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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I'm all for cuts that include everything. No pet projects or sacred cows.
  2. That's not what I wanted to hear. Collierville has been my favorite theater. I' m going to miss it. The thought that this crap works is mind blowing!
  3. I haven't been to the movies in the last few weeks. If they have posted I will be sending a email. I haven't gone to a movie unarmed in 20 years and I won't be starting now. I will wait on dvd or ppv.
  4. ^ You hit the nail on the head. His budget plan strikes fear into the hearts of those in real need and those who are just plain lazy. I don't see where he helped Capt. Magic Drawers.
  5. I know that you are kidding, but its about time you start to see the light in Obamas halo.
  6. Guns and Ammo on Summer Ave in Memphis always has everything in stock at a price. The only thing that I have had to wait for was my Shield 9mm. They had a display full of Uberti and Rossi rifles. I even saw a high dollar Winchester.
  7. I spent my rifle money on another AR today. I don't like the drum beats coming from the anti-gun folks because of the recent shootings. I figure I can get a lever rifle in a few weeks/months.
  8. That's pretty much what I was thinking. I went to my dealer to pick up a lever action rifle, but after these last couple of shooting and the drumbeats in the background I figured that I may as well make what may be my last AR purchase. The lever gun will be there. I hope!
  9. I purchased my third S&W M&P15T this morning. The first had Troy rails,Troy buis and chrome lined 1/9 twist barrel. The second had the new S&W patent pending rail, plastic mbuis and the S&W 1/8 twist 5R melonite barrel. The 15T that I picked up this morning has the new patent pending S&W rail, Troy M&P marked buis and the old 1/9 chrome lined barrel. The price was more in line with the newer 15T with the mbuis, S&W rail and 5R barrel. I thought that the melonite 5R barrel was very good and I'm wondering why they are mixing the previous chrome lined 1/9 twist barrel, Troy sights with the S&W rail. Is this S&W attempt to admit that they overpriced the previous version of the 15T at $1700 msrp when they introduced the newer 15T (less than $1k) with melonite barrel or are they just mixing and matching to get rid of old stock? Either way it's a solid rifle and I'll keep buying the M&P line.
  10. It's A.T. or for the looneys it's Obama positioning his troops to take over if he loses the election.
  11. This is the same mindset that thinks that ALL Asians are "Chinamen". Another dummy blaming his issues on someone else.
  12. Thanks for the moment of sanity. All I need is "The Great EMP Highly Discounted Electronics Conspiracy" to deal with today.
  13. "Everyone wants to go to heaven, but no one wants to die". Those words are from another Socialist Commie.
  14. They won't think about it for a second. Thinking like this just makes us commie Obama lovers. I admire your restraint.
  15. I'm embarrassed. I wore that much gear to the doctors office yesterday.
  16. I always check to see if I can get a better price, but I also always provide more than what's expected whenever I sell or trade a gun.
  17. You'll be needing a good serf. How's the pay? I'm a big man. I can carry a lot of ammo and vittles.
  18. I agree. I was one of those guys under "W". I thought that we were done for. If it did'nt happen under "W", it won't happen anytime soon.
  19. Irrelevant third party voter checking in here. One more vote for Obama. Long live the king! I know that this is a not a gambling site, but I'm willing to bet that America will still be around in four years regardless which of these ducks wins the election. It may be better, it may be worse, but it will be what we have allowed it to become because we are so loyal to the crooked two party system. Are those chickens that I see returning home?


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