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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. That thing is fugly! I think it was produced as a social experiment.
  2. I say ask the teachers. I know many teachers and principals locally who want no part of the burden of going armed while attempting to teach. It blows my mind that these questions are having to be asked. Most of us on TGO are old enough to remember the only potential life threatening events we had to deal with in school were tornado warnings and nuclear missile practice. If I had a preference, I’d rather the state set up a SRO academy and allocate them in larger numbers to all public schools based upon student attendance levels. Also, I would limit entrances to two and make the remaining doors exit only with alarms on them. My proposal would cost money, and no one wants spend any money. I agree with these two memes.
  3. These two franchises plus Braveheart are almost on a loop for me.
  4. The dad is potentially facing 180 years behind bars.
  5. There was a time that I believed politicians wanted to take our guns. Now I think the gun issue is much like the abortion issue. It’s a scare tactic that politicians, lobbyists and gun makers use to line their pockets. The dog caught the car on the abortion issue, and it cost one party two elections. Anti-gun politicians aren’t serious about catching that car. Then they would actually have to run on policy. Just one guys opinion.
  6. What happens when a kid sucker punches a teacher, either with their hands or a blunt object , disarms said teacher and uses the teacher’s weapon to go on a shooting spree inside a school? It may not happen to you, because of your training and gun retention skills, but please don’t say it can’t happen. Who’s to blame then? I’m a gun owner, not a gun fanatic. Someone asked earlier, what’s the common denominator in these incidents, I assume they were alluding to mental health. I can agree with that, but so is access to the gun. I’m not convinced that there is a massive effort to disarm the populace. The they’re coming for our guns crowd has become the boy who cried wolf and a proven tactic to sale more guns.
  7. Dad may also be in a bit of trouble.
  8. I’m just finishing up the six part series “Wyatt Earp and The Cowboy War” on Netflix narrated by Ed Harris. I enjoyed it more than expected.
  9. Links2k


    She can bear children. She’s a female. People just look for reasons to be negative and hateful. I wouldn’t trade places with her.
  10. Links2k


    Let’s focus on the young people who have busted their behinds for years attempting to reach this milestone in their lives.
  11. Links2k


    I plan to watch men’s and women’s gymnastics, fencing, track and field, men’s and women’s basketball, men’s and women’s soccer, and the decathlon. My son’s high school track teammate Harrison Williams (MUS 2014, Stanford 2019) will be competing in the decathlon for the USA. I’m watching the opening ceremony now. It’s very artistic, but nowhere close to as exciting and energetic as Tokyo 2020.
  12. Links2k


    I got this information last week, and thought I’d share with everyone who is interested.
  13. Yeah, I already watched. Lot’s of shooting, but it was just ok.
  14. I figured for $5.00 difference, why not own it. I’ll watch it several times.
  15. I purchased “Horizon” on Amazon Prime. It was a very good movie. I can’t wait until part 2 comes out.
  16. It was mentioned the potential assassin had photos and scheduled appearances of both Trump and Biden. Maybe the attempt on Trump was a matter of convenience. Just speculation on my part.
  17. I’m certain other employees also see just as much nepotism and the good ole boy mentality within your company. It goes both ways. I think that’s mostly how it is. Because a bunch of men don’t like it, doesn’t make it wrong. You may respond with the last word, so we can get back on topic. I respect your opinions, because that’s your experience.
  18. Good point about the NBA! Why do you stay at a company that you feel puts your version of DEI as a priority over what’s best for the company? Secondly, what part of DEI is the problem at your Fortune 500 company and are you allowed to address the issue? A little further off topic for the last time. I was watching Hard Knocks with the New York Giants the other night. They had a female regional scout. She was in the big meetings, at the NFL Scouting Combine and out drinking and dining with the boys. Not once did I think of her as a diversity hire. I thought she must be one bad mf’er to have obtained a position in that organization. I’m thrilled to see people doing jobs or running companies that they weren’t allowed to do in the past. I don’t believe the “glass ceiling” was a figment of people’s imagination. I believe that to be the real issue people have with DEI. They’ve never seen a unicorn until a unicorn appears. Now, as for me, back on topic. Some asshole shot at Trump.


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