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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I always feel like you are feeling now. Invade, blow sh#t up, topple a govt and then expect to be welcomed. Leave those ignorant f#ckers alone over there. FREEDOMS ON THE MARCH!
  2. The ambassador might have been a spy. You can't go spying with a battalion of jarheads tagging along. Isn't the main consulate in Tripoli?
  3. I also heard that he liked the biscuits and cheesey grits.
  4. I'll agree with you. Before another penny is sent overseas we should ensure that there isn't one mentally ill or homeless veteran walking our streets. That our borders are secure and our roads and bridges are safe for our children to go to fully funded schools. I have no problem with our tax dollars being spent on these items.
  5. You will have to use M&P mags. They are very reliable.
  6. I'm with you. I'm glad to see that you won't be bullied with all of the nonsense. To me Romney is EVERYTHING that has been said about Obama over the years with the exception of their religions. I'll vote in November, but I'll leave one spot blank. Obama does not deserve a vote and there is no way that I'm voting for the "clean cut Koresh". Besides that, Tennessee is already decided in the presidential election.
  7. Given your choices, none compare to the M&P. For me it's a tie between the M&P and the HK MP5-22 HD. Both are loads of fun and trouble free.
  8. No, some people are afraid of plenty of things right here in the good ole U.S. of A. I put my life on the life for this country and lost a bit of hearing in the process. I think that I'll stick around and watch the chickens come home to roost. If just one of the things that you guys are afraid of comes to fruition it will be worth it just to watch some of you freak out.
  9. It gave me a good laugh, but sadly, he is serious. I would rather live in a world full of everything that scares these guys than walk around living under the "American Taliban" as someone called them earlier.
  10. I don't have the adjectives to describe how much I agree with this statement.
  11. You are applying too much logic to the argument. You risk being accused of asking "gotcha" questions. Seems clear to me. Good job.
  12. I see where you are going with the affirmative action thing. The blacks are taking all of the jobs. Ignore that 14% unemployment thing in the black community that Obama always lies about. With that and taking ALL of the welfare It's a wonder that anyone's making a living these days. Seriously, I am tired of the gays on every t.v. Show or movie that I watch, but I will not try to suppress their existence. A lot of us won't live long enough to see it, but in the very near future there will come a time when people of color (blacks/hispanics) are going to be the majority in this country. When that time comes you will not want the people in charge dealing with your children and grandchildren in the matter in which some of you would treat minorities today. If you are a "Believer" trust what the scripture says and leave the gay issues to the only one allowed to judge. If you are not a "Believer" just mind your own business like we should all be doing anyway.
  13. Yes sir! As I've said before, the only difference is If Romney wins it will be their guy screwing the country over and that makes it alright.
  14. Mr Eastwood made some good points, but the speech was like having to listen to the drunk uncle after thanksgiving dinner. Most minds are already made up. These democrat and GOP conventions are nothing but prep rallies for the party faithful and more waste of money. Both candidates need to talk specifics and stop the b.s. generalizations and finger pointing. By now everyone knows what both candidates weaknesses are. We know that Romney is a flip flopper and by all accounts here the lying king is a commie hell bent on destroying America. Now, We need to hear their real plans for the future.
  15. I agree. I'd like to see Vandy have a good season.
  16. I love it! That put a big smile on my face. The illustration is great. You should make that your avatar.
  17. I'll leave it as it is since it irks you. I'm not a gun forum grammar nazi.
  18. I did not hijack your thread. Take your own advice. Read some of the crap that you post in ArmyVeterans threads. I guess that's ok, because YOU disagree with his post. I'll keep reading this nonsense and I'll post whenever it pleases me. If I recall correctly the ability to post in these threads is not limited to people who only agree with you and those who suck on the tit of that atheist chick with mommy issues.


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