performance by Watson.
  9. Never let the truth get in the way of a good rant. However, I agree with others that Mr Cosby is wrong on this one.
  10. That's funny. I almost missed the fine print.
  11. I'm using 5.11 now, but I have a few new customs on the way from The Belt Man.
  12. You know the secret to a successful marriage.
  13. Links2k


    There is something special about The Masters tournament. The speed of those greens always amazes me. I really enjoy the game, but I have not had a lot of time to play lately. My clubs are gathering dust in the garage. A local radio station recently ran spots for a one day trip to Augusta to walk the fairways. I regret not going. My buddy flaked out on me. I should have gone alone. Could have rubbed elbows with Penny Hardaway and a few other locals. I'm certain that they had a good time on the charter.
  14. I understand what you are saying, but I believe that America is too great of a country to crumble to its knees because of one bad leader. I liked Reagan, loved daddy Bush (he was good to the troops when I served), and I could not stand "W". When "W" was re-elected I thought that the world would end. It didn't and it won't if we have to suffer thru four more years of the king. The time goes fast. We will recover.
  15. He would sell out gun owners in a heart beat.
  16. good point...poor choice of words on my part
  17. Purchase a good gun belt and try to avoid the tendency to tug and adjust your holster/weapon. That brings unwanted attention when there was none.
  18. You offer some good views. Something to think about for sure.
  19. Being the poor socialist that I am I thought that you were offering me something for nothing. That's all.
  20. That's how I see it. There is nothing inspiring on either side at the moment.
  21. Very good job. You should be proud.


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