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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. Why wait? Be proactive. Nothing like a good ambush. I hate to make light of this but those little groups don't do anything but run off at the mouth. If the panther party starts receiving donations that will be as good as they want.
  2. I get that from a lot of these threads. Angry and scared, but mostly scared. There is no real threat. Yet some allow a small percentage of 13% of the general population to freak them out.
  3. Enjoy. I like the fact that it will take AR mags.
  4. I have a warped sense of humor. I enjoy reading the post of scared middle aged men.
  5. You make my day. That was funny.
  6. Yeah, its getting difficult to find good gun related threads. The boogeyman threads are becoming plentiful.
  7. I noticed the same thing in a lot of these threads.
  8. Nice to start the day off with a laugh. Those clowns are not a threat. Its all about fund raising. Ask all of the people donating to the Nation of Islams three year economic plan that has been going on for thirty years.
  9. Or if it were your giant teenager. I am constantly amazed by what passes for logic with kids. I can assure you that what Martin was thinking is not what one of us older guys would be thinking.
  10. Light as a feather. Just responding to a little not so subtle rock throwing.
  11. I did not say any of that. Those are your words. If Martin did any of the things that you mentioned and he wasn't on Zs property Z still should have called the cops and waited. If you are a racist bigot thats your issue not mine. Martin should not have beat Zs ass,but if Z had minded his own business this would not have started. I don't know what kind of neighborhood some of you live in where a black kid walking down the street is automatically a suspect. I don't care if Z walks because it won't change a thing, but if he goes to jail maybe it will slow some of you cowboys down a little. I sure could have used you hardened killers in some of my old units, but you probably wouldn't want to fight against someone who fights back.
  12. True, none of are. But, from everything that we have heard Martin was minding his own business until zimmerman injected himself into the last few minutes of Martins life. That is the big issue that I have with this situation. After having a lot of time to think about this issue and stepping back from that other thread I have decided that had I been on the ground in zimmermans position I would have also shot Martin simply based on my current age and level of fitness. However, I will maintain that Zimmerman is still liable because he started the ball rolling.
  13. Links2k


    You almost have me convinced. Maybe if I get some of Romneys magic drawers I can just disappear when the raptors come.
  14. Links2k


    Do you mean that .22 won't work on raptors? If so we are going to be screwed after Obamas supreme court takes away everything except our 10 round .22s
  15. Links2k


    Which can lead to the circle jerk. Poor guy. I knew that he was going to get nuked for that comment, but I can't stop laughing.
  16. He is no worse or better than any politician that came before him or will come after him. The next guy won't be any better. He will just be your guy. They are all sh#t boxes. I don't think that he is the antichrist. I'm more afraid of the guy that wears the magic drawers and plans to have his own planet after he dies.
  17. Criminals are not new to the government. The current group of criminals just isn't the group that you voted for.
  18. I didn't care for Bush and I don't care for Obama or Romney. That all suck equally.
  19. Its just that simple, but you underestimate the power of hatred.


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