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    All things firearms, country music, wild places!

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  1. Yes, gen 4 model 19.
  2. LOL OS!!! You got that right!!!!
  3. So..... I'm curious to see if anyone can replicate my experience!!!! LOL
  4. OMG. You were serious!!!!
  5. Ha. Have I done the .................. impossible????!!!!!
  6. Unfortunately I was able to put the slide back on. Didn't take any picts but believe me it can be done!!!!
  7. Mine is a gen 4. Wonder what the difference could be?
  8. Can't wait to see the results!!! Please post when you are done with your "experiment".
  9. Hey Patton, that's exactly what I did to solve the problem. I just had to position the slide in the correct position before pulling the trigger. Thank you for your help!!!!
  10. I don't think I'm going to collect the data on this one!!!!! One time is enough for me!
  11. Bet I don't either!!!!!
  12. Dang, I didn't do that!!!!!
  13. Well, none named Cecil anyway!!!!
  14. THANK YOU!!!!!!
  15. Just curious to know if any of you has visited Zimbabwe to hunt. Thinking about a trip next year but would love to hear from anyone who has been there.


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