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Everything posted by leroy

  1. I fully agree. My problem with Haslam is his friends. See post here: http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/tennessee-politics-legislation/22067-republican-gov-candidate-3.html#post292774 Check this post too: http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/newsworthy-reports/26282-cobbins-guilty-first-degree-murder-channon-2.html#post348657 Keep up the good work. Kind regards. Leroy
  2. As i remember, this is not "new" news. These issues have come up before all thru our history. As others have said; you are principally responsible for protecting yourself and you always have been. Moral of the story; the state cannot (...and many times will not...) protect you and your family. They cannot be everywhere. Arm yourselves and become proficient in their use. Kind regards, Leroy
  3. I heartily agree. Let's wait and see before we get too overheated. Keep up the good work! Kind regards, Leroy
  4. I fully agree. The good news is that Stark is 78 years old. We can only hope that God in His Greatness calls this socialist trash home soon to be with his buddies Byrd and Kennedy. That being said; there is little chance of unseating him because of his constituency. To check these (...and other clowns out...) use this neat website that shows the various states congressional districts : California Keep up the good work. Kind regards, Leroy
  5. To stir this hornet's nest up a bit; I agree fully with Mark. There are very powerful forces, principally in the Demorat party that are, indeed, trying (...and succeeding in many parts of the country like several rust belt states, the northeast, and that mecca kalefornia...) who want to change the capitalist and self-reliant principles that this country was founded on to the socialist utopian dream of "…from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs. …" baloney. When you take the time to think about what is going on; you will soon come to the conclusion that about one third of the voting population still believes in the capitalist / self reliance ideal, about one third believes in the socialist ideal, and one third just get drug along by whatever bunch is doing the best job of articulating their particular message. The current demorat administration proves just how tenuous the freedom/socialism battle is; because with a mere 5 million vote majority; the socialists among us were able to drag this country hard left and make progress the socialists had not made since the "New Deal". This happened, I believe, because the Republicans ran an RINO candidate that no real, conservative, Republican or independent that loves liberty could back (...so they thought...). They bought the "Hope and Change" baloney, and look what it has brought; the greatest assault on capitalism that we have seen in modern times. The American voter threw a tantrum (...a well deserved one, I believe...) at the republicans who traded the capitalist/ self reliant ideal for the old governing master idea and voted in the "Hope and Change" party. The good news is in modern times (since about 1976), the Demorat party has had to rely on a combination of telling lies about who they really are and voter dissatisfaction with the Republicans to get elected. Jimmy Carter (...the dumbest president in modern times...) was elected because the American voter was incensed that Gerald Ford (...an unelected president in his first term...) pardoned Nixon, and gave the impression that the governing elites were above the law. The great Bill Clinton was elected because he said: "I’m not like them left wing Demorats...". We could probably quibble about that a bit ---HEHEHE. Most recently, the great Nobama was elected because he ran on "Hope and Change" and ran against a weak RINO Republican and a Republican White House and Congress who had forgotten who elected them, and what they were really there to do. I believe that voter dissatisfaction will throw this bunch of chumps out as well. The moral of this little epistle: There are, indeed, very powerful forces in this country who would demand that we change this country from a capitalist system to a socialist utopia (…with them, of course, as the exalted leaders; and you as their serfs…). The Demorat party as it has been constituted for many years, is indeed, the party of socialism. There are those (…including yours truly…) who believe the Republican party has abdicated its long held role of espousing smaller government, capitalism, and conservative principles. That is why they were thrown out. The Republicans had better wake up, or they will morph into the demorat party and the real Republicans will become a third party (…think Tea Party…). RE: The issue of “cheap labor”. The illegal argument is an interesting one. The Demorats want amnesty for illegals because they see them as a new voting block and a group of new socialist serfs that will help them to bring in the new socialist utopia. Some Republicans see the illegals as a labor pool to do the work that the “sons and daughters” of the kingdom will not do. The fact of the matter is that two things will have to happen; both of which factions in both parties will have to accept. The first is that the sons and daughters of this country will have to accept the idea that they need to go to work in the first place; that there aint no ‘Rainbow Stew”; that no body, especially government, owes them a living; and that ALL work is honorable. In short, it is the idea of self-reliance and that “you are responsible for you”. That means rejecting the social drivel about being mistreated and the elitist lie that says that some labor is beneath the dignity of certain groups of people. The second is that we are simply going to have to secure our borders and fix the problem of illegals in this country; no matter how painful that will be for both the Demorats and the Republicans. Don’t be dragged off in the woods with the drivel about this economy needing illegals to do work that no one else will do. If you change the culture and attitude that a majority of unemployed sons and daughters of the kingdom have toward work in this country; you will fix the “labor problem”. The “cheap labor” issue is a construct that factions of both sides of the political spectrum are using to try to feather their respective political nests with. It aint about social justice, fairness, or the American ideal --- It’s about partisan politics --- pure and simple!!! Food for thought. Kind regards, Leroy
  6. I like Ramsey!! You cant vote for "none of the above". If you do, you will get what you have now. Food for thought. Leroy
  7. I'd say you are right on the nickel. I've got it's brother (...factory nickel...) downstairs in the gunsafe. The S & W 39 and 59 were built in anticipation of the military going over to the 9mm standard. They were sold to several police departments. I always liked the look and feel of the 39. They are a great shooter. The original 39's had checkered walnut grips with the old time S & W medallions. Hope this helps. Kind regards, Leroy
  8. Craig:_________ I own and used to regularly shoot the first light weight 1911; the colt lightweight commander. They are a 4 1/4 inch aluminum alloy frame 45 acp. They carry very well (...to me, much better than a steel 1911--- that few ounces of weight reduction means more than you would think...) and they shoot like a regular steel 1911. They will climb higher in recoil than a steel gun because they are lighter. They are just as accurate and just as reliable as their all steel brothers. I like em!! RE: The glock 36. I like em. You cant beat the price. They are just as reliable as a 1911. I edc a glock 33. Just a bit smaller than the glock 36. Hope this helps. Kind regards, Leroy
  9. Hill:___________ You can take the position that you have taken if you want to; and I understand that it is not in agreement with mine. I see no confilct with the logic of my position. The reason for that is that I wrote it, and i believe it for the reasons stated in the previous posts. Your opinion (..and Jeff Knox's opinion...) seems to be that "...the NRA is no friend to the Bill of Rights" because they havent went far enough to defend it. My opinion is that the NRA is doing a good job of defending the Bill of Rights by ensuring that the Second Amendment is protected for the reasons listed above and in previous posts. Having said all that; the important thing to remember that BOTH OF THESE POSITIONS ARE OPINIONS. One of the great things about living in this country (...for now, anyway ....) is the ability to have "opinions" and openly speak them in the public forum. If you take the time to look at Jeff Knox site (...here http://www.firearmscoalition.org/index.php) he is head of the "Firearms Coalition, "The Hard Corps". Could it possibly be that Jeff Knox could see himself as a potential competitor to the NRA and could he possible be using this little dust up to feather his nest by potraying himself as a "greater patriot" than the NRA by standing up for the First Amendment? Or could he honestly be trying to push the NRA to do more in this little dust up? The answer is, we simply dont know which is the case. I dont know if that is true or not; as Mr Knox seems to not have spoken his intention in this matter. The end of this little discussion in my mind, is what to with regard to the actions of the NRA: If you agree (...as i do...) with the job the NRA is doing, send them dollars and become a member. If you do not agree with them, dont send them money and criticize them if you feel the need to. Thats one of the great things about living in this country (...for now, anyway...). You are free to do those things. You can even criticize the government (...for now...). Now to the issue of "speech being speech and money being money": There are those who apparently do not believe that money equals free speech. See below: I happen to believe that the use of money to lobby, advertise, inform thru mass media (...TV ads, radio, internet ...) to promote an idea or concept in the political arena is a type of "free speech". You can choose not to believe that if you want to; but simple observation will prove you wrong. That is exactly why political parties solicit contributions from their various constituents. It seems to me that the labor unions were given a pass in the original unconstitutional "Campaigh Finance Reform" bill (...by the way, the same way the NRA was given this one --- for different reasons, of course. The unions are pro Demorat... .). Money is, indeed, a tool for political free speech. That is why the Demorats (...along with some republicans too --- remember the McCain-Finegold bill ....) would like to limit the abilities of groups to use it to politically campaign in the public arena against them. Don't be drug off into the bushes by the polititians and pundits that say that dollars need to be regulated to make the electioneering process more "pure and uncontaminated by special interest groups". That is baloney and always was. The real reason is that most polititians "mean to govern" and do not like to be criticized. That means that they (...and for many of them, only they...) know best what is good for us "ordinary citizens" and if there are any decisons to be made; they will make them. I dont believe that and neither should you. That is why we have "electioneering" -- a First Amendment right..., and elections. Both McCain-Finegold and the "Disclose" act are attempts by polititians to supress criticism of their policies and positions thru legislative action. Always remember this great quote that i lifted from one of our members here: When it comes right down to it, the quote above is what this is all about ---assumption of authority to tell you what you can and cannot do under the guise of the "public good" (...i prefer the old Soviet standard quip: "The Collective Good"---what baloney!!!....). The "elites" (...read that polititians and pundits...) would presume to take the authority to tell you everything you need to know and what you need to do at the point of the bayonet thru the legislative process. After all, you are just an ignorant, ordinary citizen and dont know anything about this "important" stuff like government. If this sounds familiar, it is; it is what the Communists and Totalitarian governments do. I dont like that governmental system and I suspect that you dont either. Moral of this little essay; "Your money belongs to you (...for the time being, at least...). You are entitled to put it to work in the arena of First Amendment protected free political speech." Some polititians dont like that because it criticizes their actions and may get them thrown out of office. They have taken 'stealth" measures like the "Disclose Act" and "Campaign Finance Reform" to limit your ability to criticize them; all the time purporting to be doing the "right thing"---nothing could be farther from the truth. I dont like that and my advice to you is that you shouldn't either. Food for thought. Kind regards, Leroy
  10. Hill:______________ Two things. NRA will not argue the "free speech" issue if they do not have to (...meaning no public argument from NRA if "exempt"(...that is, exempt as an organization from disclosing the names of donors...). If not "exempt"; then the NRA will actively fight the bill. Secondly; the NRA is a "single issue" organization devoted to the defense if the Second Amendment. That means that they will not fight any fights other than second amendment fights [...excluding, I think, issues that affect the membership, like the disclosure of names and financial contributions from NRA members (...read that donors...)]. Remember, the bill calls for "disclosure" of donor names, which I think amounts to having the effect of silencing political "free speech" (...talking with your money...). The Supreme Court has already ruled on this once with "Campaign Finance Reform". It was struck down. Simply said, the government cannot tell you who to back (...with your dollars...) in a political election or try to silence you thru intimidation by "listing you"; thereby making your name public. It is my belief that the "Disclose Act" will be struck down anyway if it passes the Senate and is tried in court. It does exactly what 'Campaign Finance Reform" tried to do and failed; that is, to intimidate and silence support of candidates by individuals and organizations. I also think it is important to remember that the NRA did not start this political dust up; the Demorats did. The reason the Demorats want to "exempt" the NRA is that they do not want to fight them. Most all polititians (...demorat and republican...) are afraid of the NRA; and i believe that is a good thing. Polititians should be afraid of the citizenry. Some folks are trying to beat up the NRA for something they didn't start in the first place. Finally, I think it is important to read and understand another hilited section. Here it is: Remember, there will always be those who have agendas to pursue who will try to paint organizations like the NRA (...maybe even TGO too...) in a bad light to further their own agendas. I think that exactly what is going on here. Remember, the NRA did not start this dust up nor did they say they approved of the legislation in the first place. They were dragged into it and, I think, have been maligned by their detractors. I think that is a shame. The NRA is the best friend that the Bill of Rights has at this point in history. If there aint a Second Amendment, there soon wont be any of the others; especially the First. Hope this helps. kind regards, Leroy
  11. Lester:____________ Got interested in your measurements: I believe you could be on to something with the "small" bullet thing with the 90 grain XTP's. I "tootled" downstairs and did some careful measuring with an old .0000 (...ten thousands ...) reading micrometer on a new box of Hornady XTP 90 grainers i had at home (lot # 2090052). Measured five bullets at random. Results follow: 0.3547 0.3545 0.3547 0.3546 0.3546 Also checked another couple of bullets to get a feel for the mike readings. A couple of nosler 223 - 55 grain spire points read 0.2240 -- dead on spec. A sierra 375 - 300 grain soft point read 0.3750 -- dead on spec too. After miking the bullets, I took a good close look at my dial caliper and zeroed the dial carefully. Readings on all the 90 grain XTP's looked like 0.354 and a "fuzz" -- looks just like your readings. It could be that the tolerances are stacking up (....small end of tolerance on bullets, thin brass, upper end on diameter on sizing die, etc. ...) to make the bullets a little bit "loose" in the brass when seated. I would crank down on the crimp die and get the 0.002 crimp on them little buggers if ya can. Hope this helps. Kind regards, Leroy
  12. Check this out: Link here: NRA-ILA :: Setting The Record Straight On The Be careful what you choose to believe. The NRA is the biggest friend that the Bill of Rights (...and us citizens who believe in them...) have in modern times. If there is no Second Amendment, there soon wont be any of the others. Polititians are afraid of the NRA. That's why they are seeking to exempt them from this legislation. It is always a good thing when polititians are afraid of the citizenry. Dont let the foolish and those with an adgenda (...read that as most news outlets, newspaper columnists and commentators...) drag you off into the bushes with this platitudinous baloney about sell outs. The First amendment will only be safe if the second amendment is firmly in place. Kind regards, Leroy
  13. Lester:_____________ Do you recon that the sizer die may be on the high side of the tolerance for the 380 and just isnt sizing the cases small enough? My die works perfectly. Just ran downstairs and miked 4 or 5 resized cases. Caliper readings were .348 to .350 on the id and .368 to .370 on the od. They are new starline cases sized in dillon dies. Dont be afraid to crank the taper crimp on down to get the .002 squeeze at the very top of the round. I always mike the od without a crimp there; then crank the die down to get a .002 crimp. RE: The idea of "roughing up the bullet". I would be tempted to thin down some shellac to about water consistency (...use a volitle old timey shellac...), coat the lower sides of the bullet, let it set until it gets tacky, then seat the bullets and see if that helps. I have heard tales of the old timey military rifle ammo being loaded with asphaltum coated bullets in the case mouth to seal the rounds for waterproofing. Hope this helps. Kind regards, Leroy
  14. Great advice. I heartily agree with Bryan. The king of the pocket revolvers is the all steel J frame smith. Everyone should own at least one. A slightly larger, but just as great alternate is the Ruger SP101. An all steel revolver is much easier to shoot. I carry mine in a good pocket holster (...AHolster...). An all steel j frame weighs about 21 ounces. The SP101 about 25 ozs. I always use a good gun belt to hold up my pants anyway; so the extra weight in the pocket doesnt cause any trouble for front or hip pocket carry. Hope this helps. Kind regards, Leroy
  15. Dear Ken:______________ Been loading some of these little rascals with 95 grain Hornady HP's myself. Make sure you size the cases before you try to reload them. I always resize any pistol cases, even if they are new and unfired. That brings them to the right diameter before you start. I always bevel the case id with my little beveling tool too. Makes the bullet slide in without using too much case mouth flaring (... I generally never flare a straight wall pistol case anyway...). After charging the powder and seating the bullets on these little jewels; I use my crimp die to finish the job. To crimp with a taper crimp die; run the ram all the way to the top of its stroke and then screw the taper crimp die down until it just touches the top of the case. Then go in about 1/6 turn increments screwing the die down and checking the diameter of the case at the top. When you get .002 (...two thousands...) crimp; lock the crimp die down and do the rest of your batch of reloads. I always check every 10 or so reloads to see that the die hasn’t loosened off. This should give you plenty of neck tension on the case. You can load a few reloads, then take one and CAREFULLY push the bullet nose against a good solid surface like the leg of your reloading bench. If the bullet stays put and doesn’t slide back into the case; you have got it. If it does; repost what is going on after you measure all the components with your caliper. PS: I use dillon dies too. Been using starline brass. Hope this helps. Kind regards, Leroy
  16. I heartily agree with Mike's assessment. I EDC a Glock 33. It is accurate, powerful, and easy to shoot. That being said; try one out if you can before you buy. See if you like it; if you do, round one up. They are a great thing and relatively easy on the pocketbook. Hope this helps. Kind regards, Leroy
  17. I second this opinion. I carry and shoot a Glock 33. It is a very reliable, accurate and powerful handgun in a small package. Kind regards, Leroy
  18. While i agree in principle with what Mr Sowell says; I specifically do not agree with this: I believe that many are watching what is going on, and will make their displeasure known in 2010 and 2012. I will agree that in some places there does not seem to be concern about this thuggery and shake down of BP (...and us, the taxpayers....). The places where this stuff is ok are the usual socialist locations like the northeast, kalefornia, and inside the beltway in washington, dc. I firmly believe that the real folks that make this country work will cast this bunch of pukes out pretty quickly. Food for thought, Kind regards, Leroy
  19. I like em too. Got a pile of them and bunches of Li-Ion batteries laying around; along with the usual pile of ni-cads. I see it as kinda like the gun and reloading thing. Keep up the good work. Kind regards, Leroy
  20. + 1 for me to. Thanks for taking the time to do all this hard work so we can have a better forum. Kind regards and many thanks, Leroy
  21. I watched the video too; but couldn't tell what was going on. If you look at the Second District in AZ; it is firmly Republican (..check here:Arizona's 2nd congressional district - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ...). Dont discount the possibility that this is just a lame attempt by some Demorat leaning bureaucrat somewhere in AZ to try to intimidate a Republican candidate. If i wuz ole Joe, i would spin it that way anyway. That sort of stuff aint new; it has been going on in lots of places (...think northeast big cities...) for a long time. The US Attorney in this territory is, im sure, a rabid Demorat (...read here: District of Arizona . ...). I'm sure we will hear more about this in due time. Food for thought. Leroy
  22. All:________________ I doubt a suit means anything in real terms. My guess is that it is just political pandering to the Demorat base who likes this sort of stuff. I doubt this will affect anything other than to make the Nobama bunch more stupid in the eyes of the states and the electorate. My guess is that a suit (...if they win; which i think is iffy...) cant be enforced. We also need to consider the possibility that this is a strategic leak by the Clintons to finish Barak's chances for re-nomination in 2012 since "Uncle Teddy" is laying in the grave (...thankfully...). He would have to run as the socialist/Marxist candidate (...that's what he really is...) instead of the Demorat candidate. I can just hear the Bill/Hillary speech now: "We can’t afford fo mo years of Barakism, thuggism, and destruction of the Democrat Party. ...." I cant wait for the 2012 campaign season to roll around!!!! Remember, vote early and often!! Kind regards, Leroy
  23. I think there is some possibility of "the full-court press" too; but it will most likely suicidal for most of the participants. If they do, however, the next congress will most likely undo it; or they will be voted out too. Folks are mad about this stuff; and it's high time they got that way. Keep up the good work. Kind regards, Leroy
  24. I like 'em!!! Been thinkin about buying one of the big ones. Kershaw makes good stuff. Kind regards, Leroy


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