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Everything posted by Possumslayer

  1. The point is, they are straw gun purchases and atf is turning its back on them.....
  2. I think they cut em up before they found out what was going on...
  3. On my way home from work I heard them talking about that ...... The store that sold em called ATF, I'm guessing they decided to liberal to prosecute.
  4. We need a vote tax.......
  5. Funny how atheist bash Christianity butt defend islam.
  6. was on the news..... they are fighting over water use is the reason the story was aired.
  7. So smith may have been going for his gun?
  8. Gonna shoot a giraffe??
  9. Also..... Isn't Louisiana considered A sports men's paradise?.... I'm sure he's ticked off all the fans.
  10. Public intoxication
  11. It was still a kick ass movie
  12. Ultralight is the only way tooo go.... 4 lb test and the tiniest rooster tails you can find.
  13. damn climate change crap is real?
  14. Damn zombies don't stand a chance!
  15. I bet reloading is popular out there now...
  16. I got stung by one on the finger one time.... Felt like a thumb tack went in my finger, hurt pretty good at first then it swelled a little, next day I couldn't even tell anything happened.
  17. Flip over rocks... that's where i always found them I was a kid.
  18. probably sold it for the same price his copayment is.......
  19. We use to make black powder cannons , used the igniters that went in those model rockets...
  20. What if someone that can't read broke in?
  21. It's as racist as writing trump 2016 on a sidewalk with a piece of chalk.........
  22. #beelivesmatter
  23. lol that's how I learned about it.... a big lung full of wiper fluid will flat take your breath away!


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