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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I figured that the troll thing would be the first thing out of someones mouth. I'm allowed to read the treads. I'm allowed to post in the treads. I don't have to agree with the tread. God Bless America!
  2. I've learned not to be bothered by anything that I read in these threads. TGO is my go to source for gun information, good gun bargains and entertainment. I get comic relief from reading the political threads. A bunch of old men telling boogeyman stories to one another while waiting on a white knight to come in and save the country from another politician. Wash, rinse and repeat every four years.
  3. You can't have a circle jerk if you don't have a reason to meet. Maybe some folks need a daily dose of anger with their cereal. I don't know, but it makes for good entertainment.
  4. Sounds like a party. Good times! I have got to be there at 4:45. I've been doing something wrong for a lifetime.
  5. I hear you. We wouldn't want a guys death to get in the way of you getting your hands on a $50 holster.
  6. There's a new cause to fight for everyday around here. You all are wearing me out.
  7. Good post. You left out the part about only people who really love this country will be voting for Captain magic drawers. The rest of us are commies.
  8. I agree. That's why I said nothing to him. He had no regrets. He simply missed hanging around TGO. Regardless if we like it or not we (TGO members) will be judged by the company that we keep on this forum. The worst thing that could happen to this forum is to be wrongly recognized as a place for bigots, racist and scum to spread their poisonous ideas.
  9. I don't believe that anyone is out to destroy this country. I also don't believe that there are many politics that give a crap about his country or the working men and women who reside here. It's a ego thing. Public service is a thing of our youthful past. As usual we are faced with voting for two very bad candidates. This isn't the most important election ever. It's just the next election where the previous losing political party wants its toy boy back. If Mr Magic Drawers wins the Dems will swear that the world is going to end if they don't get back into power in 2016. I don't have the answer, because the powers that be will never share space with a third party. I do know that I don't buy anything coming out of the mouths of either of he presidential candidates. I only believe that there will be more pain for small business owners and workers regardless who wins. Good luck to you all, Links2k
  10. Be careful. You don't want to be accused of being unpatriotic. Some around here think that one has nothing to do with the other.
  11. I agree with you. That was another poor attempt at sarcasm.
  12. Sour grapes, sour apples, sour candy and sour pusses.
  13. Are we going to have a revolution everytime the election doesn't go our way? That will get old fast.
  14. But they don't want to be the one to start it.
  15. Refreshing to see some of these post. Its like there is a competition going on to see who can come up with the best boogeyman story.
  16. I've tried to make that point since I joined this forum. Obama is President because "W" was a effing idiot.
  17. Just to prove your point. Go Memphis Tigers!
  18. You left out the part about Obama using this as his model for stealing the election.
  19. I agree. That's what strong navies do, but it wouldn't be a normal Sunday afternoon around here if someone wasn't freaking out about something.


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