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About Jonsaiga

  • Birthday 12/06/1978

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  • Location
    Just outside Chattanooga
  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Interests
    Camping, hunting, fishing, wilderness survival, preparedness, modern firearms, tinkering in general.
  • Occupation
    Trauma Center Emergency Room Technician


  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
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  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
  • Carry Weapon #2
    SR9c or J frame

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  1. Odd man out I guess, I'm wishing I would have just spent the money and got the G26 instead. I prefer the Glock trigger, the thickness and capacity of the G26 over my Sheild. Good little gun but I personally would be happier with the Glock. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. part 1 & 2 of the FBI's training film regarding this incident.     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlSCE88UhyA   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAUDnzDhQpc
  3. It is my understanding that the strobing function of high intensity lights was originally designed for Law Enforcement low light subduing tactics. Basically one officer blinds the subject with the high intensity strobe, thus concealing the other officers movements allowing them to circle and close on the subject. While constant on beams can be blinding and disorientating, the rapid strobing in theory prevents the eyes from adjusting and picking up peripheral movement. (According to John Hodaway of Nighthawk Custom and adjunct instructor for Massad Ayoob Group training.) This effect is negated if the subject has a light of their own or if there is enough ambient light to prevent adequate concealment during the off cycles of the strobe.
  4. Good luck performing a one hand draw under stress. Sent from my SM-T230NU using Tapatalk
  5. Not sure about the depreciation of the value I guess it depends on the quality of the work and what someone is willing to pay. The one pictured below I sold for $650 with one spare mag, Lone Wolf Distrubters extended barrel, extended slide stop an Vickers mag release. If you are going to do your own stipple job be sure to use a light hand, only enough heat to just melt and not burn the polymer and a whole lot of patience. If you are getting stipple work done ask to see some of the work. Check for excessive heat, warping, overall consistency and depth. Sent from my SM-T230NU using Tapatalk
  6. Going to be using my M92 pap for deer hunting this year and was looking for input on off the shelf ammo choices for its 10" barrel. Looking for reliable penetration and expansion out to 125 yards (95% of shots will likely be inside of 50 yards). Kinda leaning towards Fusion, Winchester PDX1 or Hornady SST. Thoughts, experience and/or suggestions appreciated. Sent from my SM-T230NU using Tapatalk
  7. "is it safe?"........ in my opinion that depends mostly on a quality holster and a personal commitment to train, but I believe that applies to all modes of carry. Sent from my SM-T230NU using Tapatalk
  8. Again make it known ahead of time and avoid the butt hurt.
  9. If they are really wanted felons....... illegally carrying guns........ and drinking...... do you really think they are going to give a crap whether or not your feelings are hurt that they didn't announce they were illegally carrying a gun while being on the run from the law???? Sounds like you need better friends!! lol If I have invited someone into my home then it is because I trust them and that includes their judgement as to who is acceptable as an additional guest. I do agree guns and alcohol don't mix but again I think it is up to the party host. They are responsible to make it known that anyone drinking should not be armed.
  10. I am a firm believer that a person's home is their castle and they have every right to choose who they let into it or not for whatever reason(s). Same way I believe every business has every right to do the same. The simple solution to this whole issue is to make it known before it happens instead of freaking out when does. If you don't want to do it verbally with every house guest put a gun-busters sign/sticker up on your door, or come up with some other method to make it loud and clear. I don't notify every single business I walked into that I armed and make sure it is kosher with them, nor do I do that when visiting friends and family's homes. I don't see this as a respect or disrespect issue because to me my carry guns are not a taboo thing. They are simply tools, just another part of my edc attire. Every time you go out in public, whether knowingly or unknowingly, you are around other people who are armed. I guess I just don't see the difference just because you have invited them into your home. If you do, well that is your prerogative but I still say you need to make it known ahead of time or not freak out when ya find out someone is carrying. 
  11. No different than the way I feel about people I don't know who appear to be unarmed honestly. It is not a matter of fear, paranoia or being "on guard" all the time as much as it is just paying attention to what is happening around you. Of the people whom I would invite to my house, I obviously trust them and therefore I trust their judgement well enough not to bring any shady characters around. That said, if someone were to give me an uneasy feeling, whether armed or not, I will politely ask my friend and their guest to leave. I will not compromise my family's or my own safety for the sake of sparing someone else's feelings.    For all the folks who are bent out of shape about having an armed house guest who has done nothing except for being armed I have to ask....., have you never been to a public shooting range where you are surrounded by armed people that you don't know??? People who are actually handling and shooting their guns near you??? This whole conversation is mind boggling to me. 
  12. You can get a 50 pound block of salt(white not the dark colored mineral blocks) from most feed stores or your local tractor supply store for $6-10. Very easy and convenient to store it and a clean rasp file to take what you need when you need it. While the labels say "not for human consumption" it is perfectly safe, it just has to be labeled as such for legal reasons. 
  13. Scored a 42. Some of the stuff seems a little silly though and I completely disagree with the "if you scored less than 20 points then it's too late for you, you're going to die" comment after the quiz. The Food Rising Mini Farm while certainly a neat concept you are going to need an awful lot of those and a place to set them up. I can see them being useful in an urban environment like window, balcony and/or roof top gardens but they require a lot of water and I just see people taking the water out of desperation or not having water to add back to it as it evaporates off or is used by the plants. I understand the idea of the padded bank account and storing some of your wealth in precious metals but given the scenario this guy lays out in end, it seems kinda moot to me. If you have the other stuff squared away you could barter for that stuff if you wanted precious metals. A can of beans is going to be worth more to a starving person than a pound of gold or silver. JMHO


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