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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. Good for the jar heads. I was fortunate enough to keep carrying a 1911 even as the Army transitioned to the Berretta.
  2. Nice looking pistol. I'm glad that you are happy with it and I glad to hear that things are turning around for you.
  3. That's why it doesn't matter that Obama is a Muslim, right? I don't want to argue with you guys. Our differences are that some of you still have expectations from politicians and government while I have none. Both choices are crap and should be treated as such. Maybe we need a little pain to set us straight.
  4. Funny, but I've had the same experiences with my Muslim coworkers yet that hasn't stopped them from being lumped in with the loonies. As I stated, this is just my concern. It is a none issue because the majority of people like you have spoken and it does not appear to matter. However, It still makes my flesh crawl.
  5. That's how I feel. We have seen how the Kenyan Muslim(?) would lead the country, but I have just as many concerns about how Mitts religion would guide him in leading this country. Everyone pretends that Mitts beliefs are logical and don't matter. I think that his beliefs are out of this world. Pun intended. If the Mormons were penniless hippies there would be a lot more questions about the KC, MO Garden of Eden, planets and special garments.
  6. The only thing that could have made that funnier would have been to have him dunk his face into the dog dish.
  7. It appears that you are correct. That little bastard has probably been abused in the same manner, but I would still skin him for what he did to those babies.
  8. Wow! Someone with a concealed handgun could have had a field day on that coward.
  9. I've never purchased or sold a Les Baer with more than a couple thousand rounds thru it. I tend to put a few boxes thru them and then Move on to the polymer pistols. Never wanted to have to defend myself with a high end 1911 and have the cops take possession of it for who knows how long. I don't have the means to be loaning my pistols to the state.
  10. Don't sweat it. They have short memories about this stuff. Mine still feels bad about some guns that I had to sell a few years ago. She wants me to replace them one day. That day has come and gone. They have multiplied like rabbits in my safe.
  11. I'm tired of the whining. All I've been hearing is " if we can monitor the ingredients for making meth why can't we monitor who is buying guns"?
  12. Ft McClellen was cool. Old home to MP and Army Chemical School many moons ago.
  13. I usually wait and follow them out the door. Normally they are so pissed at the salesman that almost anything that you offer seems reasonable.
  14. That's mares leg that I asked about in another thread is starting to seem like a good idea after all. Especially in the winter time. I have always been concerned about this sort of thing happening in theaters (not a mass murder,but a mass robbery). I never attend movies without a weapon, spare mags and a sure fire light. I figure in he event of emergencies a good 120 lumen light may be needed as much as a weapon. Anyone who has attended the Collierville theater during a storm knows that the odds are good that the power will go out in the middle of the movie. I have used that light twice to lead people out to the lobby.
  15. Zero confiscation! I'm more concerned about the bandits that people have no problem putting in office. That would be a movie that I would like to see.
  16. Links2k


    It's nice to have when you are stuck in a waiting room or kids practice. I rarely use it at home, but my sons usage makes it worth the price.
  17. Please tell me that you won't be attending any movie premieres in the near future.


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