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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. That's my point. If Memphis guys aren't in regular shootouts what are the chances of it happening in Mayberry?
  2. If you pull out that flintlock pistol the bad guys will be too confused to try and rob you. They will think that you are crazier than they are.
  3. Sounds like a good idea. Do you ship your pistol directly to your resort or do you ship to a ffl? What carrier would you use if not shipping to a ffl both ways?
  4. Thats funny! Did you really go to "Lethal Weapon" or am I missing some precedent setting 2A legal battle?
  5. THREAD HIJACKING IN PROGRESS....NOBODY MOVE! Say this in the political forum and you will have your "Conservative Card" taken away. BACK TO NORMAL PROGRAMMING.... I believe in escalation of force. If I intervened it would be with a verbal command to leave the woman alone after I call or have someone call 911. If that did not work I would throw something at him if anything is available. This way I'm still maintaining a reactionary gap. If the projectile doesn't work then I'll put the Kimber Pepper Blaster II ( GET SOME OF THIS STUFF...IT GIVES YOU ANOTHER OPTION BEFORE USING DEADLY FORCE AND CAN KEEP YOU OUT OF BUBBAS LOVING ARMS ON A COLD WINTERS NIGHT) on him. I'm not certain about shooting the guy unless he attempts to engage me. This seems like a lot, but it can all be done in a matter of seconds. We are talking about a guy with a knife (knife lovers I am not belittling the knife...in my training I have seen how fast a guy that's good with a knife can close on you and do lots of damage). It is unknown if he has a firearm. Like others have said if you aren't defending self or loved ones there is a lot of liability that comes with that $1 bullet. As someone who has carried for my occupation and in combat I am always amazed at the amount of people that claim that they would squeeze the trigger to take a life and they have only put 20 rounds on bad guy #1 in hcp class. You don't have to go from 0 to 100 in every situation even in the situation that the op has given.
  6. I was wondering about all of the civilian gunfights that I have been in since I started carrying two decades ago. You are right. I have not been in one. With that in mind I holstered my M&P Shield and departed for work this morning.
  7. Yep. Check with me if you don't like it. I promise you that I will.
  8. That's correct. I have paid between $1400-$1700 for the used TRS pistols that I purchased.
  9. What are you waiting for. Its a no brainer for me, but i'm a Les Baer fan boy. The TRS is my favorite. Do it before someone else gets your gun.
  10. Everyone knows that the range situation for shooting AR rifles in Memphis sucks. So, I want a pistol cartridge rifle that I can shoot alot. I have zero knowledge about these rifles, but I know that I want one in 357. I only plan to use it at the range and for home defense if needed. I would like to stay under $800. For what it's worth I plan use Hornady Leverevolution ammo. I have heard that it performs well in lever action rifles. While we are at it, please tell about the Mares Leg. I have seen one and I may want to get both riles. Thanks, Links2k
  11. I hear what you are saying. I assisted loading a magazine and observed them. I knew that they novices. I was prepared to give them any assistance that they requested. Had I not been observing their behavior I would not have noticed the shell casing or the lady waving he pistol at me and the other three guys on the range. This type of stuff is occurring more frequently. I hope that I'm not running ouT of luck.
  12. So, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Big fun!
  13. I understand the cops actions. I can't understand why the guy opened the door.
  14. On the bright side we will be able to say that we were here when it happened.
  15. That's what I heard him say, but you can't scare people by showing the entire video. When you are the greatest thing since sliced bread it's hard not to believe that all of your success is not entirely based on your own brilliance. Hard work and smarts plays a HUGE part in a individual's success, but I believe that luck and divine intervention also have a hand to play. Someone or something assisted in creating a environment conducive to success.
  16. I love the game. I consider myself average. I find a way to play bogey golf on almost any course. I could be better if I practiced, but since I've gotten older practice sucks. I would rather play. My group makes it more interesting by making pocket change wagers and playing for a " winners belt" on Sunday evenings. The winner chooses the next weeks venue. We are just a bunch of middle aged guys having fun.
  17. Yeah, It sucks that we no longer have that range. Never thought that this area would be without a public outdoor range .
  18. At my house we don't even go to the door unless we are expecting company. Since we dont receive company at 1am any door that unexpectantly opens gets closed by .45 acp. Bedroom and kids doors will be closed by 00 buck.
  19. D*ck wads! The old guy did a good job. Only problem is that they will live to probably do it again when a judge lets them out of jail after only serving 3 months.


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