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Everything posted by leroy

  1. RE: HvyMtl's question: Harry Truman. Got in when FDR kicked off. Won on his own the second round because he was a "connected polititian" and WWI veteran.. Second one was Eisenhower. Connected war hero, picked by GOP insiders. Whadda think? leroy
  2. I think SW hit a homerun shot here!! I think he is exactly right. I, In fact, do believe that anybody is better than what you have now with regard to Harwell, Ramsey, and several other politicos. They need to be challenged in the primaries and beaten in their individual districts in order to be gotten rid of, with outside help, if necessary. There is no doubt in my mind that these "Republicans" are carrying water for the large businesses that do not want the hastle of dealing with the "guns in the parking lot" thing. All these damned polititians need to be changed out regularly. They are popularly elected by the citizens of the state; and need to be voted out if found to be lacking. In my personal view; they are "bought and paid for" by the lobbysts and special interests. Dont let these people pee down your leg and tell you its raining. You are far better off with new people in these spots than you are with this current crop of trash. leroy
  3. Im roundin up parts to put another AR together (...300 ACC...). I've priced bolt carriers and they run from "mild to wild". Do i really care if i have a "super-duper" bolt carrier? I think the last one i bought was a simple, humble, military type staked carbon steel bolt carrier for about $50. Whaadda ya think? Thanks in advance. leroy
  4. There may be a "condition of employment" thing here. Sometimes in govt jobs, there are "conditions of employment" rules that you sign prior to bein hired. "No campaigning" may be one of them. Not sure though. It seems odd to me that it was a slam dunk that the firing would stick if there wasnt something like that. leroy
  5. Thanks Grout! I appreciate it. I wonder if the magazine depth (...front to back...) is different on the 21 vs the 30; or the ramp angle a bit different? Thanks again. leroy
  6. Y'all shouldnt have started this. My ole buddy used to use this one all the time: "...So dammed ugly she (...or he????...) would scare a haint up a thorn bush on a foggy nite!!!....". My sainted moms had a vaariation on the "cat thing" with this one: "...Not room enough to cuss a cat without gettin hair in your mouth!!...". leroy
  7. Finally read about this one. It should be interestin to watch; considering the location and the guy involved. leroy PS --- Thanks for posting it!!
  8. leroy

    Dan Wesson 15-2

    Dan Wessons of that era are excellent revolvers. I've never seen a bad shootin one. I've got an 8 inch 22LR that shoots like a rifle. The fit and finish on 'em is as good as any smith or colt. They are an underappreciated, but great revolver. leroy
  9. I'm like Mike. Who the hell cares who FAREED ZAKARIA is or what he thinks. It's nothin but the usual elitist, overbearing "we know best" baloney put out by an intellecual "wannabee". leroy
  10. TMF:_____________ Enlightening and well thought out post above. Thanks for the insight. leroy
  11. Has anybody tried to feed their glock any hardcast, wide flat nose semiwadcutters? How did it work out?? leroy
  12. Congratulations!! Dillon is good stuff!! leroy
  13. TMF:___________ I happen to think you are right on most all your post; especially the bottom line. Hopefully, this is a tempest in a tea pot and nothin will come of it. I genuinely hope so too. The principal difference between what you and i think is that you seem to see this as a "...no never mind..." with regard to commissioning the writing of a goofy problem definition and spendin time and dollars afterward "studying the problem", and ya seem to think that folks shouldnt get bent out of shape nor be concerned about it. On the flip side; I see the idea that the government of the USA ever considering this (....much less doin it....) study in our free society as a bad thing; and further than that, a thing that is unprecidented in our national history. This is the kind of stuff that was studied in the old communist block and in china, not the USA (....if it's studied at all; which i think it is....). I dont trust the basic benelovence of government (...especially this particular administration....) and i dont think anyone else should either. I think that the present political climate in this country is much like the climate that was present on the eve of the civil war. Its divided into two factions, which are not necessarily equal; who are stirred up at the actions of the faction opposing them, head to head. One side stands for statism and authoritarian government and the other believes in the founding principles of the country. Each side is howling and barking about the actions and motives of the other and looking for any reason (...real or imagined; no matter how outlandish...) to howl about and make political hay with. Nobama aint helpin himself in this because he is a statist and an authoritarian at heart, and comes across as an archtypical overbearing, "smartest guy in the room" jackass eastern block type guy that has decided to govern via executive fiat to the extent he can ALA the executive order route, and by bullying the congress and judicial branch ALA the "Chicago Way" in order to ram things down the collective throats of any who might oppose his policies. That causes those on the other side (...me included...) to be suspect of everything he and the "government" does; including what we are talkin about here. Whether we like it or not, Nobama is the Commander and Chief of the military in the good ole USA now, and that's a fact. The good news is that on a personal basis, i believe that the general feminization of society here in the good ole USA, Providence, and the individual honor of key folks will most likely keep any coup type tendencies in check. In my mind, the fact that a relatively sane citizen of this country is having thoughts like we are discussing here; plus the fact that lots of others are havin it too, is a cause eyebrows to be raised among the populace. I think that this next election cant come too soon; as it will probably calm down a bunch of this type thinking. I guess my problem is that im suspicious by nature and ive never seen as much government meddling and general reprisal against companies and individuals who are perceived as "enemies of the state" (...read that political opponents and constituencies opposing certain administration thinking and policies on items like coal production, real energy businesses like oil, gas, enviornmental regulation, union vs "right to work" states, etc, etc....) as i am seeing now. I'm a relatively old guy (...im 65; will be 66 this month...) and have followed politics most all my life. Ive never seen it this hot and devisive before. leroy
  14. Others need to speak up on this; but i think that ya need a new bolt as well as a new barrel. I think the problem is the diameter of the case head of the 7 mag vs the 308. For some reason, i seem to remember that there are three bolt face sizes. Magnum, regular (...308/30-06...), and small. Maybee the rifle guys will start speakin up shortly. leroy
  15. RE: "...So, if an O-6 makes up a fictitious scenario about the tea party it is cause for concern? ...". The short answer is "yes"... This is, in my view, a genuine cause for concern because it smacks of a government sanctioned military or dictatorial coup commissioned by duly elected officials in a country which originally had strict prohibitions against this type action (...the old possee comititus provision....) until recently ALA the Patriot Act (...which is neither patriotic nor legal; it just aint been challenged in court real well yet....). There was a great battle when this nation was young over the standing army thing; and to a great extent, the concerns were well founded. I do happen to think that if you think that plannin to raise arms against a substantial population of your own countrymen for the purpose of "exposing flaws in policy" (...by the way, exactly what policy do we have that would entail shooting, rounding up, or limiting the freedoms of the populace?...) its a bad thing; no matter the position in the military or civilian heiarchy. There was a fella by the name of Abraham Lincon that did the same thing several generations back in this countrys history with devistating results. leroy
  16. All:_________________ I'm a big Moonbattery Blog fan. Found this today. Interestin read: http://moonbattery.com/?p=15413 Food for thought. leroy
  17. Here's a hearty thanks to "all ya all" who took the time to post about your experiences with the 45 acp glock. Especially to Steelharp for posting pictures. Sorry i took so long to get back to ya. Looks to me like the 45 acp glock is a great tool to ward off wouldbe evildoers. Now i need to get to work savin up for one. Thanks a bunch. leroy
  18. Dear brother and sister handgun fanciers:_____________ I'm kinda like J. Thadeous Toad in the "wind and the willows"; and ive got a new mania. I've been thinkin about a 45 ACP carry gun and i like the idea of the glock. They are relatively inexpensive and, in other calibers, they work real good. Please post your collective thoughts about the size and reliability of your glock 45ACPs. I've got abou 1000 remington gold dot 230 grain hollow points i need to load up, and i wuz wonderin if i should shoot 'em out of some kind of a glock or spring for a birdshead ruger 45ACP. Thanks in advance. leroy PS-- I know about 1911's; and i know they work real good. I dont know about the glocks. Thanks again, leroy
  19. This is a bit of a loaded question and it may contain a bit of a false presumption (...the democrat vs republican thing...) which im sure is an innocent addition. As others have wisely said, the problem with government is with those who govern. Said another way, the actions of individuals determine how "good" or "bad" things are. In my mind, this aint a demorat of republican question when ya look back thru history. Each era or administration has to be looked at on an individual basis. Political parties evolve over time and morph into new organisms. In my view, the problem with the country today is the problem of socialist thinking and keynesian economics (...eg. the "Big Government, meddling in business way of governance"....); coupled with a good dose of autoritianism plus the self delusion of "we are the best and brightest and we know best" snobbery from the elite politcal class from both political parties. This concept started with Woodrow Wilson and came to its flower under the great god FDR. If ya look at things from this perspective, most all administrations from FDR forward followed the socialist-keynesian model to some extent with regulation of business, large government spending, government meddling in the free market, removal of freedoms, all for the "collective good" ya understand, etc. There are those here who say that democrats and republicans are simply different sides of the same coin; and im old enough to remember when they were. That time is long gone. It died in the late sixties with JFK. LBJ pushed the democrat party left toward socialism again with his "War on Poverty" thing. Fast forward to now; the demorats moved so far left toward the socialist model that the new demorat model that you are seeing today is anti business, anti freedom, and anti everything else. It is an attempt to bring back the "Old World Fiefdoms" populated by ruling elites, pure and simple. Its a complete destruction of everything this country was founded to get away from. It's the "New Old World" (...read that as europe...)masquerading as a utopia; governed of course, by a "governing elite; the political class. The republican thing aint much better, and that's why they are in trouble. I believe lots of folks are fed up with both sides of this. I will say, that when ya consider the demorat view, republicanism doesnt look so bad. At least the republicans for the most part are capitalists. They may be overbearing, snobbish, and aristocratic; but, again, at heart, they are capitalists. I think the birth of the Tea Party movement points out all the bad problems with both political parties. The fact is that the presently constituted political parties are both in trouble. Folks dont like what the major parties are doin and they are calling them out. The Tea Party folks (...and the Libertarians....) believe that the Constitution actually means what it says, and that political operatives should operate within the limits of the Constitution. The demorats and republican establishment stand for "business as usual"; which most folks dont like and are doin something about. The sad fact is that both parties are ratty and they need a housecleaning. I think ya saw some of the housecleaning in the 2010 mid-terms and i think it will continue in 2012. I think the demorats are dead because no one except the socialists and trash among us believes what they believe. They are, as a party, a bunch of anti liberty dimwits. The republicans are simply the lesser of two evils. I believe that if The republicans dont do exactly what they say they are goin to do this time around, they will be replaced by a new conservative party. leroy
  20. Based on Ms. Harwell's quote RE: "..The NRA Influence..."; my guess is that Ms Harwell has either had a stroke that has clouded her thinking, or that she is in denial (...lots of politicos do that, ya know....). I think the "real influence" is the tiredness of folks with high handed "take it or leave it" politics by the "best and brightest"; demorat and republican. The NRA just chose to exercise it's First Amendment rights by engaging in political speech in the public forum regarding the actions of a political figure. What could be more American that that?? More than that, they evidently told the truth about Ms Maggart. Looks to me like folks in her district didnt like what they heard and decided to do somethin about it. Folks are tired of that (...sayin one thing and doin the other....) and Ms Harwell would do well to understand that. I'll guarantee that for "...every NRA member that is very angry with how they (...the NRA...) conducted themselves..."; there are 10 who think that the NRA did the right thing; and hundreds of non-NRA folks who think cleaning house is a good idea. Ms Harwell and "The Snozz" Haslam need to understand that this is bigger than NRAism. Its about folks being tired of polititians sayin one thing and doing another. I say they better be careful; and the smart ones will be. It remains to be seen just how smart Ms. Harwell and "Snozz" are. leroy
  21. I think you are seeing a revolt against republicanism here in TN (...and other places as well; look at the recent TX republican senate primary, ALA Ted Cruze...). Many republicans in this state (...and others...) practice "republicanism"; which is no more than saying you are pro-gun, pro-life, yada, yada, yada....; but you govern as a "governing elite". After all, you are "the best and brightest" because the people chose you to lead them. You know better than the "delightful rustics" who sent you to the state house. If there are any decisions to be made or deals to be cut, you'll make em. The Tea Party has done lots to open the eyes of lots of folks that their rep. or senator may be practicing "republicanism". The fact that several TN state republicans had to face real opposition in the primaries should sober these clowns up. The Tea Party is far from dead and a republican practicing "republicanism" may be an endangered species if they cross enough of the right people. As others have said time and time again in various political posts here on TGO; we need to "clean house". Looks to me like the voters are beginning to do just that. I see that as a good thing. Congratulations to those who want to do the right thing. Woe to those who do the wrong. leroy PS--- CHECK THIS ARTICLE OUT IN THAT NOTED SOCIALIST RAG, THE KNOXVILLE NEWS SENTINEL: http://www.knoxnews.com/news/2012/aug/02/ten-incumbents-151-six-republicans-four-151-in/
  22. I understand. Is the gun marked for the shorter shells or does it say 16 ga? It may be a european market model (...which i think is extremely cool!!...). I've never seen any "european" brownings; but i bet there were some. I've never seen a 16 ga other than a "sweet 16". I understand that in the early days (...think late teens and twenties...) that the germans liked the 16 ga about as well as a 12 ga. Sounds to me ya got a neat old piece of history there. I'm a great browning A5 affectionado (...along with Winchester 97's and model 12's as well...). The fact is that J M Browning designed all the "modern" shotguns ya see today. I still think the A5 is the king. Good luck with the studies. leroy
  23. Looks to me like all ya got to do is to ream the chamber to 2 3/4. I'd recommend takin it to Bob at Predator Custom shop and lettin him have a look. leroy
  24. leroy

    Flash Mobs

    I think most all posters have hit the "flash mob" thing on the head. The "flash mob" thing is, in my opinion, a pre-orchestrated, pre-meditated, thuggish tool conceived by the trashy among us to steal with. Take a look at where these "flash mobs" happen. What we are seeing here in this country in regards to "flash mobs" is nothing more than gutter trash moving from across the tracks and stealing from eachother to mainstreet (...if ya can call the mall "mainstreet" --- ill admit to havin problems with that one, as i hate the "mall" thing...). The perpetrators of these "flash mobs" are gambling that law enforcement wont bother to corral them, and that the stores wont prosecute them. The "flash mod" is simple product of the feminization of our society. Most no one will step up and put the club to these thugs, and they know it. I give this advice almost daily to my dear wife: "...stay away from the mall and be watchful of your surroundings...". Of course, she never heeds the "mall thing"; but she is doin pretty good at watching. My concern with all this stuff is that there well may be day comming (...and it well could be here now in some of the bigger cities....) when these thugs move from stealing from retailers to killin people they dont like to take what they have ALA what is goin on in lots of formerly "civilized" locations in africa (...think the former british colonies like South Africa here....). leroy
  25. leroy

    Trade or no trade

    I like the 238. They are a great carry pistol. leroy


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