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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. Don't waste your time. Some of these guys eat this crap three meals a day.
  2. I agree with this statement, but you left out the fact that a lot of blacks hate whites because regardless of a black persons achievements they are treated the same as any stereotypical black that you see portrayed on the evening news and sitcoms. No difference is made between the bank president and the gang member unless you know that individual personally. Fear has made it practically impossible for blacks and whites to get to know one another. Therefore you are left with most blacks hating the oppressive white man and most whites fearing and hating the dangerous black man. While this is occuring the polititians, klan, skinheads, panthers and general assholes are continuing to work their agenda.
  3. Les Baer Sig Glock Colt Walther S&W Springfield Ruger
  4. May God bless and watch over you and your family.
  5. Links2k


    Now if I could only get her to ride motorcycles and play golf.
  6. Ok. I will keep checking. I already put a deposit on a Shield. I would like to have some extra mags when it arrives.
  7. Links2k


    Thank you gentlemen.
  8. Did you make this same statement when everyone was in a uproar about the lying king being a Muslim?
  9. Anyone have a lead on where to purchase spare mags for he M&P Shield?
  10. Links2k


    It took over twenty years and some peer pressure from some of her friends, but today my wife finally started the process to obtain her handgun carry permit. Yippee! The kids are excited. We can now have family night at the range.
  11. I don't believe that race has anything to do with it. The cops hands are tied due to limited resources and the fact that most of the offenders are juveniles. The gang members are apprehended, given a slap on the wrist and released to terrorize society until someone pops a cap into them.
  12. I must admit my limited knowledge about a lot of things. The Mormon faith is one of them. That being said, with the limited knowledge that I have of the Mormon faith I can not vote for Romney anymore than some of you would vote for a Muslim. If we are choosing the lesser of two evils Ron Paul would also be my choice. Absent that choice I will let the chips fall where they may.
  13. So you don't have to wait until Saturdays to shoot your rifles there like you do here in Memphis?
  14. That g21 & g30 will spoil you. Enjoy!
  15. First Tennessee FedEx CU Southern Security CU
  16. I have the Walther P22 also. I plan to run them side by side for a comparison. I'm up to four .22s now. The kids are going to have fun this summer.
  17. I'm hoping that I don't have to sell them. I'm trying to get to the point were I can build a collection of my favorites and keep adding to it. Unless I can trade a few tupperware guns for nice 1911s.


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