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Everything posted by Sidecarist

  1. I'm not just looking at the US or just schools. Elsewhere in the world trucks and cars have been used for mass murder where guns are harder to get. A determined sociopath will find a way to be successful and/or become famous. Bombs are regularly assembled in some parts of the world by people with far less education and resources than this guy had. As far as nerve, how much nerve did it take for him to commit this crime? Plenty I think...
  2. A ban on the weapon (gun) used by a criminal to commit such a crime would only direct them to a new weapon (truck, explosive, etc).
  3. If we have a law that says 26yrs of age or whatever, what makes you think they would obey it? This isn't a legal problem it's a people problem. Common sense isn't common anymore and I'm afraid that the backlash from this will not be helpful in the long run. Restriction of rights for the majority of people in an effort to stop random sociopaths simply won't work. A true killer will find a way to kill.
  4. The media goes directly to blaming things like the weapon. This is a symptom of the current political correctness where it isn't acceptable to blame the Person that committed the act. Regardless of age we know it's wrong to kill other people, but the numbness caused by constant exposure to violence on Movies, TV and Games has caused many of these kids to simply not care, or react to it with the outrage that most of our older generations do. It's simply just the way they perceive the world. Many of these shootings if not all of them have a mental health aspect to them. Notice that there is a constant drum of the FBI was notified, someone should have known. There must be a way to use social media to predict this sort of thing. This scares the crap out of me because it smacks of "thought police" Yet again the blame is being directed somewhere other than at the Perpetrator. This young mans father and mother are both dead, his mother raised him, he is in counseling, has been called emotionally disturbed, etc. I have yet to hear anyone in the media, or government say he is plain and simple a murderer. As a society there has been a shift away from Personal Responsibility. I fear that the next few generations will suffer greatly because of this. We will have the government Surveilling us, banning the weapons we enjoy responsibly using, and our grand kids will grow up thinking that this is just how things are. I know this is preaching to the choir but I am deeply saddened by this, by the fact that we have so many adults and children in our wonderful country that think that they are owed something, and if they don't get it they'll go out with a bang. No personal responsibility, and our elected officials don't have the integrity to point out that an Evil Person did this and that there really is no way to prevent an evil person from committing acts of evil. This is a problem that has taken several generations to create and I fear that we have gone past the point of no return.
  5. Pics look great! Looking forward to it. Do you have any idea of an estimated ship date?
  6. Personally I think many of the issues our youth are having are directly related to lack of parenting. Single parent homes particularly where no father is present lack hard boundaries. Nurturing is a wonderful thing but kids NEED rules and consequences too. If they go long enough without them the results are what we see in our society today. Participation trophies, no sense of accomplishment, or how to deal with loss. So many kids are just adrift in the world. They never get prepared for adulthood, and responsibility. The results are terrifying and the public response will largely be to blame anything BUT they perpetrator of this horrible event.
  7. If it shots well, no need to worry about the barrel, but I would put a bit of penetrating oil on the muzzle nut. They have a tendency to seize up. Give the oil a bit of time to soak in and you'll be fine. They had switched to plastic tools because the required torque is quite low. With plastic tools there were fewer problems with over torquing them. That will be a good shooter! I had a 10" 41mag that was a great silhouette gun.
  8. Ill second the rental range. It gives the opportunity to run several guns sort of like a test drive in a car. I will say that the push to get women to buy smaller guns isnt always the best idea. If the gun is hard to control with a crappy trigger they will not be starting off on the right foot. Dressing around the gun is another problem for some women. They simply must reconsider the fashion/safety ratio. They can be very fashionable with little safety, very safe and less fashionable, or somewhere in the middle. It's hard to have it all... At the end of over a year my wife carries a 15 shot midsize 9mm in a paddle holster. A belt helps but isn't required, and she can shoot and operate the gun better than the other smaller choices we had.
  9. I just realized that my avatar is my hcp target... no mag dumps in my class as we shot 5 shot strings. I spent most of the shooting time watching others. Only one older woman struggled because she was trying to shoot with a laser on a revolver. She turned the laser off and shot twice as good.
  10. My wife's instructor graded her 100 and commented that there was no way to count 50 holes because she had done well. Considering the long time they had, over 45min to complete shooting 5 round strings. It isn't hard to keep all of them on an 8x11 sheet of paper with that much time. She practiced by shooting paper plates at 7 yds.
  11. We can hope that they are smarter than that, or that they're already in prison.
  12. My wife just got hers. Course of fire is: 20 shots at 3yds 20 shots at 5yds 10 shots at 7yds A perfect score would keep all the shots in the 7 ring on the B29 target. This is equal to keeping them all on a standard sheet of copy paper. There is no time limit. Passing score is 70pts, each shot is worth 2pts. Good luck!
  13. I took this class a while back and I'll take it again if I can get work schedules to cooperate. The pre fight interview section was particularly valuable.
  14. I just recommended a thunder to a friend based on what you have posted here in the past. He went and shot one and bought one on the spot. Fits his needs perfectly. Shows that everyone has different circumstances. Most important thing is to pick something you WILL carry.
  15. Not a bad choice, I'd pick a S&W M&P 9 compact, or a Glock 19, or similar. Not much harder to conceal but much easier to shoot. Things to consider here are what is your likely defensive situation. Those that work late shifts in rougher areas have different needs than someone that works in a mall, etc. What's your daily dress as it changes concealment, etc... All that said there are reasons a 15 shot 9mm is so popular.
  16. I am having eye trouble. This post looks all blurry to me...
  17. I'd mention it to the local PD. He may be casing cars for robbery. The officer may just stop in to do paperwork on Sunday morning once and a while. Sometimes just improving the chance of an officer might be there will keep those with bad intentions on their besT behavior.
  18. Try any muffs with gel ear cups. It makes a huge difference. I've gotten spoiled by them and now when I wear regular muffs they drive me nuts. Most 3M muffs wi'll accept replacement gel ear seals, but they aren't cheap at $45ish but worth it.
  19. Funny this is, but think about how many pistols and revolvers were carried for the better part of a century that had NO drop safeties. I think that all those great torture test videos have made the thought of dropping your pistol acceptable. Of course it's not.... that patch could have a 1911, a Ruger Blackhawk, a Luger, and many more pistols on it. Doing stupid things with loaded guns can kill someone. I learned that when I was 4 or 5.
  20. Seems to me that this is all rumor and hearsay. Everyone here that has a P320 is pretty happy. Every article linked is written to make a point about how bad the military guns are... I wish S&W had won the contract just for patriotic reasons, but the Sig is made in the USA, and they employ a lot of people here for all firearms production. Id feel more outraged if real solders were telling this stuff.
  21. I think I remember you mentioning that you're building a Caterham Lotus 7. 200hp and that will be lively to say the least especially if it is getting the sudden hit from nitrous. Sounds fun!
  22. I think this thread has replaced the Swamp. The way I see it is if you want to be a test case go for it, let us know how that works out. Life isn't fair Property owners have the right to exclude you for any reason they want. You have the right to not do business with anyone for any reason too. I'd rather read a thread about how cutting edge 40 S&W is.
  23. What I remember is they were worn out and could no longer be maintained, and for logistics we made the move to 9mm so we matched the rest of NATO. By the way the M9 had it's share of issues, and so did the 1911. The military seems to be good at breaking things. Oh yea, it's their JOB and they're GOOD at it!
  24. Well aren't you all sunshine and roses again... Seems like the guy that actually ones one is quite happy with his and his evaluation seems to be honest enough, he likes it but its not "perfection" but then again early adopters sometimes deal with things like these for the pleasure of being the first. Have a great day!
  25. I'm in for the lowest available number.


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