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Shepherd Master

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Everything posted by Shepherd Master

  1. My advise for you----- FWIW........       My first handgun was a 380, thirty years ago, and my last 380. I agree with DaveTN, worthless and much more expensive to shoot.      Criteria for my current carry gun- full sized, 9mm, 20rnds, dependable, and not carried by the Herd, and reasonably priced. I chose the CZ P09.   You will not make a $400 mistake, maybe a $100 mistake, if you want to call it a mistake, but it won't be. What you choose now may not be what you want a year from now......it's called experience. Sell it and move on.  You came from a S---hole, sorry, but that's what it is. Leave that mentality behind, you will, in time. Find a buddy with a couple of acres that you can shoot on if you cannot shoot on your own property. I came from a large metro and ranges were my only option....I hate having some a-hole range master looking over my shoulder. Welcome to the land of Freedom.      You aren't choosing a lover, it's just a gun, get on with it.
  2. http://www.sears.com/mityvac-automotive-tune-up-and-brake-bleeding-kit/p-00947058000P?sid=IDx01192011x000001&gclid=Cj0KEQjw2KyxBRCi2rK11NCDw6UBEiQAO-tljVFJU_Vjv4zVomZQfze13kLebE9drNJT3d4g6FrO_gcaAgBk8P8HAQ   This is the kit I have, worth every penny.
  3. My old Jeep is getting restored, one bolt at a time, may take years, more than three so far.     People do exactly what they want to do, nothing more, nothing less.    If you want to, you'll find a way, otherwise, you won't.  Really that simple.    Make a decision.
  4.     I've had many guns transferred to me over the years. Generally because I was looking for AKs and AK receivers for builds and so forth.    Some dealers are familiar with transfers and do them regularly and others do not, that's my first question when shopping a local dealer, if he doesn't do them as a matter of course.......I walk.    Our Bud's store charges $20+10.....fair enough.
  5. No TV for us about 4 months now........don't miss it a bit.
  6. Interesting, thanks.
  7. My MIL lives in Ducktown, we get down there often.    Didn't know about Drug and Gun, have to check that out.
  8. What does it mean to you?
  9. Yeah, I know..........
  10. "Honor and Shame" is a biblical principle. Most Westerners will never see it nor understand it.    The God of the bible demands Honor. To honor another god brings Shame upon the Creator. To Honor the Creator brings shame upon the other gods. As one is increased, as the Honored as raised up, the Shamed is also increased, the shamed are dishonored equally (brought low).   Once aware of this you will see this principle over and over from cover to cover.        Westerners operate a guilt based system, not Shame based, guilt is used to manipulate people (manipulation of others is evil in my opinion), Shame is used to punish.          OP, you are wasting time and energy. Heathens are everywhere, brush them aside and move on. Just my opinion........they will get theirs.
  11. Isaiah 17    Read it. 
  12. I had two Yugo SKSs that were un-issued back in the day when you could get them for $199.......sold them both, unfired. Was never impressed with the SKS.      Look to Ruger Mini 30.
  13. Shipping and transfer fee takes it to your numbers. That's why I wanted to sell locally. I started at $400 and no one I presented it to would pay that. 
  14. Sold it local before I joined here.    I used the money to buy a SW22 Compact for my son.
  15. Similar to yours- http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.aspx?Item=514614523
  16. I just sold a SW357 in beautiful condition for $300.....nearly could not give it away. Revolvers don't seem to move well or fast. 
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qzhs1Z8Rwnk
  18. Knife Works has some 325s for $20, got two today.
  19. I had a rather large collection of AKs and others at one time.....sold most of it off.    I had no problem selling to CA, I'm not obliged to obey or conform to CA law.  The buyer is, not me.  Once I was paid in full and shipped...>>>>>NOT my problem. And CA can go pound.......see large middle finger raised.
  20. You'd have been better off in my opinion to have swapped the leaf packs......General Spring.    Don't really understand your fear or working under your truck......................
  21. I've been to DC three times. First time was 30 days before 9-11, went for a week, wonder time, toured the WH.    Second was just before the coronation of King POS.....good time but my motorcycle was stolen out of the back of my truck.    Third time was right after the coronation, took my wife for the 4th of July.....>OK but the POS would not let anyone near the WH and my wife never got to see it.     I will go one more time, to take my son AFTER the POS leaves.      DC is a wonder place, every amerikan needs to go once for the history. That said, in and out, I hate large cities/metros and this will be my one exception to never going back to a large city again. 
  22. This is what I thought.    The green light bar....or yellow......it to get attention.    Also, no confusion as to whether or not she was breaking into a vehicle or if she was opening it for an owner.......10pm in a dark parking lot.      Poor taste? possibly.      The art of communication is LOST. People do not talk to each other anymore.  I'm thoroughly unimpressed by 99.99999% of all people, no matter who they are, and have no problem talking to people.    OP should have just walked up and started talking to her....asked her what she does.
  23. Haha.....     Doesn't take a Navy Seal to have that type of confidence.   Never had a problem with the ladies.
  24. I have no idea what was going on here.......I wasn't there.    Why didn't you just ask her? talk to her?     As to the getup.......possibly she does contract security for a mall or convention center or large corp complex or...........     As to OC.....I did last night, went out to dinner in another town and stopped for gas etc.....sometimes I just don't care what others think.....well........most of the time, OK, all the time.


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