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Everything posted by Jonsaiga

  1. Saiga
  2. Thanks for the heads up. Just ordered a bunch of Glock 32 mags.
  3. There is no evidence to hide with my avatar as it was killed legally.
  4. JMHO and YMMV........ I moved here from Virginia, and in Virginia any one who is legally allowed to be in possession of a firearm can open carry most places. I've also lived and/or worked in numerous other open carry states across the US. When working in open carry states that did not honor my VA CHP, I would open carry. I've open carried in very small rural towns on up to very heavily populated cities. I never did it as activism or to make any kind of statement. Mostly I did because I could not carry concealed or sometimes out of convenience(quick stop or extreme temps). I think the more people are exposed to responsible, friendly, well mannered gun owners the less they will feel fear or uneasiness about open carry or guns in general. The VCDL and opencarry.org often have open carry dinners in public parks and resturants, open carry litter pick-ups and such for this reason. I would advise, that if one wants to open carry for the sake of activism, then they should maintain a presentable appearance, be able to articulate their veiws very well and be prepared to defend them(verbally) in acalm rational manner.
  5. I started on a RCBS single stage press. About six months later I got a LEE 4-hole turret press. I'm extremely happy with it. You can order additional turret plates for $7-10 IIRC to set each one up with different calibers. Then when you want to load for other calibers just switch out plates. Don't have to screw around with removing dies and resetting them every time you want to load a different caliber. Just pop it off and put another one on and rock out.
  6. I use to go hog and deer hunting with my brother in the outer banks of NC alot prior to moving to TN. The area we hunted was limited to shotgun and pistol only. Since he was hunting with a 18" barrel Remington 870, anything past 20 yards he would use his pistol. I seen first hand my brother kill a 300lb sow at 32 yards using a full size EAA Witness chambered in 45acp shooting 230gr Remington Golden Sabers. He shot her one time through the heart as she was starting to turn away. The bullet passed completely through her and was never found. It dropped her on the spot but since she was still thrashing around on the ground when he got over to her he shot her again in the head. That bullet we were able to dig out and found that one petal was slightly pushed inward but other than the rifling marks it was otherwise undeformed in any way. He switched over to Gold Dots after that. He shot two other hogs with the same gun using the 230gr Gold Dots on two seperate occasions. I was not there for them and don't know how far away he was but it worked just fine. There was also a fella from TX I belive over on ARFCOM that killed/kills hogs with a SBR(10" barrel IIRC) AR chambered in 9mm using 147gr TMJ rounds. IIRC his screen name is theredgoat or something like that. Been a while since I've been over there. Lots of folks over there have killed plenty of hogs with .223/5.56 and 6.8 too.
  7. H&K USP 40, dis-liked the magazine release, accuracy sucked(could have just got a lemon I suppose) 8" groups at ten yards, seemed to have more muzzle flip than any other .40 I've ever owned. The now discontinued Kel-tec 40 pistol. Snappy recoil, excessive muzzle flip, terrible trigger slap and grossly inaccurate. Para-ordnance P13, it was reliable and as accurate as can be but the thin grips had me accidentally depressing the mag release. Lastly Browning Hipowers and 1911's with traditional grip safeties and spur hammers. They are garunteed to open up the web of my hand every time I shoot one.
  8. Since you want a safety on it I would suggest looking into CZ 2075 RAMI P or a EAA Witness compact polymer. Same basic design, can be carried DA on safe or cocked and locked. JMHO.
  9. Fail.
  10. Patriots was kinda okay. I personally did not care for it all that much. Mostly due to the writing style and what SUNTZU mentioned in his spoiler. Like snowduck, I would have to say Lights Out is one of the best pieces of survival/shtf fiction I have read. Same author wrote a very sobering short story called The Bug Out that is well worth reading too. Cold Camp is another fairly decent free online read.
  11. I would go with an AK. Saigas are still cheap and easy to convert to standard AK configuration if one so chooses. If you want even cheaper ammo than 7.62x39 for cheaper plinking you could try to find an ak chambered in 5.45x39 as ammo can easily be found still for around $160-170 per 1,080 rounds and now that Hornady is offering a 52gr V-max TAP load for the 5.45, it can legally fill the hunting role too. Probably not the best choice for deer but it will work if you do your part.
  12. 1.) Kimber Ultra Aegis II 9mm (for the wifey) 2.) CZ 2075 RAMI P 9mm 3.) Saiga 12 or 20 4.) Tantal 5.45x39 5.) CZ Kadet .22lr (though I may end up just buying the conversion kit to use on my CZ P-o1 instead)
  13. For daily carry I have a Kershaw Blur assisted opening folder. When hiking, hunting and such I carry a ToolLogic SL3 and a now discontinued fixed blade Ka-bar Impact series knife(spear point version with 3&3/4" blade). I'd like to get a Ka-bar/Becker combat/utility knife
  14. First name is Jon and current favorite rifle is my converted saiga.
  15. I say good on you for trying to put out the correct info. As far as quitting TFA because of the incident and others prior, I think you should stick with it and try to work to fix the problems. Walking away is sometimes easier but not always best. In regards to OC vs. CC...... I could care care less how others choose to carry, so long as they do and do so responsibly. For me, it depends on where I'm going, what the weather is like and who I'll be around. The majority of time I do CC. As I said at the begininng of this post, I don't care how one carries just as long as they do. The only thing I don't like is how folks let simple personal opinions/preferences divide us when we should strive work together to protect our rights. Use what works best for you and rock on. In regards to the LEO who disarms permit holders. I had a LEO aqquaintance I shot IDPA with back in VA that had pretty much the same policy. He worked in a low income, high crime, minority area that was always complaining of police harrassment. His reasoning was to avoid being accused of racial profiling. He said while most people can understand the difference between the potential threat a little old lady with a 38 in her purse posed compared to the more common thuggish gang banger, folks are to sue happy and having a blanket policy was easier. Not saying I aggree, just repeating his view.
  16. The double action (first shot)pull is a little long but not bad. It is actually designed to be carried at half-cocked. The single action pull and the trigger reset is quite nice. The more I handle this gun, the more I like it. After a bit more practice, it could very well end up replacing my Glock 19 as my main carry gun.
  17. When I was researching it, I remember reading that leather holsters made for the glock19 and some H&K USP compacts worked well. Fist supposedly makes holsters for them and I believe Galco does as well.
  18. Sure,I extremely happy with the gun..... I'm fairly pleased with my accuracy with it being that it is the first time shooting it or any DA/SA in several years. I'm sure the gun is capable of more, I just need more trigger time with it. I was not implying that there was anything wrong with it what so ever. Don't read to much into it.
  19. So I traded my Kahr PM9 to Rugerman for the CZ this evening. After getting home and showing the wife( I really did get it for her), I loaded up a 14 round mag with some assorted factory 115gr FMJ's, a few reloads and several 115gr +P Gold Dots and went out back to see how it would do. I'm fairly pleased.
  20. ^this..... Now as far as what light to use and such, I killed two raccoons last week after they killed two of my chickens. The first one I used a 10/22 while holding a Pelican M6 6V flashlight in the support hand. The batteries died a couple minutes after I shot her so I had to wait until the following night and sure enough the other one came back and was trying to get in the coop again. That one I killed with my glock17 & AA 22lr conversion kit, since the batteries died in the pelican and I had let a buddy borrow my Streamlight M3 pistol light to candle some eggs I ended up using a $20 LED flashlight from home depot (it sucked but it worked). Personally, I would rather use a high output flashlight than night vision. The light reflecting off of their eyes makes it extremely easy. Because everyone loves pictures..... You might also try contacting your local Animal control and they will most likely lend you some of those Have-a-Heart live traps for free.
  21. Jonsaiga

    22lr Handgun

    As a few others have said, if you are looking to improve with your large caliber semi-autos then I would suggest lots of dry fire practice and looking for a .22LR conversion kit if possible.
  22. Matt, I can understand you are very passionate and upset about the issue and all but don't you think "we the people" have the legal and moral obligation to explore every viable peaceable means of resolving the issue before chanting, "To Arms, To Arms!!"? Who have you tried contacting to peaceable resolve this?
  23. The folks at Waco, or more recently David Olofson might disagree with. It may not happen often but it has happened in the past and can very well happen again in the future.
  24. This may be a dumb question but I was curious and have absolutely no idea about the legalities involved........ If the state has passed a bill into law saying that it is perfectly legal to do this, and that the federal laws regarding the matter don't apply so long as their(state's) stipulations in the bill are abide by(marked made in TN and the item(s) in question never leave the state, etc)....... What kind of charges if any could be brought against the federal agency(s) that tried to make the arrest of a person(s) who decided to build one these items? False arrest and/or imprisonment maybe?? according to False Arrest legal definition of False Arrest. False Arrest synonyms by the Free Online Law Dictionary. " false arrest n. physically detaining someone without the legal right to do so. Quite often this involves private security people, or other owners or employees of retail establishments who hold someone without having seen a crime committed in their presence or pretend that they are police officers. While they may be entitled to make a "citizen's arrest" they had better be sure that they have a person who has committed a crime, and they must call law enforcement officers to take over at the first opportunity. Other common false arrest situations include an arrest by a police officer of the wrong person or without probable cause to believe a crime has been committed and/or without a warrant. Only when the arresting party knowingly holds someone who has not committed a crime, is the false arrest itself a crime. However, probable false arrest can be the basis of a lawsuit for damages, including mental distress and embarrassment. (See: false imprisonment)" Has anyone contacted TN state government and asked them where this issue now stands or what their response to such arrests would be? <SCRIPT>Sources=Sources | 4096;law()</SCRIPT>


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