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Everything posted by Possumslayer

  1. Something that brings joy tooo my life.... Unrelated but kinda related. If a motorcycle is tailgating me I wash my windshield till he backs off.
  2. or where the round hit an object on the ground and fired?
  3. Always clear the chamber by shooting the last round at a cat.....your welcome.
  4. Maybe he should have tossed out a spike strip since his aim is so bad?
  5. Op.....welcome to the digitally handicapped club!
  6. And again driving is a privilege not a right...
  7. The passenger was secured before the driver?
  8. Holy shit!
  9. Has anyone ever bought one of those tennis racket shaped bug zappers? They look entertaining....
  10. Scroll saw works great, cut 18ga cr with it. 4 " grinders are good , blue ones Electric metal shears work great Ring roller, junk Electric body saw,junk Letters n number stamps, junk
  11. I'd never heard of this.....perhaps I should buy a few pounds and take them to work.
  12. I want a 20ga revolver with a 12" barrel.....
  13. Good question
  14. After having a bone removed from my wrist in July and five weeks of no use with that hand I had to do self induced rehab on it....after getting the hand back to nearly normal I started lifting weights, now I'm in better shape than I've ever been.... Turning 50 this summer.
  15. Sounds like Mobil 1 needs to make a small aerosol can for gun owners......
  16. Go Kenny Schrader!
  17. Bet Hilary woke with a big smile.....
  18. Live on the edge........drive it
  19. Badges? We don't need no stinking badges!
  20. Reminds me of the guy asking the geni for a little head....
  21. it would make me wanna buy two...one for use, one framed with fancy lights shining on it...
  22. Learned something new....I lived less than 2 miles from cmp and had know idea what it was....


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