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Shepherd Master

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Everything posted by Shepherd Master

  1. Yes, and your point?     This also has nothing to do with Ishmael.......or does it?     The reason I posted about Esau......the reason God hated or hates Esau is because God knew precisely who Esau's descendants would become.    What was set up a thousand years ago is realized a thousand years later.......and, so?   This is the problem with Westernized thinking.......linear, when time is circular.        The Arabs got screwed again, this time by Ephraim- (England)   http://www.bu.edu/mzank/Jerusalem/p/period7-1-1.htm   In order to enlist the military and political support of the Arabs, Britain promises to support their struggle for independence in most of the lands hitherto ruled by the Ottoman Turks, presumably including Palestine (see the correspondence between Sharif Husayn and MacMahon).  At the same time, Britain agrees with France and Russia to carve up the Middle East into mutually agreed spheres of economic and political influence. The map drawn up in theSykes-Picot agreement contradicts the promises made in the MacMahon correspondence.  Some authors charge Britain with outright duplicity, others are more forgiving, believing that the British later did their best to stabilize the tense situation they themselves had helped to create during the First World War. With respect to Palestine in particular, the Foreign Secretary Lord Balfour conceded as early as 1919 that Be that as it may, it is clear that Britain's promises could not all be fulfilled and that the mandatory power proved unable to control the flames of nationalism it had nourished.the Powers had made no statement of fact that is not admittedly wrong, and no declaration of policy which, at least in the letter, they have not always intended to violate.(Armstrong, p. 374, quoting from Christopher Sykes,Crossroads to Israel, London 1965, pp. 16-17)
  2. Yeah, it was a trick question.    Coming from a family of alcoholics, being one myself, it was the drinking that killed several of the men, not the smoking. Fine line between abuse and non-abuse.     That said, there are several biblical principles by which I cannot, will not, join them. Aside from the obvious hypocrisy.
  3. OK, got it now.
  4. ??????????
  5. Everywhere I go...........   People say- "we need to do this....we need to do that......"   Who is this we?     Obummer is not the first enemy of the Republic but he is the first foreign enemy.   And Valerie Jerrett, Iranian born, who runs the regime.   And nobody saw this from the beginning?     And the rest of the regime's Marxists?       and not a word of who is really to blame.......   But realize this- Daniel 2:21 The Dream Revealed to Daniel …20Daniel said, "Let the name of God be blessed forever and ever, For wisdom and power belong to Him. 21"It is He who changes the times and the epochs; He removes kings and establishes kings; He gives wisdom to wise men And knowledge to men of understanding. 22"It is He who reveals the profound and hidden things; He knows what is in the darkness, And the light dwells with Him.…       Want to know who truly is to blame? You and me.    That said, our enemy is here, not there.   
  6. I posted this on page 5 which everyone ignored.    This is where we are!!!!!!!!!!   We have lost our nation, WE ARE SLAVES to the foreigner.      Lamentations 5Complete Jewish Bible (CJB) 5 Remember, Adonai, what has happened to us; look, and see our disgrace. 2 The land we possessed has been passed on to strangers, our homes to foreigners. 3 We have become fatherless orphans, our mothers now are widows. 4 We have to pay to drink our own water; we have to buy our own wood. 5 The yoke is on our necks; we are persecuted; we toil to exhaustion but are given no rest. 6 We made pacts with Egypt and Ashur to get enough food. 7 Our ancestors sinned and no longer exist; we bear the weight of their guilt. 8 We are ruled by slaves, and there is no one to save us from their power. 9 We get our food at the peril of our lives because of the sword in the desert.
  7. YOUR govt is the enemy. How is it you people don't see that??
  8. Ishmael is the father of the Arabs (muzzies).   Isaac is the father of the Israelites (so-called chrisitan, West)   Ishmael was sent away. Isaac (second born) was given the 'first born' blessing. Ishmael lost his inheritance. Ishmael is not of the Righteous line.    Ishmael and Isaac both had twelve sons, twelve tribes.      Essau is the father of the Edomites which later became the Romans, Rome.  Essau married the 'daughters of Heth' or the Hittites who are the daughters of Ishmael, Arabs.    Remember- Romans 9:13 Just as it is written: "Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated."   The Arabs and Romans are married. This explains why and how the RCC worked with the Germans during WWII to exterminate the 'jews'.  Most who consider themselves 'jews' are actually Turks and Slavs, not of Judah at all.  Judah is hidden, protected.  Explains why and how Roman Catholics and Muslims are of the same evil, sons of Satan.  John 8:44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. (From the beginning is a reference to Cain, yes, Eve had sex with Lucifer) 1 John 3:10 Children of God …9No one who is born of God practices sin, because His seed abides in him; and he cannot sin, because he is born of God. 10By this the children of God and the children of the devil are obvious: anyone who does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor the one who does not love his brother.   Eastern Orthodox and the Egyptian Copts (christian/catholic) are at odds with Roman Catholics, not the same. RCC sought to expand it's territory to Croatia.   Catholic means 'universal'. There is nothing universal about the Creator or his people.   As a side note: Germans are largely made up of the ancient Assyrians. Assyrian means, 'man of war', fitting.      The West, (so-called christian nations, Israelites who have lost their identity) are under Judgement for their (our) paganry. The Arab scourge is just one of many forms of Wrath to come.    Genesis 49:16 Jacob Blesses his Sons …15"When he saw that a resting place was good And that the land was pleasant, He bowed his shoulder to bear burdens, And became a slave at forced labor. 16"Dan shall judge his people, As one of the tribes of Israel. 17"Dan shall be a serpent in the way, A horned snake in the path, That bites the horse's heels, So that his rider falls backward.…   Dan is largely the Nordic peoples, Swedes, Danes, Celts.....etc..... Dan is not found in Revelation, Dan lost his place among the Tribes because of his paganry. However, Dan is among the other Tribes, has effected the other Tribes, married into. For example there are more Irish in the US than in Ireland.  It had been recently revealed to me that Dan does not judge the Tribes but rather the Tribes are Judged on account of Dan. Anyone who studies the bible and cultures and traditions of men will clearly see Dan's influence, christmas and easter and halloween....etc.......         This storm has been brewing for thousands of years.   
  9. Safe space-
  10. Lamentations 5Complete Jewish Bible (CJB) 5 Remember, Adonai, what has happened to us; look, and see our disgrace. 2 The land we possessed has been passed on to strangers, our homes to foreigners. 3 We have become fatherless orphans, our mothers now are widows. 4 We have to pay to drink our own water; we have to buy our own wood. 5 The yoke is on our necks; we are persecuted; we toil to exhaustion but are given no rest. 6 We made pacts with Egypt and Ashur to get enough food. 7 Our ancestors sinned and no longer exist; we bear the weight of their guilt. 8 We are ruled by slaves, and there is no one to save us from their power. 9 We get our food at the peril of our lives because of the sword in the desert. 10 Our skins are as black as a furnace because of the searing blasts of famine. 11 They have raped the women of Tziyon, virgins in the cities of Y’hudah. 12 Princes are hung up by their hands, leaders receive no respect. 13 Young men are compelled to grind at the mill, boys stagger under loads of wood. 14 The old men have deserted the city gate, the young men have given up their music. 15 Joy has vanished from our hearts, our dancing has turned into mourning. 16 The crown has fallen from our heads. Woe to us! for we have sinned. 17 This is why our hearts are sick; this is why our eyes grow dim — 18 it’s because of Mount Tziyon, so wasted that jackals have overrun it. 19 You, Adonai, reign forever; your throne endures through all generations. 20 Why do you never remember us? Why abandon us for so long a time? 21 Adonai, turn us back to you; and we will come back; renew our days, as they were in the past — 22 unless you have totally rejected us in a fury that knows no limits.  
  11. 140 dead.    100 in theater were killed.   http://controversialtimes.com/news/breaking-paris-under-attack-explosions-shootings-reported-casualties/
  12.       I'm making a point.    Not only is Fox not worth watching.........   The content not worth watching........   The interviewee not worth her breath......   The interviewer not worth his breath........   TV not worth my time.........     Unless  you swimming in the cesspool of humanity..........       As pleasant as I can put it.       And yes, there is a conspiracy at Fox News.
  13. It's not even a Trojan horse, this is not only predictable, it's scripted. 
  14. I added a dove tail to mine, it is a nice feature. However, if you can afford it, tilt deck is the only way to go.
  15. ........cry me a river...........
  16. The Llama interested me, was my first handgun.
  17. Full gear for me. Interesting take on it, but not the point. Jesuits, know where the lies come from. As to the OP- stupid squared.
  18. Rupert Murdoch: The 81 year old founder, chairman and CEO of Fox News holding company News Corporation was dubbed a Knight of the Order of Saint Gregory the Great byPope John Paul II.   Roger Aisles: According to Newsmax, the CEO of Fox News has not officially converted to Catholicism, but he attends mass every Sunday with his Catholic wife.   Bill O’Reilly: The man who is looking out for you is a self-professed Roman Catholic.  So is his regular substitute host, Laura Ingraham. So is regular Monica Crowley.   Sean Hannity: The Irish conservative commentator is of course, Roman Catholic.   The Fox Morning Team: Both Steve Doocy and Brian Kilmeade are Roman Catholics.   Megyn Kelley: Roman Catholic.   The Five: Four out of five ain’t bad.  Bob Beckel, Dana Perino, Eric Bolling, and Greg Guttfeld are all Roman Catholic.   Kimberly Guilfoyle: The host of “The Lineup” is a Roman Catholic.   Judge Jeannine Pirro is a Roman Catholic.   Brett Baier: the host of Special Report is a very active Roman Catholic.  He attended Catholic Marist High School in Atlanta and attends church at Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Georgetown.     Alysin Camerota: If you wake up early Saturday morning, the co-host of Fox and Friends weekend edition is Roman Catholic.    Juan Williams: According to NNDB (the only website to indicate any religious affiliation for Juan), he is Roman Catholic.   Father Jonathan Morris: The highest profile Fox News Religion Contributor is of course, Roman Catholic.  The collar kind of gives it away.
  19. I won't play, you'll be sure to win.
  20. I used golf club boxes from the dumpster of Golfsmith and the like for rifles.      As to the labels and store names, if the FFL was 'Acme Shooting Sports', I simply used the name Acme Sports.    No one knew any better.     Shipped more than 30 rifles over the years that way.
  21. Little sloppy.......but............why not?
  22. Pics of your box would help.     Your travel trailer is wired? complete? you are not wanting to wire the trailer, just the pole or supply?
  23.     Simple question-   Do you have 220 at the pole? Two legs of 110?
  24. Many years ago, and the FFL accepted it.      No one can prove anything.  :P 


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