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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. That should be a reality check for some. I saw that first episode a few weeks ago. Powerful way to open a show. I think that America is still a great country, but it is filled with lousy, self absorbed, lazy and hateful people with no compassion or vision for the furture. You get what you put out there.
  2. I have narrowed my choices down to the Uberti Case hardened 1873 short and he Marlin 1894 CSS.
  3. I'm using iwb and owb kydex by www.pjholster.com for my Shield. I'm not fond of his mag holder so I just ordered a mag holder from Comp-Tac. They are my favorite.
  4. Welcome to the club. Neither may get my vote. I'm fine with the chips falling where they may. I can't stand either candidate. I'll continue to bear the pain. Nothing new for me.
  5. I'll bet the bird is the boss.
  6. I can't speak for Robert, but maybe he is turning over a new leaf. I'll give him he benefit of the doubt. I worked in a prison when I was a kid. I've seen lots of heathens that have changed their ways. His tone is much better than others lately which at least makes you want to read what he has to say.
  7. A long time ago when my twins were born. My wife and other family members called me "Deputy Dog" and mocked me for the measures that I took to protect them. Now, if I don't do those things they become scared. I don't like my family scared.
  8. Links2k

    Stop it!

    I figured that their general existence would rub you the wrong way.
  9. My security system is just a early warning devise. Nothing more, nothing less. I only need to know that the perimeter has been breached.
  10. This is ALWAYS my advise. DON'T OPEN THE FREAKING DOOR IF YOU ARE NOT EXPECTING COMPANY! People are almost always up to no good.
  11. Links2k

    Stop it!

    I hate when the anti-gun people attempt to equate law abiding gun owners with those who would commit a drive by causing injury to innocent citizens.
  12. I'm not happy with Obama as President, but I admire the fact that despite being one of the most hated men in the world, a socialist commie and a pal to terrorist he still became POTUS. For that alone he gets my vote for most interesting man in the world. I mean you have people that really, really love this country and a Kenyan Muslim becomes POTUS. Even if you hate the guy you must admit that that's a miraculous accomplishment.
  13. I agree. That's not necessary. By now everyone has a idea who the racist are around here.
  14. You sure are tactful and persuasive. I can't understand why no one will take the time to listen to you. I think that both candidates are bad for the people and no amount of internet tirades will make me believe otherwise. I feel as passionately about this as you do about hating Obama. I welcome whatever is to come to help us get our priorities in order. Being afraid isn't going to stop what needs to happen.
  15. I expect lots more of it. It's the nature of the beast.
  16. I remember a good spanking would usually correct me whenever I misbehaved. Maybe this guy is right. Bend over and get prepared for the switch.
  17. I'm not surprised at all. The slogan should read "If you don't see things our way, we will try to scare you until you do".
  18. I was being sarcastic sir. I'm the last person on TGO in panic mode.


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