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Everything posted by Jonsaiga

  1. 5.2 miles as a crow flies. You can see the tops of both cooling towers at Sequoia from the end of my driveway.
  2. If you have the room you could get just get six 55 gallon food grade plastic drums to store water in, a 12-volt RV water pump to transfer it and then set up a rainwater catchment system with a large agriculture poly tank. IIRC 1" of rain over 1 square foot yeilds .66 gal of water. So as an example, 1400sq. ft roof would yield 924 gallons of water. Combine all that with a Berkey water filter and you will come out way cheaper(thousands of dollars) and you won't have to worry about depending on a generator to pump it out of the ground. As long as you shut of the water to your house at the meter you can pump water from the drums and tank into your house with the RV pump.
  3. I spoke to soon. FFL sent me an email stating my two SR9c's arrived. I checked my bank account and there are three charges from bud's left pending. Since all of the "suspicious" transactions my bank has put a hold on my card until I could get this straightened out with bud's. Sent an email explaining the situation and within 5 minutes got a phone call. All said and done, extra charges were removed and I ended up purchasing the second SR9c too for $365. Pretty crazy ordeal overall but all in all I'm pretty satisfied the way it worked out. Now just to smooth it over with the wife that I bought two instead of one.
  4. Got a hold of them yesterday afternoon by phone. Apparently..... even though I was getting the error message on my end saying payment couldn't be processed and to try again later, it was actually going through on their end and charging my card each time. They acknowledged the mistake, were extremely apologetic and corrected it. Feeling much better about the whole thing now.
  5. Anyone have problems with Budsgunshop.com? I won a gunbroker auction from them yesterday for a Ruger SR9c. When I tried making online payment I kept getting their database error saying to either try again later or phone in the order. Tried more than half a dozen times to phone in the order and was never able to get a hold of anyone. Each time I tried online it kept raising the shipment amount which was suppose to be $25 fixed rate shipping according to the listing but instead went from $25 to $33 to $37 to $41. I've also tried contacting them through their contact us page on their site and through gunbroker's help page with no answer. So WTF??? Anyone else have similar issues with them?
  6. Jonsaiga


    Same here! Just ordered one from Budsgunshop.com.
  7. Different strokes for different folks. If it were me( and it is not), I would sell the CETME and purchase an AK74, four extra mags and a case of ammo. After Shipping and FFL fees you should end up around $650ish.
  8. I don't find the what-if scenario's riduculous at all. I see tham as a thought exercise.
  9. Haven't read One Second After yet(thanks for the spoiler), but another really good SHTF novel is Lights Out by David Crawford. He also wrote a 30 page short story called "The Bug Out" that is available free online that is well worth reading.
  10. These are good folks to deal with and shipping is only $5
  11. Both! It will get boring quick eating only one or the other. Brown rice is much more nutritious compared to white rice but it does not store very long due to the fats and oils in the brown rice going rancid. White rice properly packaged in mylar bags with o2 absorbers and stored in a cool dry environment will last for 25+ years. Brown rice you will be lucky to get 1.5 years at best. Whole oats store better than cracked or rolled oats. If you are just getting started it is best to focus on expanding your short term food supply before getting into long term storage. My advice is to get yourself a notebook and write down everything and I mean "every little thing" including snacks and drinks that you and your family eat for one month. Start with that list and buy extra everytime you go to the grocery store. The idea is to store what you eat and eat what you store. Eating your oldest stuff first and thus rotating your stock.
  12. I had an Advatage Arms conversion kit for my Glock 17 that I wish like hell I wouldn't have sold. It functioned flawlessly with Remington golden bullets, Remington target ammo, CCI Stingers and CCI minimags. Rem target was the most accurate with CCI's not far behind, followed by the golden bullets with the Stingers being the least accurate. I've taken several squirrels and rabbits with it out to 25-30 yards with both the Golden bullets and Minimags. Took a raccon with it using the Remington target ammo. My personal opinion............ If you are just looking for a cheaper training/practice alternative compared to shooting 9mm,.40S&W, and/or .45ACP I would consider skipping the conversion and finding a quality airsoft replica instead. BB's and gas are cheaper than even .22lr ammo, you don't have to go to the gun range to use it (with home made BB traps it can be used indoors without causing damage to the home's interior), it can be used for more practical training such as FoF and it works great for teaching new shooters. The place where the conversion kit really shines is as an addition to the backpack on camping and hiking trips for small game collecting. This allows you to carry your normal SD handgun while providing you a lightweight .22lr option. I mostly used the one I had for carrying around the farm for dealing with pests/predators and taking the occasional squirrel or rabbit when ever the oppritunity arose. Again..... these are just my personal opinions on the matter.
  13. Consider adding one of these to your kits. It Measures roughly .75" x 3.5" x 5". I also highly recommend taking their Wilderness First Responder course or at least their Wilderness First Aid course. Just a bit of advice, organization in an emergency is your best friend. Lots of kits just have all of their contents tossed into one compartment. Take the time to organize your kits(even small ones) into individual groupings. I like to use Ziploc Freezer bags and include a contents sheet with each one. This lets you see what is in each bag without having to open it. As items are used(after finishing treatment) they are marked off the contents sheet. This makes it easy to replenish later withou missing anything. On the other side of the bag I use different color slips of paper to make the individual bags easy to identify with a quick glance. example: White= minor boo-boo's (alcohol prep pads, triple antibiotic, band-aids, moleskin, etc.) Pink= more in-depth boo-boo's (iodine prep pads, 2x2 gauze,4x4 gauze, burn-gel, xeroform, benzoin tincture, steri-strips, coban, etc.) Red= major bleed (abd pads, kerlix rolls, Isreali dressings, CAT tk, tk4, etc) Blue= airway (CPR barrier/mask, OPAs, NPAs, 1/2" clothe tape, etc) Green= meds loose items would be SAM and/or STAT splints, ACE wraps, triangle bandages, 60cc catheter tip syringe, wildmed field guide, sharpie, emt shears, thermometer, etc.
  14. Another advocate of Constitutional carry here. Lived in many states where permits or classes were not required to carry a firearm openly on your person. Streets never ran red with blood. People weren't targeted or attacked for doing so as many claim would happen. It is paranoid fear mongering nonsense.
  15. Not sure there is "a" best book but there are a lot of really good ones out there. If I had to suggest just one book it would probably be Combat hangunnery by Massad Ayoob. Amazon.com: The Gun Digest Book of Combat Handgunnery (9780896895256): Massad Ayoob: Books it is also sold at most Barnes&Nobles book stores. If you are looking for a book purely on technique, I second Surgical Speed Shooting by Andy Stanford ( Amazon.com: Surgical Speed Shooting: How To Achieve High-Speed Marksmanship In A Gunfight (9781581601435): Andy Stanford: Books ) and if you can find a copy somewhere I'll add Fist-Fire by D.R. Middlebrooks.
  16. CZ's are great guns but I dare say their clones made by Tanfoglio and imported by www.eaacorp.com as the Witness series are the greatest pistols barely known. Built every bit as well as CZ's are but cost less. I've owned a couple (recently traded a .45acp on here) and they are truly great guns. Reliability and accuracy wise... I would put them on par with Glocks and Sigs. Within the next year I will have either a Compact Witness 9mm or their new Sarsilmaz K2 pistol in 9mm.
  17. They can be decent rifles. Just check to make sure the gas block and front sight base are not canted. I had a Vulcan Arms import WASR I bought on gunbroker years ago that the pin hole in the reciever for the fire control group was egg shaped. Had a century one I bought from a co-worker that had a severely canted front sight base, slightly canted but still functioning gas block and it was incorrectly headspaced. That said.... I've seen more good ones than I have bad ones, just be sure to inspect it thoroughly.
  18. ... so the idea is to intentially starve to death because others might possibly come looking for the food you would have stored??? LOL well ok then..... I hope that works out for you.
  19. Raoul, Check out this link. If store in a cool (70degrees) dark place the seeds are suppose to still be viable up to 20 years. To anyone who is considering gardening after the onset of a longterm disaster..... start learning how to garden now. It is not always as easy as just throwning some seeds in the ground and sprinkling them with water. It is better to have the knowledge and experience before you have to rely on it for your survival then trying to fly by the seat of your pants after the fact. Start small and expand over time. Also consider wild edible plants as an addition and as a transition food source if need be. Lots of good books and videos on the subject and again, practice often a head of time.
  20. Best bet for the skunks is to get a skunk tube trap. Once trapped, dunk the the whole trap with skunk inside in a 55 gallon drum or large trash can full of water to drown them. Please don't relocate them, you'll just be turning your problem into some one else's problem. Aside from that, you might just want to call twra and your local animal control and ask them what you can legally do about the coyotes. I would think coyotes would fall under pest control and not hunting restrictions but would double check with TWRA to find out for sure.
  21. If you just want to see how much it will expand and are not worried about measuring depth of travel, just shoot down into a trash can filled with water. For safety sake though, stand high enough on a ladder or something else so that there is no possibility of the round coming through the side of the can and hitting you. You will get wet! Aside from that, if you are also looking to measure penetration depth I second the wet phone books or make your own ballistics gel.
  22. Because pictures of guns are cooler with dead stuff.........
  23. Here are a few pics of an Appendix carry holster I made for my G17 from .080" kydex and a couple Chicago screws. Plan on making a OWB belt slide if I ever get some free time. Made a sheath(from scraps) for my Ka-bar Impact as well.


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