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Sidecarist last won the day on June 14 2017

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About Sidecarist

  • Birthday September 17

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    Eastern, TN
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Shooting, Gunsmithing, Holster Making, Bee Keeping
  • Occupation
    Fountain of useless Information


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  • Carry Weapon #1
    I hope no one ever knows
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  1. Small bore 4 position 50ft Most of the guys shot anysight and it was always interesting to put a blinder on them and see the results. Those with good eyesight sometimes shot irons better than optics. The real problems showed up when there was a big difference in eyesight between left & right eyes then they had to switch sides, or when the sight was very close to the same between eyes and they saw double thats where the blinder helps. Closing one eye is tough when shooting for an hour or more to get through the course of fire. Handguns are easier to deal with generaly I agree.
  2. I've learned to cut my own hair. Other than that we've been pretty good.
  3. I'm oposite as far as eye dominance left eye dominant right handed. I've shot my whole life cross dominant with a handgun, and left handed with a rifle or bow. Never had any issues. In my case my right eye is significantly worse than my left. I also coached shooting for years and found those that had cross dominance issues that shot poorly their eyes are nearly the same vision wise. This causes visual confusion and they need to train to get the dominant eye behind the sights. Particularly with a handgun. Once they did that they did just fine.
  4. 76 Jeep CJ5 304 V8 3 speed. Lots of fun, lots of trouble. Mostly utilitarian stuff for years after that. Now 64 Buick Skylark low mile original car thats super fun.
  5. I'm interested I made maple syrup as a kid...I'm interested to see if the process is similar. Thanks!
  6. Welcome to the area. A.J. is right about the Ridge, its a good place. Let us know when you get settled.
  7. I buy my small wooden boxes then enjoy smoking the cigars out of them before putting them to productive use..... Seriously good luck with your project. Making a good square box takes patience and the sliding top adds difficulty. My dad did it with a dado and a table saw with a home made fence that gave him the finger joint spacing reliably. Not fancy tools, but they got the job done.
  8. Powder and primers are the only things I would be concered about. Keep them dry in the house and go for it. Corrosion on your press might be a bigger potential problem but is easily resolved with a bit of light oil, or something like boeshield. Remember if you're out there in cold weather to use common sense with heaters etc. Good luck!
  9. I've found that lasers arent very good training tools. The brain focuses on keeping the dot still and you wind up not using the sights. The effect is like a high power scope, it magnifies any movement and you wind up chasing it. Visually its confusing. Randys advice is spot on, the only thing I would add is turn the laser off. Get the fundamentals down pat without it. Use the sights like you do with your other pistols. If you want an electronic training tool try the Mantis X. I find it very useful. Good luck!
  10. These are awsome weapons and extremely well made. Remove the grips id you are comfortabke with that and hise it out very well with gun scruber or similar solvent. If it was carried but not well maintained a really good cleaning is all that should be needed. It sounds like your return to battery issues are solved so I'd not polish anything. Lube it well with a quality light oil and shoot it. The two clicks you are feeling on reset should go away with the thourough cleaning and use. The rexoil spring is a great idea, they were rarely replaced and it is a wear item. Good luck. Its an awsome gun.
  11. I have a friend with one of these that has more than 260k mi on it. His is a 2012 and a bit worn paint & interior but mechanically its great. Maintenance is the key. Enjoy
  12. Just my 2 cents worth here... I was a gunsmith for many years and what you are describing sounds to me like the rim of the cartridge is not under the extractor. This holds the slide out of battery, and you wont be able to extract the cartridge as the rim isnt under the hook of the extractor. Shoot the gun again, and if/when it happens being very careful about muzzle disipline and finger OFF the trigger push the rear of the slide forward firmly, or strije it with the heal of your hand. If the slide moves forward with an audible click and can be fired this is what is happening. Let RIA know and they can fix it easily enough. Also try to grip the gun very firmly. That may help with feeding. The 1911 doesn't tollerate limp wristing very well. If possible have an experienced shooter try the gun as well. It's a learning process...
  13. I am right where I should be on this Thanksgiving. With my family at home. We have much to be thankful for. I also want to take a moment to be thankful for this wonderful country we live in and those in our military past and present that sacrifice for all of us. Thank you to you all!
  14. They are used for carving. Ive seen them used for sculpting bears & such. I wonder if a cordless version could be mounted as a bayonet?
  15. Yes 175, 180 was harder to reach with the powders then. Better choices now. Still 175 in a 4" barrel was as you say nothing to sneeze at. Much easier to make with a 45ACP in a commander but the capacity reduction sucked.


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