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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I'm happy to say that I've had no complaints from my buyers and no one on TGO has ever failed to Keep their end of a deal with me. Pretty solid group of people here.
  2. That guy was really pressing his luck.
  3. I agree Hard working black people don't give these clowns the time of day. If you are sitting on the porch waiting for a handout Jackson's shenanigans sound like a good idea to you. As a matter of fact, I have never been around a black person that mentioned a race war. Most blacks are tired of and embarrassed by the crap that goes on in the so called black community, because no matter how hard they work to be productive they are still lumped in with June bug on the corner.
  4. This happens during every election cycle from both parties and the few people that vote buy it every time.
  5. I have had no issues with fit. You can also adjust the retention screw to your liking.
  6. I have used his holsters for all of my Glocks, M&P and Sig pistols for iwb carry. They can't complete with the leather Sparks holsters, but that's comparing apples to oranges.
  7. Jesse is just throwing crap at the wall to see what will stick. Must be time to pay the rent.
  8. I went with a affordable kydex iwb from pjholsters.com. Coachg on glocktalk is the owner. I only use his kydex and Milt Sparks leather.
  9. Jesse is not the idiot. The idiots are the people that follow him. Jesse is about the money just like Sharpton, Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh and all the other TV/radio gods that people like to worship. When the money stops they will stop.
  10. Nothing. I'm still waiting on my pistol to arrive. I have holsters and mag pouches, but no gun or mags. I really put the cart before the horse.
  11. I like the ribs at Cozy Corner when they are not tough. They have a really good flavor.
  12. Texas De Brazil if you like meat. Also eat a nice salad while you are there to help push all of that meat thru your guts.
  13. Paid a deposit. Been waiting about three Weeks so far.
  14. Everything that he does from now on will be followed by wife doing like the guy in the Pepsi Max commercial.......AND?
  15. That's what I was thinking. How do you top that over the next 50 years?
  16. I understand that the guys were making a point. I also understand the cops response. Even though it was an entirely different situation all I could think about was that father and son cop killing in W. Memphis a couple of years ago. One gung ho cop or one fed up and ain't gonna take it no more citizen and you have a ugly mess in a family restaurant . He cops should know the laws, but the citizens shouldn't be out testing them on it. I am not a fan of oc. It's not worth the attention.
  17. There definitely needs to be jail time for the person that placed that bounty.


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