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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. Same here. I also don't like the idea of the officer shooting me and telling everyone that I drew my weapon. Only the survivor gets the chance to tell his story.
  2. I have put off trying the Gen4 because I find it hard to believe that they could be any better than the Gen3. Yes, I always tweak my Glocks just a little. I know that they don't require the extras that I put on them, but those extras sure make them silky smooth. Thanks for the input guys.
  3. She has worked her entire life, paid taxes, saved a little money, paid into the system and is now in a home. I have no problem if she never pays another penny in taxes.
  4. You're entitled to that opinion. I'll ask my mother in law how much is enough when I visit her at the nursing home tomorrow.
  5. I agree, but people around here have a tendency to post something and get bent out of shape when everyone does not agree with what they are saying. I am simply stating a opposing view. If they only want to hear from people who agree with them they should only send pm's.
  6. I have the FDE MOE version. She is a lifetime keeper.
  7. I haven't heard much lately about defects, so I'm assuming that they are good to go?
  8. Even if they have worked their entire lives and already paid "something"?
  9. I had one and it was nice, but it can't touch the HK MP5-22.
  10. All of those jokes are very funny.
  11. Wow, are you guilt tripping our something? I was not talking specifically about you. I simply wanted to point out that I understand why the elderly and working poor pay little or no taxes and that they are included in those numbers. I do quite well also, but I'm not going to break my arm patting myself on the back.
  12. Good luck to you. I'm hoping that you are so successful that you are able to expand to the Memphis area.
  13. Does that 48% include the elderly and the people with crappy jobs that pay less than $20k per year? I'm certain that it does. It doesn't matter right? They should have worked harder to ensure that they earned the middle class income of $250,000.
  14. I know what you are talking about. I had a neighbor get a job transfer to Denver. He and his wife decided that the wife would remain in their home in Memphis while he completed his two year assignment because of housing cost. That assignment cost him his wife (Jody got her) and his job, because he went to jail after returning home unexpectedly and finding Jody living in his house.
  15. I'll take a small wager via pm. America has and will survive worse.
  16. Good luck to you all. When are y'all leaving? Should be a good fight. TGO members versus terrorist. I hope that its available on pay per view. When you all say "we" I'm assuming that you mean our troops?
  17. You left out the part about a Obamas space ship and death rays. Its going to be hard for him to completely destroy the country without all of his tools. Anyone who truly believes in American exceptionalism would not buy into scare tactics. I believe that this country is strong enough to survive Obama and Romney.
  18. And leave all of that Libyan sweet crude in the ground for China or Russia to get...don't hold your breath.
  19. I can't understand why people aren't barffing all over the place at the thought of either of these clowns running our country.
  20. No, now he wants to pretend to have interest in young people leading up to the election. That's the real pimping.
  21. So, the problem is the on air name of the radio personality that Obama did the interview with and the FACT that the station admits that it held the interview for two days? There are lots of those type interviews out there from the last election where Obama is on rock and hip stations attempting to sucker the youth into voting for him. I listened to the interview. I did not hear Obama attempt to go "gutta". He simply continued to lay out the same old lame lines that he uses in all of his interviews. Maybe Romney should go on one of the kids radio shows and perhaps he would get votes from someone other than angry old men. The young people Of this country are eager to vote, but with the alienation of third parties Obama and Romney leave a lot to be desired.
  22. We could use her in Memphis. I'd swear that our officers are racing on the south leg of I240 most nights.
  23. [/ The U.S. will support Isreal, so there is no need to get all worked up about it here on TGO. I also believe that there will be a U.S. response to this tragedy. Sad to see some of you disappointed because missiles did not start falling within 24 hours, but I'll bet anything that the people who committed the murders know that we are going to respond. Just curious. Outside of the guys who have already done tours and the guys currently serving our country, how many of you are ready to put some skin (yourself or a family members) in the game if we end up at war in another middle eastern country? I hate the people who always want our guys to kick azz, but never have anything to offer but verbal support. I CAN HEAR YOU, THE REST OF THE WORLD CAN HEAR YOU AND PRETTY SOON AND THE PEOPLE WHO KNOCKED THESE BUILDINGS DOWN WILL HEAR ALL OF US SOON. W. The clowns who committed this crime will hear from us soon enough. Remember that old joke that concluded..."let's walk down the hill and f*ck them all". Patience!


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