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leroy last won the day on February 10

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About leroy

  • Birthday 08/26/1946

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  • Location
    east tennessee


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Community Answers

  1. Congratulations Brother... Got his brother in a 4 incher myself. The son used ta carry him.,. Ya can't have too many 44 s of any flavor... leroy...
  2. Used ta be... Check your inbox.. leroy.
  3. Red... Got his older brother in the safe. Model 12 solid frame 18 inch riot... Sitting next to 2 model 97s -- both riots; one flaming bomb marked, the other police marked. Browning BPS ( what the model 12 should have evolved into ) 18 inch riot by the bed . I confess to being a Winchester pump gun riot junkie... leroy...
  4. Model 12..? leroy....
  5. Yeaah..!!! What Mista armededucator said..!!! Every shotgun man owes it to himself to own or at least slam fire a model 97... Then you'll know why the WW1 Germans feared em so much...I love em... leroy....
  6. leroy


    Remember this great quip by the " Father of the Gunsite Academy ", the great Jeff Cooper:.... They ( the SAA, DA Revolver, or 1911 ) are all the same til the first reload. Armed citizens rarely find themselves in " reload gunfights. A finished revolver man, nomatter the flavor of revolver, is a thoroughly dangerous man, and is quite capable of stopping multiple threats. The " high capacity spray n pray approach is overrated. leroy...
  7. Rane... I'm finally gettin the picture... HEHEHE... Many thanks Brother. leroy...
  8. I gotta ask... What in the world doya use these for..? I've got 2 win mags, never saw this round before... Many thanks leroy...
  9. I've got this guy's little brother ... The CR920... They are great small pistols; highly recommended. Fair price... GLWS... leroy...
  10. Lotsa wisdom here. Roane and I are in the same boat... We got a few years on US --- we ain't as spry as we once were.. We are right where one of my shooting mentors was when he gave this advice to me: ... " I'm an old man, most any punk can slap me around--- they just ain't goin to "... Us old curmudgeons are easy targets. The element of suprize and a good pistola are great deterrents to mayhem. I know, I've had the problem a time or two. leroy...
  11. Thank you Brother..! admirin leroy..
  12. When I wuz younger, 60 or so years ago, we regularly used peeps on lever guns. Easy installation n great improvement in the sights. leroy..
  13. leroy

    870 28 gauge ?

    I'd love ta have one ..! I do have a 28 ga Browning Citori. The 28 ga is a great, lightweight shotgun. leroy...
  14. For a pretty good time the 300 win mag and the 300/338 wildcats were used as reliable military 1000 YD target guns. They are built in the same action as the 7 mm mag as I remember. As I remember, the 7 mag, 300 win mag, and the 338 mag are long actions. The weatherbys may be extra long actions. All ya got ta do is replace the barrel in your 7 mag. Any of the old line target barrel makers can do em.. The 300 win mag wuz used as a sniper gun as well. I've got a single shot Rem 40X in the back of my gun safe that is as accurate a rifle as I've ever shot. Hope this helps.. leroy.
  15. Good luck with the new venue. This is the absolute best fun show in the Knoxville area, bar none. leroy...


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