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Everything posted by Jonsaiga

  1. Site #5 on the back country loop. I'll be there by 1600 today, bring rain gear if your coming.
  2. I love good ink on hot chicks but I'm not a fan of chicks with facial and hand tattoos regardless of how hot they might be. That said, I don't find that chick to all that good looking regardless and I've always had a thing for SB so she gets my vote even without the ink. Jesse James is a retard but if SB got together with him while he was married to someone else then she should have seen it coming sooner or later. Just my $.02
  3. I use to shoot there every Monday morning. The last straw was when I almost shot one of the brass scavenging meth head's kid one morning. I was sighting in the irons on my brother's AK for him. Had the whole range to myself up to that point and didn't hear them pull up. Right as I was about to fire the last shot of the group confirming I had the rifle zeroed(slack out of the trigger mind you),a kid about eight years old comes running in from my left and stops five feet directly in front of the muzzle. I quickly release the trigger and put the rifle on safe. Took a couple seconds to calm down and informed the window licking retards that their baby boy almost had his head turned into a canoe. That was a fun morning.
  4. I'm an AK lover but then again I love most guns(including ARs). First one was a Mak-90. Since then I have owned 2 more MAK-90s, 2 NHM91s, a MAADI, 3 WASR-10s, and now the only one I currently own is a 16" barreled SAIGA I converted to be 922® compliant. All of them hame have been 7.62x39 but laterly I have really been wanting one chambered for 5.45x39.
  5. It is the same as my EDC, a glock 17. Only thing that might change is if more penetration is needed switching from my normal 115gr +P Gold Dot load to a 147gr TMJ load. As to the why..... the primary function of JHP or expanding ammunition in general in a defensive handgun is to limit liability of the danger posed to innocents caused by over penetration. In this environment over penetration is not as much of a concern. The issue is does it have enough penetration to be capable of reaching and sufficiently damaging vitals to stop the threat. Here the largest things I'm likely to encounter in the wilds are black bears and feral hogs. That being the case I feel confident in my choices as well as in my ability to employ them effectively. JMHO....OMV.
  6. Unfortunately, they do have it posted no firearms in the park. Would love to have you come out and if nothing else let folks interested do a Q & A on the medical stuff. I'm going to be signing up for a Wilderness First Responder course that is happening a week prior to the campout. So I'm sure I'll have plenty of questions for you after going through that.
  7. Mods can this thread get tacked/sticky at the top of the page?
  8. WHO: Open to all. WHAT: Region 3 Camping & Bush Craft weekend WHEN: May 14th, 15th & 16th WHERE: Cloudland Canyon State Park in Rising Fawn, GA COST: $6 per person per night and $3 per vehicle(parking pass), paid to the Ranger station when checking in. Details: This event will be held at Cloudland'>http://www.gastateparks.org/net/go/parks.aspx?LocationID=38&s="]Cloudland Canyon State Park on their 2 mile Backcountry Loop. We will be hiking about 1.5 to the site. Campsites are primitive but do have an outhouse on location(bring your own TP though ). Water will either have to be hiked in or can be obtained from close by streams. Everyone is responsible for their own food and shelter. There is a "Naturalist" on staff who will be coming out for four hours on Saturday the 15th and again for four hours on Sunday the 16th to teach portions of his Wilderness Skills classes that he offers through the park several times a year. A little background on him. In additional to teaching the Wilderness Survival skills classes for the park, he has completed numerous of Tom Brown's Survival and Tracking school courses, works in Search and Rescue and as strange as it sounds has spent considerable time living in some different primitive shelters in the park and elsewhere for months at a time. Some topics to be covered are fire by friction, wild edibles, shelter making, etc. Time and interest will ultimately dictate the type and amount of material covered. Participation is completely optional as is overnight camping. Feel free to just come out and visit with some fellow TSP'ers if nothing else. This outing will be posted on a couple other boards but is being slated as a TSP Region 3 event. Below are a few pics of the park and a shelter building class from previous campout I put together for another forum a while back. Feel free to post your thoughts, comments, questions and/or concerns.
  9. I feel bad for the folks who trust no one. If that is the case, then what is the point in trying to survive at all? As far as joining as group goes........ Determine what their core principals/values are first. If they are in line with your own give them a go on a trial basis. Try to get together for group activities often such as cook outs, camping, hiking, fishing, shooting, etc. See if they are reliable about showing up. Come up with several projects that the group can work on be it around the house or at the retreat. Always be up front and honest about your thoughts. If someone or some thing is bugging you, find a non-offensive way to bring it up and try to resolve the little problems before they turn into big ones. JMHO....omv.
  10. JMHO so take it for what it is worth to you but you may want to check out The Survival Podcast's Forum. TSP is also broken down into various regions and have regular get togethers. The climate is much friendlier and open there. While there are some good people with plenty of worth while knowledge on WSHTF, there is also too much(for me anyways) "over paranoia, tin foil hat, black helicopter, the gov and everyone else is or will be out to get me and my stuff too" crowd. That was the biggest reason I choose to step down as Moderator over there(screen name mjollnir there).
  11. I can not speak for anyone else but the terrain and vegetation in my AO is such that being out ranged is not much of an issue. Longest range for a clear shot is probably at most 350 yards which is well within the capabilities of my own rifle(and myself). More common would be under 150 yards.
  12. Send it back to Springfield.
  13. Third, small game and vermin dispatcher.
  14. Dead Frontier Online Zombie MMO - Login;
  15. The one we bought for our daughter had one too. Since we have gun safes and weren't relying on it as a no access feature I just removed it from the rifle. If you want to tighten it up or remove it completely, remove the the barrel and action from the stock and then tighten or remove the nut holding the lock in stock.
  16. I love the .22WMR so I have to have one. It would be a good gun for carrying around the farm. It looks kinda like an updated Grendel P30.
  17. Best rimfire deal I ever got was a yard sale find about ten years ago. Got two Marlin Model 25's in .22wmr, $50 for both. Both were missing the iron sights and magazines. One had the barrel cut down to 17 &1/2 inches and the other one looked like it was about to be cut down (groove cut) and had some dimples drilled in towards the end of the barrel(my guess is for a set screw muzzle break maybe). A little cleaning up and both shot great. The short barreled one is one of my favorite small game guns.
  18. I think the vast majority of folks will be stuck in a state of denial until it is to late. Like the folks after Katrina. They will sit and wait for someone to save them. During this time waiting, they will be consuming what food and water they may have on hand. By the time they pull their head out of the sand and realize help isn't coming they will start to panic and mayhem will ensue. Urban areas will be the worst as fear, panic and desperation spread like wild fire(mob mentality). Smaller communities will fair better if they can pull together. If your are in one of these smaller communities, and you truly believe a scenario such as this can come to pass, then it would behoove you to get to know your neighbors now. Build friendships now, help each other out where and when you can now, learn who you can come to rely on now, build a real community around you now. Get away from the impersonal, disconnected lifestyle that has tragically become the norm. No matter how much stuff one manages to squirrel away, food, water, guns, ammo, medical supplies, etc. etc,.....there will be times when you will need help. Who is going to watch/guard your stuff while your out hunting, foraging, gardening or just trying to sleep or if you or a family member gets sick or injured? It sure would be nice to have the option of help. For those that plan on "running to the hills", do you know how to hunt? Are you hunters now? Have you ever been hunting and came back empty handed? What do you think the odds of harvesting game is when you haven't showered in days, weeks or months and the game is under extreme hunting pressure from the other folks with the same plan? How many times can you afford to expend the energy trying to hunt only to come up empty handed, especially when traversing rough terrain? How good are you at primitive living skills? What are your plans for shelter, fire, water, etc? Hunting sounds good at first but it eats up a lot of time, energy and is not always productive. If running to the hills is your plan then a better idea would be trapping(game, fowl and fish) and foraging for wild edible plants instead. Traps and snares can hunt 24/7/365. You can forage while checking your sets so you are killing two birds with one stone so to speak. Also, don't just wonder out aimlessly into the wilds. Spend the time scouting different areas to see what resources are available, how accessible the area is, how remote is it(odds of encountering other people there), etc. A better alternative still would be to try to find friends in those small communities. Help out where and when you can and see about hooking up with them should an event such as this ever come to pass. Get a pull behind camper, start storing food, clothing, tools, needed RX meds, etc. Either store the camper at their place or pull it over there once you decide to bug out. Another option would be to find a couple acres of really remote raw land with plenty of natural resources for sale and buy it out right now. Some of these places, if you hunt around, can be had for a few grand an acre. Then either put a camper or build a small cabin on it and cache a bunch of supplies and tools. Plant fruit and nut trees, berry bushes and other low maintenance edibles on the property. Not only will it provide you with a source of food but will bring in the wildlife too. As far as what the ideal part of the country to live in goes. we chose the south due to the long growing season. JMHO....OMV.
  19. Colt series 70 Sig 229 w/ both .40S&W and .357Sig barrels Sig 220 Para P-13 Kimber Stainless II Glock 21,23 and most recently 17
  20. Jonsaiga

    saiga 12

    They are good guns. Personally I'm not a fan of drum mags as they are too bulky and very heavy. I prefer the eight & ten rounds mags for them over the higher capacity ones. My buddy has several of the Pro-mag twelve rounders and they are just ungodly long and cumbersome. Only feed issues I've seen have been with the after market Pro-mags which seemed like it needed a stronger magazine spring. The AGP mags have worked very well. I've heard good things about Surfire mag reliability too but have yet to try any personally. Downside is they are too fun to shoot and ammo is expensive.
  21. Years ago, I had a FEG P9R which is the DA/SA version of that gun. It too was an excellent pistol too. I certainly wouldn't mind owning another one some day.
  22. Start with the basics and build on it from there. Ready.gov has some decent info on their site about putting together kits that will meet your individual needs and making a plan in case you are faced with a disaster. Another thing worth checking out is the Are you Ready guide from FEMA. Of course since these are both from the government they won't cover potential self-defense needs/preperations for civil unrest, riots and such.


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