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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I'm a simple person, but it sounds like you were describing the classic "circle jerk" and I agree with you. Screw em! I lose.
  2. I agree. It has to start on the local level.
  3. People know that Bush was a dingleberry. That's why no one likes to talk about him. In this case both choices really suck this year and I don't trust either of them.
  4. Look at it like this. Most of us have been on TGO for a few years now. Have you heard of any Memphis members having any issues? I know that random crime occurs, but most of our issues are gang and drug related.
  5. In the bad areas most of he bad guys are sleeping during work hours.
  6. I agree. Don't buy or sell drugs, stay out of the bad neighborhoods, maintain situational awareness and you are good to go. Hell, I even do his in Collierville and Germantown. Stuff can happen anywhere.
  7. Well, once you realize who is always right just avoid them. They will seek you out because they have nothing better to do, but ignore them. They tend to be attention hounds. David runs a excellent site here. Don't let the Circle Jerk crew ruin it for you.
  8. Yep. I doubt many of our members frequent the wrong side of the tracks unless they are working.
  9. True, but you are taking the fun out of this post. I have been traveling lately and I always used the same precautions everywhere. Guns and knives where legal and pepper spray around the kiddies. You hit the nail on the head with your sig line.
  10. Anyone have one? Good, bad or ugly? What's your opinion?
  11. Nice looking 1911. Enjoy!
  12. That's very impressive. Nothing like quality time with the son.
  13. Nice catch. I really wanted that rifle,but the ftf requirement knocked me out of the running. Enjoy!
  14. Links2k


    I consider myself lucky. The 1911 was still standard issue when I was a young MP. I was never issued anything else even during the war. The Berettas were pretty good looking guns, but I never shot one.
  15. Links2k


    I know what you mean. A Les Baer TRS made me get rid of a perfectly good Springfield TRP.


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