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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. Asking about lost lives is implying I have a solution to gun violence?
  2. 1. If anyone had an answer we wouldn’t be revisiting this discussion after every mass shooting event. Don’t expect a solution from a retired civil servant. It’s above my pay grade! 2. I’ll amend @Hozzie response to answer your second question. “Some may not like this, but SOME stereotypes exist for a reason.” It appears you MAY self identify too closely as a conservative gun owner as opposed to being a human being first. My statement encompasses all people regardless of ethnicity, religion or political affiliation. That’s who’s being killed by guns. Secondly, you may discuss whatever topics you choose. If I have something to add to your discussion or a different opinion on your subject matter, I’ll address it at that time.
  3. What’s more precious than a life saved? A kid doesn’t have to be told at home that a cop is bad. All one has to do is witness the actions of certain cops.
  4. I’m afraid that you’ve misread the room. There are few concerned with the greater good when it comes to the precious (guns). Secondly, you don’t have to concern yourself with what others think about you having compassion and empathy for an issue that affects the entire country. The older people in charge currently hold all the cards, but change is inevitable. Instead of engaging and working on equitable solutions, they prefer to keep their feet on the necks of those who hold opposing views. This country will inevitably become everything old men fear, and the citizenry will rejoice. This! Yet we have those who panic and see confiscation behind every bush.
  5. I don’t believe that argument would fly in a defamation case, especially when the FOX owner is on record saying he didn’t stop his employees, because it was about the money and potential loss of viewers. Even with Fox continually rubbing the judge the wrong way, they still have a good chance of winning their case.
  6. Seems the hold up to Fox News settling the case prior being sent to trial, Fox did not want to issue an apology admitting wrongdoing. Fox is potentially on the hook for $1.6+ billion with another potential voting machine suit on the horizon.
  7. Today Fox News was busted withholding evidence in the Dominion case expected to go to trial Monday. The judge stated that omission is lying. The judge is contemplating assigning a special master to investigate Fox withholding evidence. This is a soap opera.
  8. Getting treatment for mental illness and being a threat to others are two different things. She was legally allowed to purchase firearms. Her actions were illegal. There’s no way I’m notifying the police on a family member who hasn’t made threats or broken the law. I fear the call would be mishandled.
  9. Very simple. No one really knows how many guns I own, regardless what I tell them or what they think they know. That’s the quickest way to help someone disarm you.
  10. Today the judge told Fox News they can’t argue that they broadcast false news about Dominion because they thought it was newsworthy, limiting a key line of defense for the network. The judge also ruled that Dominion cannot reference the January 6th assault on the Capitol except in very narrow circumstances. This trial is going to be exciting!
  11. I agree, but this is the same body that has allegedly allowed pedos to remain seated and when the public makes comparisons, the removal of the two young men appeared excessive.
  12. It was only a matter of time before their incompetence came to light. They were too comfortable in their arrogance.
  13. I noticed. I chalked it up to him maybe being nervous, and attempting to speak clearly and concisely. It was even more obvious when he was doing interviews with national media.
  14. If Georgia can be flipped, Tennessee can be flipped if the younger people choose to do so. It may take a few election cycles, but it can be done. There are some too comfortable that this can’t be achieved.
  15. Touché, yet the three are not the ones who came off as butt holes. Imagine that. Goodnight brother!
  16. Their initial behavior was about gun control. The lack of impulse control and mob mentality got the better of the house.
  17. Active shooter at the University of Oklahoma Starting to look like a shots fired call or a prank. No injuries reported. Serious response. Tennessee has set the standard for active shooter response.
  18. Would the FBI consider the alleged report of Sexton, while tying the request to funding for upgrades to FedEx Forum, and requesting the Memphis mayor not restore Pearson to his former house position be considered extortion? Asking for a snitch, umm friend.
  19. Lol! I’ve never considered my support of the second amendment a competition. You may be correct, your support may be stronger than mine. Thanks for picking up the slack. We agree! MUCHISIMAS GRACIAS!
  20. Yes sir. Last night people were already calling for them to run for state senate, and anti-gun activists are flocking to Tennessee from all over the country.


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