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Defensive Pistol Skills Aug 3-4 Chattanooga area
Jonsaiga replied to Cruel Hand Luke's topic in Training Discussions
I just took Close Range Gunfighting with Randy this past weekend. He is truly a wealth of knowledge and is able to convey that knowledge in a easy to follow, straight forward and often humerous way..... really an excellent instructor. I will be training with him more as funds allow. Take a class with him and I promise you will not be disappointed. -
best carry caliber for hiking, wildlife protection
Jonsaiga replied to Maestrorr's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
I've shot a lot of hogs and other assorted medium to large game and livestock animals with various 9mm and 45acp rounds. Personally, in a woods gun I prefer to carry a 9mm loaded with either factory Winchester White box 147gr JHP's or my reloads using Montana Gold Bullets 115gr JHP. Main reasons being that they don't expand too much(hardly at all actually) so they penetrate deeply even through thick bone and due to the edge of the the hollow point cavity they have proven(to me) to be less prone to deflection/skipping off the animals skull when shot at angles compared to FMJ and round nose ammo. Considering that the purpose is self-defense and not hunting, I want as many rounds on board as possible for rapid follow-up shots as needed. So personally, you will find me carrying my Glock 9mm over my .45's or revolvers. JMHO....YMMV. -
I had one of those myself about 15 years ago.
Mine was a Star model BM 9mm. I sold it a couple years later and have always regreted it(much like every other gun I have sold or traded away). I bought another one about six years ago and hung onto it for a year before selling it to a friend....... regret letting that one go too!
)Depends on what I'm doing.... working around the farm often I open carry either a Glock 17 or ISSC M22 in a serpa at 3 o'clock. CC in public is glock 17 in AIWB blade-tech holster with a J-frame in a lefthand IWB at 10 o'clock. Times when I'm not wearing a belt(work, lounging around the house or working out) it is a J-frame or SR9c in a Desantis Hot Jox(Thunderwear/Smartcarry copy).
But, we only know what was in the press. He deserves a fair trial. My point is that if you start an altercation and then end it with a gun because you are losing; you will probably go to trial. You are getting your azz kicked in a bar fight that you are a willing participant in; do you get to pull your gun and kill they guy and then claim “Oh, I work in the ER and I’ve seen people seriously injured in fights.†The jury knows that people get hurt in fights, and just like me most of them will say, “Well then you shouldn’t have been in a fight; you should have walked away.†In your scenario the answer is no. With that said, I don't go to bars, nor am I ever a willing participant in any altercation. I'm always going to try to de-escalate or leave the situation if it at all possible(safe to do so). Zimmerman was walking away to go meet with police when he was confronted and assaulted by Martin according to his account. From the available info it seems as though he is telling the truth.
If you can prove you knew this information prior to the incident it can show the jury how and why you felt in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. It certainly won't hurt your case. Reposting news stories on social media or in gun forums where the information is date and time stamped can prove prior knowledge as is a course certificate with course curriculum containing info.
Not true..... Zimmerman was captain of neighborhood watch. He seen what he deemed to be "a suspicious person" so he followed(observing from a distance... not chasing him) this person while on the phone with 911, first from his vehicle then on foot after losing sight of him behind some houses. As soon as 911 dispatch said "we don't need you to do that".... he said "ok", and stopped looking for him and started back to his vehicle. By Zimmerman's account... when he hung up the phone as he approached his vechicle, Martin appeared confronting him from behind and asked him if he had a problem.... Zimmerman said no, to which martin replied "you do now!" and punched him in the face knocking him to the ground. Once on the ground martin alledgedly began beating zimmerman's head into the ground repeatedly. This constitues the ability to inflict serious bodily harm and/or death and I have person seen such injuries working in the ER. Zimmerman also claims during this physical altercation martin went for zimmerman's gun which zimmerman then shot him. This would have been a clear cut open and shut case of justified self defense had the local media not played a creatively edited version of the 911 call and misleading the general public into believing this was racially motivated. The LEO's did not want to charge him, the original DA(who was immediately replaced) did not want to charge him either. This entire thing was spun by the media for the sake of creating more news.
When it comes to his legal advice i drink the Mas Ayoob Kool-aid by the gallons. The big take away when comes to justified use of lethal force is: Ability- does the person in question have the ability to cause you serious bodily harm or death? I've seen several intubated patients admitted to ICU with skull fractures and brain bleeds as a result of being punch, kicked, stomped or had their head repeatedly slammed against a hard surface. Opportunity- does the person have the opportunity to inflict serious bodily harm or death? I person in close proximity to you who is telling you he is going to hurt you does, the same guy across the street, on the other side of a car or fence does not. Jeopardy- would the average person who knew what you knew at the time of the attack also conclude that you were in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death based on the "ability" and "opportunity" criteria? you need to be able to articulate to the LEO, Judge and Jury how and why this person met the first two criteria. How they could have caused the injury or death.... and why you knew this to be true prior to the incident( have documented proof of news stories, case reports, training records, forum discussions, etc proving you had this knowledge prior to the incident and that you are not generating this info after the fact). Massad Ayoob interview on use of force : http://www.thesurvivalpodcast.com/episode-1094-massad-ayoob-on-lethal-force-aftermath Massad Ayoob video "Shoot to live": http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD5275508ABDAA09A Massad Ayoob video from a class on Judicious use of force: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8F7B172EBA3C4B07
What happens, medical condition with a CCW
Jonsaiga replied to runco's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
I work in an ER as well and we have had several CCW's brought in with the patient and often still on the patient. Like with all other valuables, a patient care rep comes and documents all of the patients belongings and security takes possesion of the weapon and all valuable property is locked up in our safe until patient is discharged or family takes possesion after producing the personal property sheet reciept. -
We place metal roofing on the borders and move every 4-5 days or so to keep the weeds down on the edges. Once the plants are tall enough in the garden beds, we mulch heavy to both suppress weeds and help retain soil moisture. This cuts down drastically on the amount of weeding and watering needed. If you have a ton of weeds prior to mulching you can put downa layer of paper grocery sacks or if you have live stock, paper feed sacks. The paper will be broken down by the end of fall.
Organic garden tillers. [URL=http://s246.photobucket.com/user/mjollnir17/media/spring2013064_zps391946fb.jpg.html][/URL] First pic of this years garden(couple weeks old). Kale, broccoli, tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers, peppers(sweet,hot and bell) sugar snap peas,onions, asparagus, strawberries and I'm sure I've forgot a few others. [URL=http://s246.photobucket.com/user/mjollnir17/media/thisyearsgarden_zpsb7afc3c3.jpg.html][/URL]
When teaching new shooters to shoot longguns who have cross hand/eye dominance issues, I have them put tape over the lens of their safety glasses on their dominant eye side. This allows them to focus on gun handling and marksmanship skills without the distractions/confusion associated with the cross dominance issue. Once they are proficient in doing this with their dominant hand side, we remove the tape and work them from the non-dominant hand side. Once they have the bilateral handling and marksmanship skills down, they will have a much easier time transitioning from shoulder to shoulder and aiming correctly. When it comes to handguns it is a non-issue. You just have them turn their head slightly to get their dominant eye in their center line if needed(generally not though) and bring the gun into the dominant eye's line of sight.
I signed up for your CRG in July looking forward to training with you again!
If you do't want to order them then I suggest checking craigslist or check all your local feed stores and ask them if they know of anyone who could help you out and leave them your number just in case.
My EDC trauma kit consists of a cravat, maxipad, and duct tape on a cut down bic ink pen tube in a ziploc, locking caribiner with my keys and a small 1&1/2" paracord loop. Duct tape and ziploc can be used as a chest seal or other occlusive dressing. Maxipad is directly applied to wound and wrapped with cravat. Add the para cord loop to the cravat for a windless stop before tying the knot. Carabiner(minus the keys) is used as the windless. The cravat can be used as a dressing, bandage, pressure bandage, sling, tourniquet or wound packing, etc. A pack of sterile gloves could be easily added and takes up minimal space. I'd skip the shears and add a multipurpose rescue knife instead or a res q me tool.
Ruger SR9c.
What is a good size for a BOB? recommendations
Jonsaiga replied to vontar's topic in Survival and Preparedness
The ALICE pack is a good pack. I backpacked out one for years. My first suggestion is to get the upgrade shoulder pads for it, add side release buckles to the flap cinch straps(makes getting into the pack much easier), get a frame if it doesn't have one and a couple of bungie cords with hooks(to compress the pack to the frame). -
Food!!!! Ya need more food. Average adult male burns around 1800-2200 calories per day. When you start doing more physical exercise you burn more calories, add a pack you burn more and add the fact you will be doing this in the mountains with uphill/downhill grades and climbing over under trees and brush your calorie count will likely go to 3500 or more. Take a look at the nutritional info and see how much calories your food contains. I'm betting unless I misread your content list you likely don't have enough to meet one days needs. While many believe they carry extra calories on them in the way of fatty tissues.... the fact of the matter is your body needs protien in addition to the carbs(fat=sugar=carbs). If you are not taking enough in it will start to canabalize your muscle tissue to get the needed protiens. You will start to fatigue, recovery will be slow and you will find yourself stopping for rest more and more often for longer periods of time. Your situational awareness will also degrade under these conditions, as will your judgement and ability to shoot(shakes, vision degradation and reaction time) and you increase risk of injury due to general clumbsiness. Once you reach your B.O.L. you will be looking at a couple days until you are 100% again. OR.... you can carry more food. I like to take double the food personally, just in case I get bogged down by weather, injury, security, etc. For water purification I generally carry iodine tabs and always take either a SS waterbottle or canteen w/ cup and stove(boiling method). I like camelbak bladders too but have unknowingly run them dry well away from a water source before so I always save the canteen water as a back-up. If the family is in tow then I take a MSR mini works filter too. Fire kit consists of a Bic lighter, a Doan's Magnesium/flint fire starter as a back up and for tinder I carry vaseline soaked cottonballs which double as a first aid item for dry, cracked or chapped skin and scratches. I also always carry a few trioxane fuel tabs(good for emergency fire or heating H2O) in the bottom of my canteen pouch. Something else worth while is those tiny keychain Photon LED lights. I attached them to a zipper on all our packs. That way I'm not digging for my light in the dark, it is always in the same spot and saves the batteries on my task lights. If you have space left over in your pack resist the urge to fill it just for the sake of filling it. If you have a prestocked BOL then carry just what you need to make the trip. In the case of your BOL is compromised whe you arrive, it is a good idea to have a small emergency resupply cache relatively close by.
Current 9mm Defense Loads
Jonsaiga replied to MiddTennTaco's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
115gr +p Golddots have been my carry load of choice for the past 8+ years. It is accurate, has mild recoil and prefoms very well in regards to consistant expansion and penetration. Been raising our own livestock for some time and have had the chance to use handguns in various calibers and loads on various sized livestock and wild game. Lots of others have preformed well for me too but I just prefer the Golddots. -
New Primitive Survival Skills Meet-Up
Jonsaiga replied to Spots's topic in Survival and Preparedness
intersted in coming but I don't know my work schedule that far in advance yet. -
We raise Black Jersey Giants currently. We have raised Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rocks and Dominiques in the past as well as some non-specific mixed breeds. We really like the Blacks as a dual purpose bird and have been able to sell them for a little more than the others since they are not as common making them kind of a novelty.
I'd personally go with some extremely thorny hedge rows but if your heart is set on the 8' chain link fence w/ barbed wire, may want to get some bio hazard warning signs to throw up after SHTF too. People see the fence and will think you have something worth protecting and willl want to cut or dig their way in. Throw up a few disease control area signs and hide some rotten animal parts around the edge, giving a odor of death and folks will think twice about wanting to go in there.
Good topic and another +1 for salt blocks from the feed store. 50lbs blocks usually only cost $5-7 dollars. Wrap them in plastic wrap to limit wicking moisture from humidity in the air or collecting dust and such. A regular handsaw makes it quick and easy to cut them into thin blocks for more convenient packages for later use or barter. Salt is also great for saving animal hides if you are not wanting to tan them immediately.
First thing you need to keep in mind is Nat Geo's doomsday prepper show is like any other tv show; it is all about ratings. They are less interested in normal looking people who present rational thought in a clear well spoken way compared to the sensationalism of watching some obese jackass riding around in a golf cart with a plate carrier and M1A. On bugging out...... I'm an avid outdoorsman. I spent most my teenage years running around the swamps camping, hunting and fishing. I've had the good fortune to travel most of the country and have done numerous backpacking trips in some very remote areas for weeks at a time. I love practicing bushcraft, and primitive/wilderness living skills as often as time allows. With that, I have to echo what East_TN_Patriot said, I'm bugging in if at all possible.