I am an old guy that started shooting over 50+ years ago. I was raised on revolvers and 1911's. I still love them. I recently bought a Glock 33 for concealed carry. The Glock 33 fits in my front (or back) dungaree pocket. It will fit in the front pocket of my sunday khakis. I am a handloader and shoot regularly. The Glock is as reliable as anything I have ever handled. They are ugly when compared to "real guns" --N Frame Smiths, Colt 1911's, and other great things like Single Action Armies -- what they bring to the party is reasonable cost (about $500 vs 1200), great reliability, concealability, and a stupendous punch (357 sig) that you just can't get anywhere else for the money. Gaston Glock is a genius who did something that very few inventors have ever done. He designed and built a completely new pistol that is superbly accurate, cheap to build, easy to take apart, and is easy to shoot. All you need to to with a Glock is to know how to pull the trigger. All in all; they are ugly; but a great thing. Try one out sometime and it will make you a believer.
Kind Regards,