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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I plan to visit Jackson with my AR. If they are anything like the guys in Memphis it will be a top shelf facility.
  2. The women weren't, but I sure that the shooters breast were after that brass hit her.
  3. Are these steps still necessary if I use a attorney for a trust?
  4. Thanks for the info. Sounds like what we used to have to do to get a carry permit long before the state took over.
  5. I placed a deposit and did some waiting when I first heard that they were coming out. The pistol arrived friday before last. The hard part is waiting for additional mags to become available.
  6. Yeah, training with Chip is worth The price of admission.
  7. It's not a big hit on me, but I always prefer to buy more hardware. I may put my 357 lever action rifle on hold and take the plung this year.
  8. It was Range USA. This post was not a knock on them, because they have always treated me and my family with great customer service. We were on the small range because they had a large class this morning.
  9. I went to the public range this morning to test my M&P Shield, M&P9mm and M&P22. While waiting to pay my fees I listened to the conversation between the clerk and a young lady renting range time. From what I could tell she had been there before as a minor. From her responses I could tell that the clerk was concerned about her capabilities/skills. He reminded her to keep the muzzle pointed down range and to come and get him if she had any issues. Before she leaves the counter she is joined by another younger looking woman they both get eyes and ears and proceed to the firing line. As luck would have it I am assigned the shooting position right next to them. I take my time to set up my area so that I could observe the young women. After a short time one of them ask for my assistance loading the .22 magazine and I happily assisted. The young lady that paid the clerk fired off a couple of rounds and then hands the pistol to the younger lady who is wearing a sun dress. The lady in he sun dress fired off two quick shots and then screams as a piece of hot brass falls down her dress. She wheels around toward me with the pistol still in hand and finger on the trigger. I'm screaming whoa, whoa...point that thing down range you just sweep everyone in here with that pistol. She places the pistol on the mat and says that she is done. The first shooter shoots a few more rounds and they leave. Sorry for rambling on, but wouldn't it be nice if the public range could be divided into areas for novices that could be supervised by range personnel and a area for more experienced shooters? Between having my target shot by people in the lanes next to me and the Russian roulette that you have to play just to get some practice the fees for MSSA are looking more affordable every time that I go to the range.
  10. I can say that I'm very delighted with the Shield. The little M&P performed flawlessly with 250 rounds of Federal ammo and 50 rounds of Hornady Critical Defense ammo. The trigger was everything that it was advertised to be. The trigger had a good clean break and a nice reset. The slim grip felt almost like a 1911. The recoil was very light and the pistol offered very good accuracy. I plan to let my wife shoot it. If she likes it I will have to purchase another. My daily carry has been the G30, but I can see the Shield working its way into the rotation over the G26 when I want to go small and light.
  11. I agree the Uplula is great for fast loading. I use Uplula for my pistols and I also have one for my AR mags. I just used them yesterday to load up a boat load of mags for whenever I decide to get off of my hump and head to the range.
  12. Thanks for the replies gentlemen. He has been given the safety talks since he was old enough to understand what I was talking about. He has also taken youth safety classes. I trust him to do what's right, so I guess that he will be getting that 870. Until now when me and mom are away from home the twins only means of defending themselves were verbal warnings, knives and pepper spray. I want them to be able to win the fight. Thanks again, Links2k
  13. My son wants a Remington 870 for his 17th birthday. It will be for range work and home protection. Are there any legal issues with him having the gun when I'm not home? I plan to get him a safe for his room so That he won't have access to my safe or pistols. Thanks, Links2k
  14. Links2k

    red necks

    Es hilario!
  15. I'm going to check it out and let my wife shoot it. If she likes it I will let her carry it. I carry a g26 when I want to go small. My edc is a g30 SF.
  16. They are hard to come by. I put a deposit on this one in may. My dealer said that they are slowly coming in. They had a forty in the case, but it sold while I was waiting on my tics. I have been looking for additional mags since may with no luck. I guess it will be a while before supply catches up with demand.
  17. I got the holsters from coach g (pjholster.com) on another site. Nice fit. I have only dry fired the pistol this morning, but I can say the the trigger seems much better than advertised. Bad cell phone pictures as usual
  18. Man, some people will do anything for attention. JUST KIDDING! Get Well Soon.
  19. Its enough to depress you if you allow it. I'm glad that I know they are mind f#cking everyone and sharing the spoils.


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