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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. Good! I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Joe Pa was also a booty bandit.
  2. They are sweet shooting pistols.
  3. OBAMA AND THE BLACK PANTHERS...DUH! Seriously, I don't believe that it was a conspiracy. Just a whacked out terrorist thug with a entitlement mentality looking for attention. THAT'S MY OPINION
  4. There is a third option that I can think of, but I will keep that to myself. I'm trying to be a better member now days.
  5. The old shoot them in the arm/leg will give you away everytime heh, heh heh
  6. I doubt it. Then you will have clowns wanting to be ripped apart on tv.
  7. Yep. I welcome discomfort if it will change people's thinking and teach the politicians a lesson. I hate both parties equally.
  8. Mandatory community service would satisfy me. That alone would make some people drop from the programs.
  9. I say do away with everything that doesn't assist special needs individuals, veterans and senior citizens. The abuse can no longer be tolerated. If we have to bust our humps to keep food on the table....you know the rest. If they decide to make drastic changes I hope that they start with my family members first. It devastates me to see my relatives living it up without a care in the world while I work weekends, holidays and skip vacations with the hope of educating my kids and turning them into successful and productive citizens.
  10. I know that it does not matter, but that's how I see things. Both choices suck and it's a shame to have to vote for one of them.
  11. It has got to be very stressful being that intense ALL of the time.
  12. I agree. I wish that people would stop thinking that any politician gives a crap about them or their rights.
  13. I usually carry my smallest 9mm and a spare mag to the movies. Up until this week that would have been my G26. Now it is a Shield. After this weeks events I may start carrying my G21SF and two mags to give myself a good fighting chance. Nothing is new under the sun, so my immediate concern over the next couple of weeks would be a copy cat that thinks what that idiot did was cool.
  14. But I am wondering if a couple of .45 G.A.P. rounds would have put down the movie theater shooter even with the body armor?
  15. There is nothing about not owning a gun that makes me feel safe.
  16. I agree. I told a coworker the same thing. I would rather the attacker use guns rather than explosives. Are there any other type of in-laws?
  17. I agree. I told a coworker the same thing. I would rather the attacker use guns rather than explosives.
  18. I had a coworker tell me how crazy that he thought it was that a person could purchase ammo on the Internet. I didn't tell him that I had a large brown box arrive from Midway USA today.
  19. I heard a expert on the radio explaining why no civilian should own a AR rifle. He ask "why do you need it"? He goes on " you can't hunt with it because any thing that you hit is gone....there is nothing left". I'm starting to see why you guys take exception with anti gun people.
  20. I just heard a radio interview where one of the movie patrons said that a young guy answered a cell phone and then proceeded to open the exit door for the shooter. Cops won't verify.
  21. Tragic event. I pray for the families. Now, this is another thread that blows my mind. Almost immediately people start speculating about Muslims and terrorism and gun control. When the shooter turns out to be a thug white kid people start blaming the media for jumping the gun. Naturally the lame king ( Obama ) is brought into it and now we are on the way to gun control? One thing that I have learned on TGO from the Zimmerman debates is that we all rush to judgement too fast. This is simply another American tragedy where guns were used. Obama had nothing to do with it. The race war won't be starting during the Batman movie and the Muslims are still working on their game plan for world dominance so you still have time to prep. Good day, Links2k


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