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Everything posted by pitt2magic

  1. Excellent post!
  2. I voted early and always will. In and out in 5 minutes.
  3. I agree. Set the time and as many as can will make it, the others can auto draft. I have my own league on ESPN that I always play but thought it might be fun to smack talk some new people for a change.
  4. If you want to let others in I can drop out. I usually play in a 10 team league, thought 12 was a bit much and think 14 is ridiculous. Let me know.
  5. thanks for making the changes, i think that it makes it a bit more fair for everyone. Live draft would be awesome but I understand that all cant make it.
  6. I have played FFl on ESPN for 10-12 years and I am not sure what this non-snake business is, can someone enlighten me. Also as far as the draft order, is there not a random setting on the league, we always play that the league computer randomly picks the draft order like 15 minutes before the draft start.
  7. Yes please do not draft until preseason is at least half over.
  8. thanks man, Im in
  9. I'm in. Team name is SteelCurtain and I live in Chattanooga.
  10. This was political death for him. I never thought that he had a chance to win before the comments but now the media has/will make him out to be some Tennessee hillbilly nut job.
  11. The other two front runners in Dist 3 have spent the last few weeks ripping each other apart. The thing that enjoy about that is that what they are both saying is true proving both to be poor choices for Congress. One is a lawyer that has done everything in his power to make sure that no one knows he is a lawyer, portraying himself as a businessman instead of an ambulance chaser. The other tries to portray herself as a former nurse that just wants to make a difference while in truth she hasnt been a nurse since most of us were in elementary school. She has spent most of her adult life working for a major drug company and being a member of the Tennessee Republican party. The majority of her funding has come from the party outside of the district not locally. Tim's record pretty much speaks for itself. Former secret service agent protecting multiple presidents and V.P.s, former Cleveland city councilman where where he voted to keep taxes low while working to bring businesses and jobs to Bradley County, and currently serving as Sheriff of Bradley County where he has managed an annual budget, stayed within that budget and actually returned money back into the county's general fund at the end of the year. Lets get to what means a great deal to those of us on TGO, Tim is a strong supporter of the 2A and feels that every citizen has the right to protect themselves against those who wish to do us or our families harm. Im not one to preach I just want everyone to be informed. The big two are looking for a career in Washington, after getting to know Tim I honestly feel that he just wants a chance to do everything in his power to represent the people of the 3rd district the best that he can and hopefully be a part in the rebuilding of our county that the current administration is trying so hard to destroy. Getting off of soap box now.
  12. Here is my pitch: I emailed Tim's office out of the blue and said that I had some questions about where Tim stood on a few issues that matter to me. The next morning I was invited to lunch with Tim and he welcomed my questions and wasn't afraid to answer anything that the wife and I asked of him. I am a nobody and he took the time to meet with me twice earn my vote. Tim is very pro second amendment and supports citizen gun ownership. For those that do not know Tim he is the current sheriff of Bradley county and he is very clear on his 2A stance. He believes that it is the role of the police department to back up the citizens when it comes to protecting their homes and the right of the citizens to protect themselves. Those of you in the 3rd district please do the research and get out and vote. www.TimGobble.com
  13. I try to stay out of the political stuff on here but what the hell, most people on here hate Zach and love Ramsey. Well I have had a few one on one talks with Zach and yes he is a typical politician but I dont think he is a bad as portrayed on TGO. Maybe Barrett and Dave Ramsey know that Ramsey doesnt stand a chance and want to make sure the tool bag mayor of Knoxville doesnt get into office.
  14. That is major suckage!
  15. Thank you for your service. Be safe.
  16. awesome!!
  17. pitt2magic

    Apple iOS 4

    The folders are very nice. I havent gotten Pandora to play in the background yet either but will keep trying.
  18. Exactly! We will start paying for it very soon but you wont see any benefits any time soon if ever.
  19. I have found it in all available calibers at Academy Sports.
  20. 13 years night shift in the ER.. I have tried the day shift life and always come back to nights. I know its crazy but I love working at night and sleeping during the day.
  21. I rode my motorcycle from Chattanooga to New Market, VA yesterday. Had I know about this yesterday I could have used the statue for one of my bathroom stops.
  22. I loved the book and thought that they did a great job with the movie. Definitely makes you think. Not a romantic comedy for sure.
  23. I too have had nothing but good experiences this them. Congrats on getting the store in your town.
  24. pitt2magic


    I grew up watching the Cubs on WGN and the Braves on TBS pretty much daily during baseball season. As I have grown older I have lost interest. I couldnt tell you the last time that I watched a game on TV. I still love baseball but for some reason i can make myself watch it anymore. Chattanooga has the AA Dodgers team the Lookouts and I love taking the kids to games but TV is a different story.


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