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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. You said a mouthful. Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die- famous pothead.
  2. I agree. If Bush had not been such a terrible president there is no way that we even know who Obama is. To make it even worse we may end up with a guy that wears special underwear, thinks that the garden of Eden was near KC,Mo and has a planet waiting for him after his death. Proud member of the blame Bush crowd.
  3. In my simplistic views of things I compare CJ Roberts vote as a make up call for Citizens United. He made a bad call against one team then runs down the field and makes a crazy and unexpected call for the other team. Romney or Obama 2012....you are screwed either way. Politicians and big business will squash the working man, because they will still have you thinking like a " R or D". I like it. Maybe the people will get angry and stop pointing fingers at one another, clean house and demand that our so called reps do the people's bidding when we put them in office. You will survive this and come out stronger,but a lesson will be learned.
  4. Not surprising. However, it sucks that a veteran is disrespecting the flag like that.
  5. Good observation. Nothing new under the sun.
  6. Smart man. Must be screwed up To live a life where you think that the sky is falling everyday. Some of the post in news worthy are becoming more amusing everyday.
  7. Beautiful! I love Les Baer pistols. I have been thinking about trying a Wilson Combat CQB, but I find it hard to believe that anyone can make a better pistol than Baer.
  8. Almost puked my coffee when I saw that headline. MPs are awesome, but they can't do everything.
  9. I'm just going to say hello. Now some one will come along and accuse me of derailing the thread. Just for the record...I like ARs and pie.
  10. I agree, but I will also add that if a parent lays down the law early and often you can avoid some of this crap.
  11. Good post. It won't be well received by the fear and hate mongers here, but still very good.
  12. Or around your waist.
  13. Second Guns and Ammo. Range USA will also have it.
  14. Thanks for the info gentlemen. I am selling the wife on taking a look at these mattresses.
  15. I don't like to derail anything. If by derail you mean disagree I guess you are correct. And according to the rules of this forum I can participate in any public thread that I want.
  16. I am considering the LCR .22 for a range toy that my baby girl can shoot. I recently sold a Walther and we still have a M&P22. We would like to try the .22 in a revolver.


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